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2009年,丹麦经济受金融危机影响严重,但其科技发展仍呈上升态势。年内丹麦发布了为期3年的“绿色研究”计划,重点推进气候变化、能源产业、环保技术等方面的科技政策制订、人才引进和资金投入。在大力加强与中国、欧盟、美国、印度等国合作的同时,本国的科技发展也取得了一定的成果。国内有关机构可抓住金融危机扣气候变化的机遇,在低碳技术方面进一步强化与丹麦的科技合作。  相似文献   
环境约束下的中国经济增长效率研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文将环境污染排放及治理同时纳入效率测算框架,在构造环境综合指数测算相对绿色GDP的基础上,采用超越对数型随机前沿模型,对1998~2008年间环境约束下的中国经济增长效率及其影响因素进行了分析。研究发现,FDI和对外贸易对效率改善有显著促进作用,引进外资和发展对外贸易没有使中国成为环境污染天堂;工业化进程促进了效率改善,但在环境约束下该促进作用受到制约;非国有经济成分的上升有利于效率改善;环境污染治理强度对环境约束下的效率改善具有促进作用,而不考虑环境约束时反而具有抑制作用。  相似文献   
对与沃尔玛“猪肉门”相关的177篇报纸文章进行个案反思,归纳出我国食品安全规制机能现存的三种失调表现:日常监管高度乏力、“发证”与“验证”路径依赖和消费者索赔权实现的被动性.为破解我国食品市场低安全质量均衡的困局,应有的放矢地对这些食品安全规制机能失调的现象进行矫正.尤其是促使食品经营者主动从“反应型食品安全监管”向“自主型食品安全监管”转变,进而促进食品市场“自适应机制”效力的更好发挥,理应成为矫正食品安全规制机能失调的一个制度路径方向  相似文献   
付哲 《时代经贸》2007,5(4X):97-98
随着全球范围内对环境问题的日益重视,绿色营销的概念正逐渐兴起。本文通过对服装企业实施绿色营销在短期和长期内的成本、收益分析,总结出了绿色营销对中国服装企业可持续发展的积极影响。实施绿色营销在短期内成本会有所增加,但从长期来看,通过采用高科技降低成本、打破绿色壁垒增加出口、建立企业的绿色形象、开拓市场等途径,收益必然会超出成本,使服装企业获得长远利润,从而实现可持续发展。  相似文献   
徐晓华 《投资研究》2012,(5):150-156
本文通过重点分析2011年前三季度我国所设CDM项目的地区、行业现状与分布特点,以及农业发展银行、工商银行、中国银行、建设银行、交通银行、浦发银行、兴业银行等多家银行类金融机构开拓绿色信贷业务的优势与成效,揭示我国商业银行在"十二五"期间发展绿色信贷金融服务的方向与机遇。  相似文献   
Food overconsumption is increasingly a concern even as consumers are growing skeptical of companies’ green marketing techniques. Accordingly, green demarketing strategies, which aim to lower consumer demand, have become more prevalent in recent years. Using an online experiment, the current research investigates how green demarketing strategies (vs. green marketing strategy) affect consumers’ level of skepticism toward restaurants’ green practices and influence their dining intentions toward restaurants. Moreover, this study examines how different benefits (health vs. environment) associated with green practices and restaurants’ green reputations (high vs. low) influence the effect of green demarketing (vs. marketing) strategies. The results reveal that although green demarketing may not independently outperform green marketing, when green demarketing was practiced by restaurants with low green reputations to promote environment-associated benefits, consumers exhibited a similar or even lower levels of skepticism and higher dining intentions. This study also provides implications for effective marketing communication in the context of green demarketing.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the potential of and constraints to a lowland rice Green Revolution in Mozambique, using data from an agro-climatically favorable area, the Chokwe irrigation scheme. Our data show that, although the potential is high, the insufficient supply of irrigation water, excessively expensive chemical fertilizer, and moderately costly labor hinder the scheme from achieving that potential. First of all, an improvement in irrigation is crucial as it increases yield not only directly but also indirectly through its complementary relationship to chemical fertilizer. We also find that an improvement in credit access is important as it can increase the application of chemical fertilizer and labor by making the acquisition of these expensive inputs through markets possible. The unavailability of hired and exchange labor during peak seasons is another constraint to the intensive use of labor. The introduction of rice varieties with a shorter maturity duration would relax the timing of transplanting and thus spread out the peak seasons’ labor demand.  相似文献   
随着农业贸易自由化的推进,国内农业支持政策对于提高农业竞争力和解决"三农"问题至关重要。自1995年以来,WTO成员为遵循《农业协议》的要求,通过调整国内农业政策,将国内农业支持逐渐由"黄箱"转向"绿箱"。通过对WTO成员中大量使用"绿箱"支出的三个发达成员——美国、欧盟、日本的国内农业支持政策改革及其"绿箱"政策实施情况的考察,可以看出,由于"绿箱"补贴增加了农民收入并使农民面临的风险减少,会刺激农民进行生产性投入,增加农业生产,加剧国际农产品市场竞争的不公平性,使发展中国家的农业生产者在国际竞争中处于不利地位。因此,WTO成员在实现农业支持向"绿箱"转变的同时,应对其补贴总量进行控制和削减,减少变相的价格支持。  相似文献   
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