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Philippe Mahenc 《Environmental and Resource Economics》2007,38(4):461-473
This article investigates conditions under which high prices, in conjunction with low levels of pollution, signal environmentally
clean products. It is shown that, when consumers cannot ascertain the environmental performance of products, the price must
be distorted upward to signal a clean product. A clean producer saves less from emitting pollution and so raises price and
restricts output with less reluctance than does a dirty producer. The theoretical result of over-pricing is consistent with
the evidence that “green” products receive higher prices than conventional products. However, optimistic prior beliefs of
high-environmental performance may cause signaling to fail.
《Journal of Transnational Management》2013,18(3):59-80
Abstract Environmental sensitivity has gained much attention in business organizations; however, there is little empirical evidence on the business benefits from environment oriented measures. Some of the many promised benefits from environmental sensitivity are categorized and rated. The framework proposed by the Management Institute for Environment and Business (MEB) is used to assess company environment stewardship. A pretested questionnaire was used to collect data from 66 business organizations in the United States and from 31 organizations in Pacific Rim nations. These organizations were known to have undertaken at least some “green business” activities. The results suggest that companies showing higher degrees of environment stewardship will derive greater business benefits than organizations which aim at minimum compliance with government regulations in this area. While, compared with American organizations, on the average the Pacific Rim companies show significantly less environmental stewardship and derive significantly less benefits from it, “their efforts in the area have also been rewarded.” 相似文献
This paper quantifies the co-movement and time-varying integration between China's green bonds and other asset classes across different time domains using the wavelet coherence and time-frequency connectedness model based on the time-varying parameter VAR (TVP-VAR). First, we predominantly detect a strong positive co-movement of green and conventional bonds, especially in the medium and long term. Second, strong bidirectional spillovers exist between green bonds and treasury, corporate, and financial bonds regardless of the time horizon. Lastly, cross-market spillovers between the green bonds and the stock, energy, low-carbon stock market were quite limited in the short-run but strengthened towards the long-term except during the 2015 China stock market crash and the COVID-19 recession when short-term integration rose sharply. The results document some practical enlightenment for investors and policymakers with various time horizons. 相似文献
基于绿色技术创新与低碳发展的协同机理,对中国省域层面两者的协同关系进行测度,并考察了区际绿色技术创新水平的接近关系,结果表明:中国绿色技术创新的整体水平较低;多数省区在推动低碳发展的过程中未能形成绿色技术创新的内生动力,从而导致两大系统的协同度较低;东部沿海、北部沿海和南部沿海是绿色技术创新的“引领区”,而长江中游、黄河中游、东北和西南地区与“引领区”分别存在不同程度的技术接近关系。因此,有必要发挥绿色技术创新“引领区”的核心作用,通过逐层构建区际创新合作网络来增强省域绿色技术创新的内生动力。 相似文献
罗晖 《全球科技经济瞭望》2010,25(6):34-45
世界范围内创新格局正在深刻调整,美国科技界保持着强烈的忧患意识和进取精神。本文对美国国家科技政策和企业创新战略的研究发现,美国正致力于优化创新环境,鼓励市场竞争以推动创新和技术进步,政府以公共投资大规模投资创新,以应对科技进步日新月异带来的机遇和挑战。 相似文献
This paper investigates the determinants of pro-environmental consumption, focusing on the role of reference groups and routine behavior. We study the factors that explain whether or not people have installed residential solar energy equipment or have subscribed to green-electricity programs, and the factors that influence the intensity of buying organic food. In addition to demographic characteristics and environmental attitudes, we consider the following categories of determinants: economic and cognitive factors (income, estimated price premium, level of information on environmentally-friendly goods); consumption patterns of reference persons; own consumption patterns in the past. Using a unique data set from a survey conducted in the region of Hanover, Germany, we find the following: (1) Economic and cognitive factors are significant covariates of all three kinds of pro-environmental consumption. Their influence is greatest in the case of green electricity. (2) Consumption patterns of reference persons are significant covariates of all three kinds of pro-environmental consumption. Their influence is greatest in the case of organic food. (3) The intensity of buying organic food is greater the longer people have been consumers of these goods. 相似文献
分析新一轮退耕还林工程四川省农户参与意愿的影响因素,可为优化实施政策提供参考。以参与意愿为因变量,以工程项目政策、农户自身条件和区位影响等3类因子指标为自变量,构建了造林营林和林下种养两类项目农户参与意愿的Logistic模型,并设计了主成分回归的求解方法。以四川省雅安市为抽样区,调查获得了246个农户的意愿问卷,分析结果表明:主成分Logistic模型拟合精度较高、回归系数符合参与意愿的影响逻辑判断;影响农户参与造林营林项目意愿的因子有户主年龄B1和产品产生周期长短A7综合的主成分因子H11、启动资金保障A4,反映了农户对该类项目回报周期过长、初期资金不足等问题的担忧;影响农户参与林下种养项目意愿的因子为家庭劳力规模B3、项目区的区位C2,反映出该类项目受家庭劳动力不足、因地区远而产品经济难实现的制约影响。本文针对上述问题给出了提高农户参与积极性的政策建议。将先验分析和回归分析有机结合的主成分Logistic建模克服了纯数理统计方法的局限性,研究区具有地域代表性,可为类似地区退耕还林工程实施提供借鉴。 相似文献
[目的]对GB/T19857-2005的前处理方法进行优化,使其更适合实验室使用。[方法]称取3.00g样品,用乙腈沉淀蛋白,乙酸铵缓冲液作为辅助提取试剂,C18散装填料吸附油脂,二氯甲烷作为极性改进剂,经定量提取上清液蒸干后,用乙腈-5mmol/L乙酸铵(含0.1%FA)(1:1)洗脱、定容,过0.20μm滤膜后上机测定。[结果]4种目标物在3min内全部出完峰,检出限0.5μg/kg,在0.5-10μg/kg范围内线性关系良好(r≥0.999),回收率89.3-113.3%,RSD 1.7-8.7%。[结论]该方法具有操作简单、检测速度快、结果准确、检测成本低等特点,完全符合实验室检测的需要,特别适用于拥有大批量样品的实验室。 相似文献
我国退耕还林政策分析及其调整思路 总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7
退耕还林工程实施6年来,在生态环境的改善和增加农民收入方面取得了显著的成绩。但是自1999年以来我国粮食产量连年走低,退耕还林政策实施的环境发生了变化。同时,退耕还林政策本身也突显出许多问题,退耕还林工程各利益主体的利益也没有得到保障。因此,对退耕还林工程的目标、退耕还林工程的运作模式、退耕还林工程实施的方式等方面要进行调整,还要充分完善退耕还林后续产业发展的相关政策。 相似文献
高质量发展成为当今时代的主题,归根到底是要实现企业绿色转型、提升企业绩效。鉴于企业发展受内外部因素的联动影响,尝试构建动态环境规制嵌入下战略柔性、绿色创新与企业绩效关系的理论模型,采集173份有效调查问卷,通过层次回归对影响企业转型和绩效的因素进行实证分析。结果表明,在当前情境下,战略柔性、绿色创新对企业绩效有显著提升效应,但是伴随战略柔性强度增大,其贡献度减小;两者交互效应能显著正向提升企业绩效,且绿色创新在不同水平的战略柔性与企业绩效关系中发挥不同中介作用,说明变革管理理念和强化绿色创新是遏制战略柔性过高导致企业绩效贡献度下降的重要措施,绿色创新对战略柔性的效应发挥起到纽带作用;动态环境规制在战略柔性、绿色创新对企业绩效的显著正向影响中存在负向调节效应,表明动态环境下政府规制政策更多地对企业决策和创新行为带来抑制效果。综合研究结果,提出企业应加强内生路径建设、注重环境规制政策引导、实现政企双赢与协同发展。 相似文献