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This paper examines the effects of uncertainty, tacit collusion and product differentiation on strategic investment policy. The model demonstrates the equilibrium under competitive investments and under cooperative investments. In competitive investments, two firms compete by investing to preempt each other, and ultimately one firm invests earlier than its rival. In cooperative investments, two firms invest simultaneously and collude on their outputs. Cooperative investments are likely to be sustainable only under conditions of high volatility of future demand, low probability of market extinction and high degree of product differentiation, while competitive investments are sustainable for any set of these parametric values.  相似文献   
Summary Neo-classical economic theory shows that managed trade or protectionism is (almost) always welfare decreasing. However, measurements of the welfare costs of protectionism based on neo-classical models seem to suggest that these costs are quite small. We discuss general new insights and developments in the theory, policy and empiricism of international trade. The observation that intra-industry trade and the services sector are important has led to a shift in theory away from constant returns to scale and perfect competition towards economies of scale and scope, externalities, market imperfections, and imperfect competition. Although this, in principle, opens the door to beneficial government intervention in the economic process, we emphasize that the true costs of protection can potentially be much higher than is generally acknowledged as a result of the above mentioned shift.We would like to thank, without implicating, Martin Fase, Harry Garretsen, Catrinus Jepma, Simon Kuipers, Ger Lanjouw, Tenn Schmidt, Albert de Vaal, and Jean-Marie Viaene for stimulating conversations and useful suggestions. We thank Thijs Knaap for excellent research assistance.  相似文献   
Network neutrality and the nature of competition between network operators   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The neutral architecture of the Internet is being challenged by various parties, such as network operators providing the connections to end-users, who are interested in gaining control of the information exchanged over the Internet. What are the effects on competition and welfare of such practices? Currently, there exists very little economic theory on network neutrality. This paper provides a preliminary analysis of the type of economic modeling that can address network neutrality, as well as of the type of results that can be expected.  相似文献   
In this paper, we document the lesser-known heterogeneous trends of college/non-college earnings premium across age groups from 1995 to 2013 in China. Specifically, the college premium in 2013 for the younger group (age 25–34) was about 30 percentage points, similar to the level in 1995, while the college premium in 2013 for the older group (age 45–54) increased to 50 percentage points, nearly double that of 1995. To attribute these divergent trends of the college premium to the changes in the relative size of college workers, we use the model by Card and Lemieux (2001), which incorporates imperfect substitution between similarly educated workers in different age cohorts. Due to the distinctions of these trends in China, our identification is free of the overestimation issue that the existing studies suffer. Our results are similar to those in the U.S., U.K., Canada, and Japan. Holding the age cohort and survey year constant, a one unit increase in log relative size of college workers is associated with about 10 percentage points decrease in college/non-college premium and about 18 percentage points decrease in college/high school premium. We further find that the negative effect is much more substantial among the new entrants (age 25–29) than experienced workers (age 30–54). By this pattern, we demonstrate that the new labor market entrants are more sensitive to their own cohort size and argue that the confounding ability composition effect should not be a serious issue.  相似文献   
We examine the real convergence hypothesis for 14 OECD countries looking at the fractional order of integration of the differences of real GDP per capita in these countries with respect to the United States. Using parametric procedures, the results vary depending on how we specify the I(0) disturbances. If they are white noise, convergence is achieved for Canada and Australia, and with autocorrelated disturbances, this hypothesis is satisfied for France and the Netherlands. However, allowing for a break at World War II, evidence of convergence is obtained for all countries. JEL no. C32, O41  相似文献   
内容文章从量化分析的角度出发,研究了全美50个州和哥伦比亚特区房价指数序列的记忆性特征,发现各州房价指数序列均具有一定程度的长记忆性.同时,我们对50个州房价指数记忆参数的估计值进行了聚类分析,由此发现各州房价指数的记忆性呈现出一定的地区聚集性特征,而且还与地区的人口密度存在一定关系,从而为宏观政策制定者在决定房价调控措施的时候提供了有益的新思维,可使楼市更加健康稳定地发展.此外,文章的研究结果对于解决我国房地产市场目前存在的巨大泡沫问题提供了一个全新的视角  相似文献   
刘传  陈彦晖 《科技和产业》2022,22(8):385-391
由于股指波动率具有非平稳、高嘈杂、非线性等特征,而传统的预测模型在建模时要求数据平稳、线性或近似线性,所以很难精准预测股指波动率。为提高股指波动率的预测效果,采用经验模态分解(EMD)、样本熵(SE)和长短期记忆网络(LSTM)构建的模型对股指日内已实现波动率进行预测。以中证500指数为例,经过EMD分解得到一系列分量,再根据分量的样本熵大小进行重构,最后利用LSTM对重构后的各序列进行预测。结果表明,EMD算法对LSTM模型的预测精度有很大的提升,相较于传统模型,EMD-SE-LSTM模型在预测股指波动率时精度更高,拟合优度更好。  相似文献   
Empirically, elements of both fractional long memory and threshold non-linearity are present in the real exchange rates of the G-7 countries against the US, notably in the EU countries. Estimated half lives of deviations from PPP using median unbiased corrections to conventional linear autoregressive models corroborate existing evidence related to the PPP paradox as half lives range from at least four years to an infinite number of years. In contrast, for each EU country, accounting for threshold non-linearity results in estimated half lives that can be less than three years even with the allowance for fractional long memory.  相似文献   
在考虑了行业内不完全市场竞争条件下,竞争对手的随机进入及新技术随机出现对项目投资机会的价值影响,假设标的资产服从跳--扩散过程,获得了技术创新成果转化项目的投资机会的价值的模型.研究结果表明,若忽视行业中不完全市场竞争、竞争对手随机进入及新技术随机出现的影响,将会造成投资项目价值的不合理的估计.  相似文献   
We consider a standard economic production quantity (EPQ) model. Due to manufacturing variability, a fraction P of the produced inventory will have imperfect quality, where P is a random variable with a known distribution. We consider a 100% inspection policy and further assume that the inspection rate is larger than that of production. Thus, all imperfect quality items will be detected by the end of the production cycle. For such an augmented EPQ model, we first derive the new optimal production quantity assuming that the imperfect quality items are salvaged once at the end of every production cycle. Then, we extend this base model to allow for disaggregating the shipments of imperfect quality items during a single production run. Finally, we consider aggregating (or consolidating) the shipments of imperfect items over multiple production runs. Under both scenarios we derive closed-form expressions for both the economic production quantity and the batching policy, and show that our desegregation/consolidation schemes can lead to significant cost savings over the base model.  相似文献   
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