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我国国际贸易结构变化对能源消费影响的敏感性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于投入产出分析法中影响力系数的研究思想,提出了"能源消费影响力系数"的概念,运用1992年、1997年和2002年投入产出表中的数据,计算了各进出口部门净出口每增加一单位,通过投入产出的连锁反应最终导致我国能源消费总量的增加数量,得出了对我国能源消费具有重要影响的关键性的进出口部门,以及这些部门单位进出口额的变化对我国能源消费的影响程度。其中,在对能源强度的计算中,借鉴了投入产出混合价值模型(Input-output Model in Hybrid Units)的计算方法。  相似文献   
本文研究了发达经济体(美、欧、澳、韩)和发展中经济体(俄、印)的外债发展历史和外债管理实践,并基于外债管理的国际经验提供可行性建议,旨在为加快推进我国的外债管理体制改革提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   
This paper studies how changing expectations concerning future trade and financial conditions are reflected in international external positions. In the absence of Ponzi schemes and arbitrage opportunities, the net foreign asset position of any country must, as a matter of theory, equal the expected present discounted value of future trade deficits, discounted at the cumulated world stochastic discount factor (SDF) that prices all freely traded financial assets. I study the forecasting implications of this theoretical link in 12 countries (Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, The United States and The United Kingdom) between 1970 and 2011. I find that variations in the external positions of most countries reflect changing expectations about trade conditions far into the future. I also find the changing forecasts for the future path of the world SDF are reflected in the dynamics of the U.S. external position.  相似文献   
Macroeconomic policy choices in open economies are constrained by the trilemma according to which the objectives of exchange rate stability, monetary independence and capital mobility cannot be attained jointly. This paper shows that foreign exchange interventions provide an effective instrument to relax the trilemma. An active reserve policy allows central banks to pursue independent monetary and exchange rate policies when the capital account is liberalised.We use the framework of the portfolio balance model to show that exchange market interventions may substitute for capital controls. Both allow a country to achieve the other two objectives of the trilemma. Our empirical analysis of a large country panel data set covering the period 1970–2010 confirms this theoretical insight: the weighted sum of the three trilemma objectives increases in the degree of foreign exchange market intervention. The capacity to relax the trilemma constraint has increased over time and has been most effective in emerging markets.  相似文献   
本文以全球出口国别格局的变化为背景,分析20年来中国与美、日、欧等发达国家的双边贸易关系走势,指出中国在已成为出口大国的新形势下,需要以大国的心态来处理国际贸易事务,逐步改变多年来形成的一些习惯思维,调整一些因特定环境出台的刺激政策,以解决长期积累的一些结构性问题,为从出口大国走向出口强国打好基础.  相似文献   
曹明星 《财贸经济》2022,43(1):44-58
数字经济国际税收改革是百年变局之际世界格局转换的焦点问题之一。数字经济加剧了全球化中的经济失衡,导致市场国征税权随之兴起,国际社会随之提出了税改的初步依据,但是仍需结合政府征税原理创新展开进一步探索。综观以经合组织双支柱为代表的市场国征税权改革方案,在数字经济居民国与市场国、政府征税与跨国公司避税、发达国家与发展中国家的复杂博弈中,“选择性”改革和复杂的规则设计展示了重大历史进步意义,但也凸显了欧美的妥协及其对既得利益的保护,同时更阻断了发展中国家对工业经济税基公平权的追溯,压制了落后地区和新兴行业启动经济的发展权。作为全球数字经济第二大国的中国,基于发展中社会主义市场经济的基本前提和税基安全、公平和发展的复杂目标,需要审慎参与反避税全球竞争与合作、全面协调数字经济与实体经济平衡、科学安排税收收入与经济成长的战略关系,才能在增强以中国为代表的发展中国家在税收和经济利益上的全面的、实质性公平权利的前提下,推动形成更加科学合理的国际税收秩序。  相似文献   
国际石油现货价格波动对我国通货膨胀率波动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有文献认为国际石油价格波动对我国通货膨胀影响显著,而且国际油价对我国通货膨胀存在显著的单向Granger因果关系。从定性分析来看,既存在支持国际石油价格波动会对我国通货膨胀产生影响的理由,也存在削弱这种影响的理由,因此定性分析的结论是模棱两可的;从基于Almon PDL模型的经验分析来看,并没有令人信服的经验结果支持国际石油价格波动会对我国通货膨胀产生显著影响的结论,因此可以得出国际石油价格波动对我国通货膨胀影响并不很显著,但存在微弱影响的结论。  相似文献   
廖理  王新程  王正位  张晋研 《金融研究》2021,494(8):138-151
网红经济是一种新型经济模式,打赏也成为消费者支配财富的一种新型方式。探索打赏背后的影响因素和经济规律不仅对网红娱乐平台的可持续发展至关重要,且可为相关监管规定的落实和完善提供有益参考,有助于引导“网红经济”持续健康发展。当前学术界尚缺乏探索网红主播打赏收入影响因素的研究,本文获取了5家网红经纪机构中41位游戏类网红主播每场直播的收入与直播时长数据,研究发现:首先,网红主播的直播收入和观众打赏强度均与直播时长显著正相关,这意味着网红主播对观众的更多娱乐陪伴使其获得了更多的打赏收入;其次,头部打赏者对网红主播的打赏使非头部打赏者的打赏强度更大,这表明观众对网红主播的打赏存在“羊群效应”。  相似文献   
Cultural diversity within accounting university classrooms creates a number of educational challenges that have been little investigated. This study draws on the theoretical framework of cultural intelligence (CQ), which is new to accounting research, to enhance understanding of the intercultural capabilities of accounting academics. CQ is comprised of four interrelated capabilities: metacognitive, cognitive, motivational and behavioural. The previously validated cultural intelligence scale (CQS) survey was used to identify CQ levels and results were compared to demographic variables and other factors in order to explain differences. The results indicate that accounting academics display levels of CQ at the lower end of comparable studies on other professionals. Results also show that academics who have lived abroad for longer than one year and who have taught transnationally in Southeast Asia are likely to possess significantly higher levels of total CQ. Female accounting academics are more likely to possess higher levels of behavioural CQ indicating a propensity to more easily adapt their behaviour in culturally diverse situations. This paper contributes to the growing literature on CQ by increasing our understanding of the antecedents that influence CQ levels in the area of international experience, through the examination of the potential impact of overseas teaching experiences and overseas residency. Furthermore, this study introduces and examines new measures capturing the breadth and depth of international experience; that of long-term overseas residency and cultural distance.  相似文献   
自“一带一路”倡议提出,吸引了越来越多的国家加入。鉴于推进“一带一路”的 建设存在巨大的资金缺口,满足这部分资金需求离不开金融的支持。我们以金融作为手段,对 流向“一带一路”合作国家项目融资进行分类管理,从信贷、证券、保险、债券等方面给予不 同的政策支持和控制。如对高污染、高能耗的项目融资活动视环境影响进行限制或禁止,对低 能耗高产出的项目融资进行政策支持,以绿色金融推动绿色“一带一路”建设。  相似文献   
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