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分工程度包含着部门因组织方式不同而导致的生产率差异,它可以为二元经济结构对立提供一个分析起点。本文构建了一个逐次放松条件的新兴古典经济学模型,从分工角度解释二元经济结构的形成。模型显示:二元经济结构反差源于部门个人专业化水平、迂回生产程度和产品种类数的不同,二元经济结构是两部门分工水平差异的产物,此判断得到了实证分析的支持。从分工角度出发,可以对中国二元经济结构问题形成更深刻的理解。  相似文献   
本文运用基于非参数DEA的Malmquist生产力指数,对中国道路运输业在2000年至2004年期间的营运效率进行了分析和评价。研究结果显示,除了在2003年因受“非典”疫情的影响导致其营运效率明显下降之外,中国道路运输业在其他年份营运效率均表现为不同程度的提高,这表明中国道路运输业的生产力总体上呈现出改善的态势;然而,此期间中国道路运输业年均营运效率在降低,且几乎完全是由技术进步水平的降低所导致的,分析结论表明道路运输业的技术进步和营运效率的增长机制存在一定程度的不稳定性。  相似文献   
对1 934名企业员工的调查研究显示,随着工作时间的推移,员工工作效率曲线呈“倒U”型。通过测算可知,员工人均生产率损失为3 87224元,是实际缺勤造成的工资性收入损失的36倍。而“过劳”以及劳动时间对生产率损失的影响较大,且作用效果显著。当员工身心俱疲的频率达到一月数次及以上时,以及每日劳动时间不足7小时或超过11小时,员工生产率都会受到显著影响。  相似文献   
从马克思主义政治经济学系统方法论看,劳动价值论的基本规定是哲学思维分析和数学与模型分析,因此,劳动价值的数学与模型分析必须坚持以唯物史观为基础的数理表现,它的实际运用范围则集中地体现于实现经济本质分析与经济运行分析的统一.具体而言,劳动价值论对于价值创造、价值决定的说明,实则是科学解析了商品生产的内在逻辑,而其对于价值运行的一般分析,则可能为逻辑一致的经济理论体系奠定坚实的基础.在当前,劳动价值论的数理发展应当更加广义化和应用化,以增进理论贴近现实的内涵.  相似文献   
本文分析了我国劳动分配比例的变动趋势与影响因素,并运用1996-2006年省级面板数据估计了一个计量模型,估计结果表明,我国劳动分配比例下降的根本原因是二元经济条件下的巨大就业压力、不断提高的劳均资本和人力资本、工会在保护劳动者权益方面的缺位.该结果对不同的模型设置和样本选择具有很强的稳健性.进一步的研究还发现就业压力和劳均资本对劳动分配比例的负面影响在低发展水平组更大.  相似文献   
在全球贸易摩擦中,社会倾销论的流行,对发展中国家在全球贸易利益中的分配必将产生不利的影响。而劳工标准的决定机制,是贸易摩擦中争论的核心问题之一。本文对中国的有关数据进行实证分析,认为发展中国家劳工标准的高低,是同其生产力发展水平相一致的。因此,发达国家不能要求发展中国家在现有的生产力水平的基础上提高劳工标准。  相似文献   
本文利用DEA-Malmquist指数分析方法对FDI企业与我国私营企业2003~2012年全要素生产率进行了测算,结果显示:FDI企业的全要素生产率及增长率都高于我国私营企业。说明FDI企业的科技创新能力要强于我国私营企业。其主要原因是FDI企业通过多种方式和渠道对我国私营企业的科技创新能力产生了重要影响。本文通过实证分析表明, FDI企业主要通过科技创新能力、市场集中度及分工地位对我国私营企业的科技创新能力产生作用。  相似文献   
The farm size and productivity debate has been limited by the focus on land or labor productivity, generally showing respective productivity advantages to smaller or larger sized farms. Our purpose is to provide new perspectives on the debate by bringing together evidence from a set of novel case studies in both rich and poor countries. Common to them are the adoption of total factor productivity (TFP) as the comparative performance measure, and the reliance on panels of farm micro data. The present article presents a synthesis of findings from five case studies in (i) Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda; (ii) Bangladesh; (iii) Brazil; (iv) Australia; and (v) the United States. The preponderance of evidence from these studies suggests that there is no single economically optimal agrarian structure; rather, it appears to evolve with the stage of economic development. Certain farm sizes face relative productivity advantages, such as small farms in Africa. But with economic and market growth, that smallholder advantage will likely attenuate, moving toward constant and eventually increasing returns to size. Yet, importantly, small farms may be quite dynamic, and need not be a drag on agricultural growth until perhaps well into the development process.  相似文献   
The long-standing debate on the relationship between farm size and productivity has been generally limited by the range of farm sizes evaluated and the definition of productivity. In this paper we use data from three Brazilian agricultural censuses to address these issues. In particular, we introduce a wider distribution of farm sizes than presently available from the literature and we employ total factor productivity (TFP) as our performance measure. In doing so, we test which farm size class had the highest TFP levels in 1985 and 2006, how factor productivity growth varied within and across farm size classes between those years, and which policy or factor had the greatest productivity enhancing effect. When examining TFP growth, we move beyond the common decomposition into technical and efficiency changes by identifying the complete distribution of farm productivity performances. We find that by 2006 a U-shaped distribution of productivity over farm sizes had emerged. Considerable 1985–2006 TFP growth differences are prevalent; positive rates for the majority accompany stagnant or negative rates for some. Public education investments were associated with faster productivity growth regardless of farm size, while technical assistance’s positive effect and credit’s negative effect were associated with larger farm sizes. The role of specialization varied by size.  相似文献   
This article tests the hypotheses of convergence to a single level of total factor productivity (TFP), and a steady state of TFP growth rate in China’s agricultural sector. Based on multilateral TFP estimates we found that China’s agricultural sector has rebounded in recent years from a slower TFP growth in the 2005–2007 period. While convergence test results confirm a “catch-up” effect that provinces with lower TFP levels tend to grow faster than others, estimated rates of β convergence are conditional on how we capture the heterogeneity effect across regions. The rates of β convergence range from 0.016 to 0.039 under different model specifications. Estimates show that higher growth rates of educational attainment, R&D, and intermediate goods density (per unit of labor) can enhance TFP growth. Unfortunately, there is no evidence of an overall σ convergence, indicating that TFP levels are not converging except in the South region. It implies that to catch up with leading provinces, it would require extra efforts for those lagging behind by increasing their region-specific research investment, promoting rural educational attainment, and enhancing embodied technical change.  相似文献   
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