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This study examines how accrual manipulations affect firm valuation in the years surrounding the passage of the Sarbanes‐Oxley Act (SOX). We compare the absolute percentage pricing errors of RIM and DCF valuation models for a group of US firms suspected to have engaged in accrual manipulations to avoid a small loss or a small earnings decline vs. ‘Normal’ firms matched on industry, year and size. We find that RIM can better estimate intrinsic value than DCF for the matched Normal firms in the pre‐SOX period, but not so for accrual manipulators, and that SOX mitigates the harmful effect of accrual manipulations, completely eliminating the difference in RIM's accuracy advantage over DCF between Normal firms and accrual manipulators. As a further analysis, we redefine Suspect firms as real‐activity manipulators and find a significant across‐group difference in accuracy wedge in both sample periods, implying that SOX has prompted firms to favor real‐activity manipulations over accrual manipulations.  相似文献   
Marco Botta 《Applied economics》2020,52(40):4333-4350

We examine the effects of the global financial crisis of 2008 and the European debt crisis of 2011 on the relationship between capital structure, investments, and performance for Eastern European companies. While the existing literature documents how firms’ investments are sensitive to the availability of internal funds and to debt holdings, we further investigate whether this investment sensitivity also translates in different levels of performance, and document that capital structure indeed has both a direct and an indirect effect, mediated by the capital expenditure channel. We show that firms with higher financial flexibility experience higher investments and returns on capital. Over-levered firms instead suffer from a debt overhang condition, forcing them to curb investments, and consequently experiencing lower performance. Overall, we provide evidence on the importance of capital structure and financial flexibility on investments and performance, showing the real consequences of the debt overhang condition on firm value creation. Firms should therefore aim at maintaining adequate financial flexibility in order to be able to pursue future profitable investment opportunities, and avoid the under-investment problem arising from a debt overhang situation.  相似文献   
在传统产业中小企业集群中,普遍存在的企业模仿为什么没有抑制企业创新?结合相关文献分析和对现实中集群发展历程及企业行为的现察,可以发现其中的内生性模仿机制和竞争性、合作性创新机制,从企业行为机制视角观察集群创新是如何启动的;在企业不同阶段和不同集群类型中,企业模仿和创新的路径也不同.由此得出了培育产业集群和升级产业集群方面的政策含义,指出政府对于传统产业集群创新升级方面大有作为.  相似文献   
相对交易效率、垂直分离与企业规模变化之谜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过发展一个包含中间产品迂回生产的模型解释了生产非一体化程度的决定因素,并且对19世纪后期以来企业规模变化及近30年来垂直分离发展原因给出了解释.论文指出当今世界经济增长已经不是主要依赖企业内部的规模经济,而是更多依赖于组织间资源和知识.因此创造一个便利于组织间资源流动的市场体系,尤其是高级要素交易的体系对于经济增长变得日益关键.  相似文献   
We relate credit risk and owners’ personal guarantees to bank loan maturities during the global financial crisis. The findings, which remain robust to reverse causality, show that firms rated as low risk, with a strong relationship with the bank, whose owners provided personal guarantees and with large loan sizes obtained longer maturities. Banks with larger nonperforming loans provided loans with shorter maturities. Firms with low‐ and high‐risk ratings that provided owners’ personal guarantees obtained longer maturities. These findings shed additional light on the relationship between risk and loan maturities and the role of personal guarantees in reducing information asymmetries.  相似文献   
信任对家族企业的工作绩效有非常重要的意义。文章从信任的多维度出发,研究了家族企业信任对工作绩效的影响。在文献研究的基础上,作者以家族企业的高管人员和企业主为调查研究对象,进行了实证分析。研究结论表明,家族企业信任对工作绩效具有一定的影响,其中:一、家族企业情感性信任对工作绩效有显著的正向影响;二、家族企业认知性信任对工作绩效有显著的正向影响;三、在家族企业中,情感性信任对工作绩效的正向影响比认知性信任对工作绩效的正向影响更大;四、在家族企业中,对于工作绩效的影响,情感性信任和认知性信任是相互替代的关系。研究结论将为我国家族企业的可持续发展提供参考决策。  相似文献   
企业边界体现了企业的独立性,区隔了企业组织与外部环境。管理实践者和研究者都十分关注企业边界的设定,威廉姆森因为在该问题上的突出贡献而获得2009年诺贝尔经济学奖,但是企业边界的设定理论目前还是一个丛林状态。本文以国外学者已有分类为基础,综述了企业边界研究的效率学派、势力学派、能力学派和身份学派的基础假设、边界的影响因素、影响的理论机制以及各自适用情景等理论核心要素,并对各学派的解释能力和关联性进行分析与比较,最后展望了企业边界未来研究的驱动因素和方向。  相似文献   
以中国上市家族企业为研究样本,结合企业所处的制度环境(法制环境、金融市场化水平、政府干预程度)进行实证检验,结果显示:上市家族企业所处地区的法制环境较好,或金融市场化水平较高,标准无保留审计意见具有一定的信号显示效应,部分抵减了其披露制约效应;在政府干预的环境下,不同类型的审计意见对企业获得银行贷款没有影响,在这种条件下,审计意见不是商业银行授信时要考虑的一个重要因素;审计意见对企业获得银行贷款的影响表现在短期贷款上,对长期贷款没有影响,即商业银行在长期贷款授信时不关注借款企业的审计意见类型。  相似文献   
刘海洋  孔祥贞 《商业研究》2011,(10):128-132
采用2005-2008年东三省持续存在的8 932家企业面板数据,本文检验了生产率和货款回收因素在出口中的作用,发现出口企业的全要素生产率、货款回收率都高于非出口企业,这说明该地区并不存在出口"生产率悖论;"高生产率和规避国内账款回收困难是企业出口的决定因素,通过对应收账款的内生性分析发现这一结果是稳健的;企业所有制性质、企业规模也会促进出口,而利润和企业成立年限对出口的影响并不显著。因此,提升企业效率、改善企业运行机制、健全社会信用制度是我国亟待解决的现实问题。  相似文献   
对企业边界的主流研究存在着运用交易费用理论和企业能力理论的两大范式,但均有其局限性,即停留在短期的静态分析和局限于企业层面。本文在这两大范式的基础上,把短期、静态分析推进到长期、动态分析,并着力从产业层面揭示企业边界的动态演进机制,试图实现企业边界二元范式的新综合。二元范式的综合解释说明,交易费用与企业能力,企业边界与产业边界之间是一种共同演化关系。  相似文献   
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