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This paper contains an exploratory analysis of the business model innovations (BMIs) that firms in cultural and creative industries (CCIs) undertake along their life-cycle. Despite the role that creative and cultural and creative firms (CCFs) have in the economic development of industrialised countries, they tend to remain small and often fail due to industry-specific constraints and tensions, such as the lack of managerial capabilities and complexity in nurturing value chain relationships. However, there has been relatively limited scholarly interest into the specific conditions and processes that enabled CCFs to overcome these liabilities, and in particular into the identification of the business models they have adopted along their life-cycle. In this paper, this issue is analysed by using the concept of BMI, which sheds light on how the reconfiguration of the activity system through which a CCF creates, delivers and captures value enables the exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities over time. This paper builds on an in-depth historical study of three leading firms operating in the mobile gaming industry, namely Rovio, Zynga and King Digital Entertainment. Three main results emerge from this study. First, in the ramp-up phase of their life-cycle, CCFs organize their resource architecture to build a strong and recognized reputation. Second, in the development phase, BMI is used to leverage new distribution paradigms. Finally, in the maturity phase, firms dedicate resources to innovate their product portfolios by providing platforms that support the development and testing of new creative ideas and solutions. Findings and implications are then discussed.  相似文献   
向俊波  陈雯 《城市问题》2003,(1):20-24,12
近年来,我国大都市区中的二级城市在制造业的支撑下获得了快速发展,形成了制造业和首位城市水平分工,现代服务业高度依赖首位城市的产业分工格局.本文从维持二级城市经济持续成长的角度出发,以上海都市区的三座特大二级城市苏州、无锡和杭州为例,研究了二级城市现代服务业发展的现状,分析了二级城市现代服务业发展的限制性因素,从市场、优先发展的部门、产业组织、制度环境的营造等方面探讨了加速二级城市现代服务业发展的可能途径.  相似文献   
陕西发展战略性新兴产业的路径选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加快培育战略性新兴产业是陕西发展现代产业体系、推进工业经济转型升级的重要途径。陕西发展战略性新兴产业面临多重有利和不利条件。文章利用陕西2001-2011年时间序列数据构建了一个多元回归模型,分析发现,新兴产业发展与固定资本、人力资本、经济发展水平、科研投入和政策环境之间存在显著的正相关关系。据此提出陕西在发展战略性新兴产业过程中,要增强自主创新能力、提升投融资水平、加大市场培育力度、创造有利政策环境等具体建议。  相似文献   
The effects of offshoring of production have received a great deal of interest due to their implications on labour markets. However, the main theoretical predictions related to this issue are not always fulfilled in the empirical analysis; according to the Stolper–Samuelson theorem, there seems to be unanimous support for its effects in advanced countries whose production is relocated but not at all for recipient economies of the same. Additionally, there is a lack of empirical evidence in countries specialized in unskilled-labour tasks which are, at the same time, economies with higher relative wages in a global framework such as the Spanish economy. In this sense, the aim of this article is to analyse the effects of material offshoring in the relative composition of employment in the Spanish manufacturing industry during the period 1990–2007. Furthermore, we investigate the effects of immigrant labour and the temporary employment rate due to its increasing relevance in the Spanish economy during the period analysed. Using a generalized methods of moments (GMM) approach, our results suggest that, as opposed to most developed countries, offshoring in Spain has favoured the demand for blue-collar workers. In addition, we confirm that the increase in immigration and the increasing use of temporary contracts have enlarged the share of low-skilled workers.  相似文献   
利用中国碳核算数据库提供的2012、2015、2017年31省区市42部门区域间投入产出表(MRIO),分“京津及北部沿海”“东南沿海”“中部”“西部”“东北”5大地区,以“计算机通信和其他电子设备制造业”(数字产品制造业)和“信息传输、软件和信息服务业”(数字技术应用业)为代表,基于对地区产业总产出增加值的完全分解,刻画我国数字经济核心产业的双循环发展格局,结果显示:我国数字经济核心产业初步形成了以国内循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的发展格局;数字产品制造业国内分工程度较高,参与国际循环程度也较深,国内价值链主要由东南沿海地区主导驱动,通过“大进大出”融入全球价值链,产业链相对独立性尚待提高;数字技术应用业以国内循环为主,地区间循环更为紧密,主要依靠本地增加值流出和出口参与国内和全球价值链。畅通的国际产业链循环促进了数字产品制造业国内循环升级,国内分工水平提升也促进了其深度参与全球价值链,但数字产品制造业总体上仍处于相对下游位置,需要加速构建安全稳定的高水平产业链供应链。  相似文献   
文章运用投入产出法,根据2002年和2007年中国42部门投入产出表以及OECD美国2007年的投入产出表计算了中国及美国高技术产业和传统工业的完全消耗系数,结合两国高技术产业的发展情况,对两国产业升级情况进行定量对比分析。分析表明中国技术密集型产业对高技术产业的消耗尤为突出,而劳动密集型产业对高技术密集型产业消耗较低。并依据数据为我国产业发展提出建议。  相似文献   
张纪 《特区经济》2009,(5):278-280
在金融危机对我国制造业的冲击下,高新技术产业作为我国国民经济的战略性先导产业,对产业结构调整和经济增长方式转变发挥着重要作用。本文通过分析高新技术产业各行业人才需求特征,进而探讨高新技术产业结构调整和人才供给的建议。  相似文献   
中国经济发展新路——文化创意产业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪是创意经济的世纪,伴随着全球化进程的是世界范围的创意产业蓬勃兴起,未来的中国应当从文化之邦走向创意之国,从制造大国走向创意大国,从"中国制造"迈向"中国创造"。发展创意产业,建设创意社会,是贯彻执行全面、统筹、协调、和谐的科学发展观的生动体现,也是我们创造性地贯彻马克思主义的生动体现,是建设和谐社会和实现全面小康的必由之路。  相似文献   
江苏省凭借地理优势成为吸引外商直接投资最多的地区之一,外商直接投资逐渐成为该省经济最具活力和潜力的增长点。外资的大量涌入,对该省产业发展与产业结构调整具有关键影响。文章结合2005-2014年江苏省FDI的历史数据,从理论上分析FDI对产业结构的影响,得出江苏省外商直接投资的来源结构和产业结构不平衡的结论。提出政府应着力优化投资环境、加强FDI的产业导向、提高农业利用FDI的数量和质量、鼓励外资进入第三产业等对策建议。  相似文献   
以2014—2017年中国A股市场1036家战略性新兴产业上市企业为研究对象,基于两阶段链式DEA分阶段研究其融资效率.在此基础上,利用固定效应面板数据模型,重点分析科技金融发展水平对于战略性新兴产业融资效率的影响.研究结果表明:科技金融发展对于战略性新兴产业融资效率、筹资效率和配置效率具有正向促进作用;科技金融发展对于小规模战略性新兴产业上市企业融资效率的提升作用更为明显;科技金融发展对于战略性新兴产业民营企业融资效率的提升更加有效.  相似文献   
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