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陈凯  王新欣 《水利经济》2020,38(5):12-16
水资源利用秩序反映了水资源供给侧效率和需求侧公平的程度。采用秩序模型对我国30个省级行政区2008—2017年的水资源利用状态进行测度,通过测量高低收入人群收入差距的变动状况度量公平程度,使用数据包络分析法将全要素生产率的增长进行分解,从而度量其效率发挥状况,将二者综合,计算水资源总秩序水平。研究结果表明:我国大多数省级行政区水资源利用纵向秩序较好、横向秩序较差,因此应采取措施,以保障水资源利用秩序保持在较高且比较稳定的水平上。  相似文献   
陶密 《中国土地科学》2020,34(11):19-24
研究目的:确定土地经营权的权利性质及内涵,并以物债区分为视角对其流转关系进行研究。研究方法:规范分析法。研究结果:《民法典》在用益物权部分引入的土地经营权却呈现诸多债权化的法律特征,其根源在于立法者将其租赁关系一并纳入了物权法的规范视角,导致流转语境下的“土地经营权”并非严格意义上的一种权利类型,而是包含租赁权在内的集合性概念。研究结论:在承认流转语境下土地经营权包含租赁权的前提下,仍应坚持将狭义的土地经营权定性为用益物权,赋予农民专业合作社等入股企业用益物权人的法律地位。同时在法无明文规定时,坚持区分土地经营权的物权式流转和债权式流转,按照“物权优先于债权”的基本法理处理土地经营权之多重流转关系。  相似文献   
认养农业属于现代农业,而河南省以传统农业为主,认养农业尚处于初步发展阶段,探索阶段不免会产生一些问题。本文针对认养农业发展过程中存在的特色发展不深入、相关配套系统不完备、农业主体专业性有待提高等问题进行了分析,提出了从提升认养农业发展空间、完善相关系统、培养新型农民等方面促进认养农业发展,促进传统农业向现代农业发展模式转变,从而更好地振兴乡村。  相似文献   
木质家具是我国最重要的出口林产品之一。人民币汇率改革后,人民币总体呈升值趋势,这一趋势提高了国产木质家具的出口价格,会产生阻碍出口的作用;与此同时其也会使进口原材料价格相对降低、促进原材料的进口,二者相互作用会共同影响木质家具出口额。通过建立回归模型,研究人民币汇率波动对中国木质家具出口贸易额的影响,结果表明人民币汇率与中国木质家具出口额呈负相关,但是通过人民币贬值来促进出口的策略并不明智。  相似文献   
目的:探索刺芪参胶囊的制备工艺。方法:采用正交实验,以总皂苷质量为指标,优化提取工艺;采用单因素实验优化制剂工艺。结果:在最佳提取工艺条件下,刺芪参胶囊提取物中的总皂苷含量为12.19 mg·g-1;以糊精作为填充剂、硬脂酸镁为助流剂、95%乙醇为黏合剂制备胶囊剂。结论:刺芪参胶囊的制备工艺稳定可行。  相似文献   
The introduction of automated vehicles (AVs) is a virtual certainty. Much less certain is the timing of their introduction and how rapid the transition to full automation will be. Various governments are already working to facilitate this shift by, for example, amending and elaborating regulations to support the introduction of AVs, or supporting tests in different urban environments. Meanwhile, urban and regional planners and decision-makers are still grappling with the uncertainties and differing opinions about the possible impacts of AVs on land-use changes and location choices, particularly in relation to the space available for vehicles, both moving (i.e. roadspace) and stationary (i.e. parking space). This paper uses a backcasting approach to identify critical policy decisions and measures to be taken before the implementation of AVs, so as to achieve a more desirable, attractive and high-quality city. These policy measures primarily relate to the reuse and reallocation of parking and roadspace. Two strategic decisions are found to be essential to meet the major goals of sustainable and liveable cities: a clear commitment to a shared mobility and the delimitation of Core Attractive Mixed-use Spaces (CAMS). In order to deliver these desired urbanisation patterns, a set of three policy paths, involving eight policy packages, is proposed for the next 20–30 years. This article provides urban and regional decision-makers with examples of interventions that can be implemented beyond and during the implementation of AVs.  相似文献   
Many experts agree that more agricultural investment is needed in the global South to improve local food security and reduce poverty. However, there is a lack of consensus about the types of investment needed to achieve these goals. This paper contributes to the literature on large agricultural investments and corresponding business models by inventorying and analysing such investments in Kenya’s Nanyuki area. We identify four clusters of business models that differ primarily by type of production and other distinct determinants, namely: demand from markets; access to land; land tenure regime and colonial history; actors involved; biophysical context; labour availability; and governance of the value chain via private standards. The study results shed light on the factors that help or hinder implementation of large agricultural investments and shape their impacts in the context of African land use systems. The way land is accessed represents one of the most-decisive factors determining the risks and opportunities associated with such projects. We find that most investments in the Nanyuki area occur on land bought or leased from private owners.  相似文献   
With the rapid urbanization in China, land resources are becoming increasingly scarce. Identifying and resolving land use conflict is essential for reasonably using land resources and achieving land sustainability. Taking the middle reaches of the Heihe River as an example, we included the constraints of local water resources to construct a multi-criteria evaluation system for assessing land use competitiveness in 2000 and 2015 based on land use, socio-economic, and nighttime light data. By comparing the competitiveness of cultivated land, construction land and ecological land, we then derived the spatiotemporal patterns of potential land use conflicts. Actual land use changes supported the hypothesis that land use tended to convert into the type with higher competitiveness at areas with intense conflict, which better indicated that our assessment model was effective. The results showed that the potential land use conflict was more acute in the central and northwest but weak in the southeast and northeast, and its pattern showed a significantly positive spatial autocorrelation. The conflict between cultivated land and construction land was most prominent and mainly occurred in the transitional zone from urban to rural areas. Rapid urban development and water shortage were the main causes of the potential land use conflict. Assessing land use multi-functions and making a tradeoff among ecological, economic, and social services will be an effective way to guide future land use to solve land use conflict. Our research provides scientific evidence for sustainable land use planning and management in the arid areas.  相似文献   
山东省作为我国农业大省,是全国重要的粮食生产基地,粮食产量的稳定性直接影响到我国的农业形势。而农户是耕地利用的主体,其投入量及投入结构的变化对耕地产出起着至关重要的作用。围绕山东省农业劳动力特征、耕地利用现状、农户耕地投入结构及产出水平、农户耕地投入意愿4个方面,对55个县域,79个行政村,208户农户进行问卷调查。结果表明,山东省农业劳动力明显不足且质量低下,种植结构较单一、且耕地细碎化程度高,总体看耕地投入产出效率较低,农户的投入意愿与资金、国家奖励政策等因素有关。  相似文献   
Understanding the tradeoffs in improving the precision of agricultural measures through survey design is crucial. Yet, standard indicators used to determine program effectiveness may be flawed, and at a differential rate for men and women. We use a household survey from Mozambique to estimate the measurement error from male and female self‐reports of their adoption and knowledge of three practices: intercropping, mulching, and strip tillage. Despite clear differences in human and physical capital, there are no obvious differences in the knowledge, adoption, and error in self‐reporting between men and women. Having received training unanimously lowers knowledge misreports and increases adoption misreports. Other determinants of reporting error differ by gender. Misreporting is positively associated with a greater number of plots for men. Recall decay on measures of knowledge appears prominent among men but not women. Findings from regression and cost‐effectiveness analyses always favor the collection of objective measures of knowledge. Given the lowest rate of accuracy for adoption was around 80%, costlier objective adoption measures are recommended for a subsample in regions with heterogeneous farm sizes.  相似文献   
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