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One unique feature of the emerging economies in Asia is the rich variation in the development of financial systems and technological sectors across different geographical areas. This unbalanced evolution provides us a potentially more powerful setting to investigate the dynamics among banking systems, innovations, intellectual property (IP) protections, and stock market reactions that are especially useful in understanding the policy–finance–innovation nexus in emerging economies. Using newly available data from China, this study confirms the nurturing role of financial systems on innovations, the value-enhancing function of firms' innovative activities, and the lead–lag predictive role of innovations on stock returns, in the context of emerging economies. More importantly, the study documents that stronger provincial IP protections reduce patent piracy and hence enhance local firms' market values.  相似文献   
以沪深A股上市公司为研究样本,通过手工分类上市公司每年各主营业务收入,按照熵指数法测算出独特的相关和非相关多元化经营程度指数。同时,使用知识宽度法测算发明专利质量,以此作为实质性创新的代理变量,分别实证检验企业相关和非相关多元化经营对实质性创新的影响。结果发现,整体层面上看,相关多元化经营程度加深会对企业发明专利质量起促进效应;非相关多元化经营程度与发明专利质量呈倒U型关系,通过计算发现,大部分企业非相关多元化经营程度处于倒U型关系临界值左侧,即发挥促进发明专利质量的作用;异质性检验发现,相关多元化的促进效应和非相关多元化的倒U型关系分别在国有企业表现得更显著。研究对企业选择合适的相关与非相关多元化经营方向和程度,提升企业实质性创新能力具有重要现实指导价值。  相似文献   
This paper uses USPTO's patent data to present and analyse knowledge flows and innovation capability within and across Taiwan's top five major players in the thin film transistor-liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) industry. Based on the empirical results, the study shows that latecomers, such as Taiwan, to the TFT-LCD industry have internalised external knowledge from the US and particularly from Japan on specific core technologies, while the knowledge relationship between source and recipient is un-intimated. One important finding of this study is that Taiwan's top five TFT-LCD manufacturers possess different knowledge sources and technology focuses. This specialised capability is most likely the cause for their positions in the market (i.e. market share). Each player has unique patenting protocol, in which the coded knowledge (i.e. patenting rate) does not act as a major indicator of innovation performance in Taiwan's TFT-LCD industry. Remarkably, the public research institute does not show its essential impact on TFT-LCD industry as it once was in most East Asian latecomer literature. This study thus provides some useful managerial implications for latecomer firms to facilitate knowledge internalisation and build endogenous innovative capabilities.  相似文献   
The merits of new pollutants and how to get them when patents are granted   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The performance of market based environmental regulation is affected by patents and vice versa. This interaction is studied for a type of innovation where a new technology reduces emissions of a specific pollutant but at the same time causes a new type of damage. If the new pollutant associated with this technology is sufficiently different from existing ones such that marginal damage is increasing in each of them but additive across pollutants, a diversification of the pollution portfolio is socially desirable. In a situation where the incentives to develop such a technology are created by patents, the efficiency of permits is affected by monopoly pricing of the patent-holding firm. This result carries over to other types of innovation. The performance of taxes is limited by either the inability to implement specific pollution mixes or monopoly pricing. For constant returns to scale at the industry level the combined use of taxes and permits ensures the first best mix of technologies and provides positive research incentives.   相似文献   
标准必要专利在标准与专利的整合中应运而生并提升了知识经济效能。但是,专利标准化的同时也扩大了专利权人在相关市场的支配力,很容易产生专利权滥用行为,如不公平高价许可、不合理搭售、无正当理由要求反向许可等。以标准必要专利权人滥用市场支配地位为切入点,以高通案为例,分析标准必要专利权人滥用市场支配地位的反垄断问题,针对反垄断法体系,从立法与执法两个方面提出政策建议,为涉及标准必要专利的反垄断行政执法和反垄断诉讼提供借鉴。  相似文献   
在美国医药行业,一种由专利侵权诉讼的原告反方向对被告巨额支付以换取被告延迟或放弃进入市场的和解协议引发了广泛关注,此种被称为反向支付协议的特殊协议是专利链接制度的副产品。有别于第十一巡回法院对该协议适用专利范围测试和第六巡回法院适用本身违法原则的做法,美国最高法院选择适用经典合理原则展开分析,寄望通过对诸多因素的兼权熟计,降低错误成本。实际上,合理原则的局限性使得执两用中的推定违法原则成为解开反垄断规制之惑的最佳选择。作为知识产权强国和仿制药生产及消费大国,中国也具备滋生反向支付协议的制度和产业环境。中国制度语境下,应将该协议置于“禁止+豁免”分析框架下,实现维护竞争秩序、激励创新等多元价值权衡。  相似文献   
The proliferation of dual-class structures in the US stock market presents a controversial trend since such shares are traditionally deemed to damage governance quality. We study the relationship between 362 firms with dual-class shares and their innovativeness using patent citations from Google Patents over the 1976 through 2006 period. We find dual-class shares have significant innovation effect in high-tech sectors, hard-to-innovate industries, firms with higher external takeover threat and firms heavily dependent on external equity financing. We also document a positive causality relationship between dual-class structures and the quality of innovation. The channel for this causal relationship is the protection mechanism by which managers can take a long-term view. From a policy perspective, regulators should promote a corporate governance system that protects corporate long-term interest for shareholders.  相似文献   
创新不能仅局限于数量积累,更应注重价值提升。为深层次探讨企业创新与管理层能力间的关系,以2007-2019年A股上市公司为研究样本,采用数据包络分析法衡量管理层能力,并构建其与企业创新数量及创新价值间的关系模型,重点考察管理层能力对企业创新价值的影响。结果发现:①总体而言,管理层能力提升虽然会使专利数量减少,但却能够促使专利价值增值,即提升企业创新价值;②将管理层分为低能力组和高能力组发现,在低能力组,能力提升会增加非发明专利数量;在高能力组,能力提升将减少各类专利数量。这说明,低能力管理层注重“面子工程”,而高能力管理层更注重真才实干;③管理层能力对企业创新价值的促进作用在CEO任期长和国有产权企业中体现得较为明显。研究结论对企业创新价值提升具有一定启示作用。  相似文献   
This paper explores the reversal technology spillovers of outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) on Chinese firms. Combining a uniquely merged database of Chinese firm-level OFDI and patent data and applying the Propensity-Score-Method-Difference-In-Differences (PSM-DID) methodology, we find a positive causal effect of OFDI on invention patent applications. Some estimations of heterogeneous effects show that OFDI promotes invention patent applications for private enterprises but has mute impact on state-owned and foreign-owned enterprises. With respect to OFDI host countries, OFDI toward developed countries is more effective for promoting innovation activities than developing countries. Three potential transmission channels of OFDI are empirically tested: direct technology purchases, access to high-tech inputs, and international mobility of personnel. Lastly, some policy implications are raised for China’s “Going Out” strategy and the economic development driven by innovation.  相似文献   
The 1714 Longitude Act created the Board of Longitude to administer a large monetary prize and progress payments for the precise determination of a ship's longitude. However, the prize did not prohibit patenting. We use a new dataset of marine chronometer inventors to show that the propensity to patent was high. We argue that while the prize spurred entry by key inventors, and progress payments facilitated research investment in an area of significant social value, patents promoted disclosure. Our findings highlight the importance of complementarities between prize and patent-based incentives in the design of innovation inducement contests.  相似文献   
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