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农村金融是现代农村经济发展的核心,2006年以来我国启动了新一轮农村金融体制改革,放宽了农村金融市场的准入,一批新型农村金融机构应运而生。这些金融机构对完善我国农村金融改革、促进农村经济与金融的协调发展、构建新型农村发挥了积极作用。但是经过几年的探索实践,这些新型农村金融机构在运行中出现了诸多问题,暴露出不同程度的风险,因此有必要对其当前发展困境和未来的发展路径进行深入探讨。  相似文献   
以转基因技术为代表的现代农业生物科技正面临两难发展困境,公众在对待农业生物科技的发展和选择上常常存在误判,主要表现在:对农业生物科技起源及进化的误识、对技术内涵及术语的误读、对技术风险属性的误解以及对技术路径选择的误判等,政府决策也因此而陷入二难困境。要破解这种认识与发展困境,可以从公众科学素养培育、科技术语表述分析、多元化信息交流、技术风险与利益测评等方面综合寻求解决之道。  相似文献   
服务型政府是我国此次行政管理体制改革的基本着眼点之一。当前建设服务型政府过程中政府行政权力运行面l临的诸多问题,主要是行政权力在社会权力中的地位以及行政权力内部设置没有理顺。必须完善地方政府行政权力运行机制,政府对社会市场干涉有度,规范行政权力运行程序,合理分配社会权力。  相似文献   
资产减值会计:制度变迁、理论透析及实施困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资产减值会计对于真实反映企业资产价值和披露企业经营业绩具有积极意义。本文在简要梳理国外及我国资产减值会计制度变迁过程的基础上,透析了资产减值会计的若干理论问题,探讨了资产减值会计实施中存在的困境与面临的挑战,并就完善资产减值会计提出了建议。  相似文献   
关于科学发展观的逻辑思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思关于发展的世界观是唯物的,关于发展的方法论是辩证的,马克思提出的发展的世界观和方法论是科学发展的抽象形式和最高境界.科学发展观无疑是好的发展观,但在贯彻落实这一发展观过程中却现实地存在着认识上、理论上、体制上诸多方面的误解和障碍,形成科学发展上的"博弈困境".  相似文献   
对环渤海经济圈中“三足鼎立”的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡德林 《特区经济》2008,228(1):51-53
环渤海经济圈是区域经济一体化的构想,也是我国的发展战略。环渤海经济圈的基础是由京津唐、辽中南、山东半岛三个相对独立的经济区构成。由于这三个经济区是计划经济的产物,长期自成体系,缺乏合作,形成环渤海经济圈中"三足鼎立"的格局。区域经济一体化是经"囚徒困境"反复博弈的结果,是在市场经济制度下"形成的",而不是"建成的"。环渤海经济圈的形成途径应当是进一步深化改革,完善市场制度,消除制度上的矛盾和障碍。  相似文献   
Coping with the Tragedy of the Commons: Game Structure and Design of Rules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  The paper provides an assessment of some recent results of the large amount of New Institutional Economics analyses investigating a common-pool resource setting, with a specific focus on game theory models. Most of the studies have used a noncooperative approach in order to explain how under-provision for the resource or its over-use – the so-called Tragedy of the Commons – can be avoided, within given management rules. They show how the characteristics of the game (payoff matrix, repetition) or of the users (group size, wealth, heterogeneity and moral norms) may give incentives for the latter to play in a way that benefits all users. By contrast, much fewer articles have used a formalized approach to assess the possibility for players to design new rules to overcome the initial Tragedy of the Commons. The article ends with some proposals of directions for future research.  相似文献   
刘凯 《金融研究》2021,486(12):56-74
本文构建了一个包含美元本位特征的两国模型,在此基础上分析了美国加征关税及引发的贸易摩擦对美国贸易逆差和全球福利的影响,并详细探讨了相关传导机制。在基准模型设定下,美国单方面加征20%关税会使得美国贸易逆差占GDP比重小幅缩小约0.40个百分点,美国长期稳态GDP下降约2.50%,其他国家GDP下降约1.10%,美国居民福利上升约0.60%,其他国家居民福利下降约1.20%。美国单方面加征关税在抑制全球贸易和生产的同时,会通过更加不公平的国际贸易恶化全球福利分配。当其他国家采取报复性措施时,其他国家自身福利并不会进一步恶化,但美国福利会大幅下滑,同时美国贸易逆差相对规模变化不大。贸易摩擦博弈的“囚徒困境”特征在一定程度上能够解释贸易战的发生。削弱美元本位地位能促进国际贸易公平性的提升,进而能减弱贸易摩擦带来的负面影响、提升全球福利水平,并能有效缩窄美国贸易逆差。  相似文献   
《Research in Economics》2017,71(1):86-101
In the Passing the Buck game, the n members of a group decide in a given order whether or not to incur costs so that they can fix a certain problem for the benefit of the group. Passing the Buck means that one relies on the service of a successor. The decision is influenced by social preferences and by strategic considerations. We derive three main conclusions from experiments with n=3 and n=4. (i) The unique perfect Baysian equilibrium of the Passing the Buck game with incomplete information about the preferences of other players generally fits the data, however with two interesting exceptions. (ii) Backward induction breaks down if it requires more than two steps, i.e., for the first player in the game with n=4. (iii) Making one of the members of the group an “expert” who alone is competent to fix the problem is connected with a change of social preferences.  相似文献   
Sociologists and political scientists have argued that the explanatory adequacy of economics is undermined by unreasonable assumptions of rationality. Yet interpretations that make strong rationality assumptions remain common. Analyses of the effects of employment security on work effort provide one example. The iterated prisoners' dilemma has been used to deduce a positive effect of employment security on work effort. Several difficulties with this approach are identified, including that the cooperative solution to the iterated prisoners' dilemma game i) requires infinite play or uncertainty about the end of the repetitions of the game; ii) is made less likely where there are structural bases for divergent interests; iii) ignores the possibility that employers might choose to shift the game to another arena. In general, there is the difficulty that employer-employee relations involve three simultaneous prisoners' dilemmas. The paper concludes that the hyper-rational approach implied in the prisoners' dilemma is an unpromising route for the analysis of the effects of employment security.  相似文献   
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