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目前我国农村实行的一村一户或一家一户单元生产的组织形式,难以适应社会主义新农村建设目标的要求,本文从农村经济组织的缺陷分析入手,透视出加快建立农民和农业合作经济组织的必要性,剖析了农民和农业生产组织形式创新的思想认识、集体制观念、法律制度等障碍因素,提出了遵循国际惯例建立农民和农业合作经济组织的原则建议。  相似文献   
This article makes an empirical assessment of the relative importance of non-actionable institutional and cultural factors and actionable policy measures for services market integration, using the Nordic countries as a case study. The Nordics are an ideal case as they are perceived to be a cluster of similar countries, but they have chosen different relations to the European Union (EU) and the rest of the world. First, comparing actionable and non-actionable determinants of services trade, I find that policy-determined free trade agreements (FTAs) boost services trade by 75% and a single market by an additional 45%, while the accumulated effect of all standard non-actionable shared geographical, institutional and cultural features (sharing a land border, language, colonial past and legal origin) almost triples services trade. Having controlled for all these determinants, intra-Nordic trade in services is more than three times the predicted value. An unexplained Nordic bias of this magnitude indicates that full integration of services markets may rely on deeper institutional and cultural factors.  相似文献   
基于2007—2015年高端装备制造业与传统装备制造业的数据对比,建立ISIC Rev.4与SITC Rev.4行业对照表,采用双层CES函数形式的价格指数分析新兴产业国际贸易条件的变动趋势,同时运用熵权灰色关联分析法分析汇率、经济增长、直接投资和市场需求变化四个影响因素与新兴产业及传统产业价格贸易条件、收入贸易条件之间的密切程度。研究结果表明:新兴产业价格贸易条件波动幅度较大,且其恶化趋势相对于传统产业更为严重;与传统产业相比,FDI和市场需求对新兴产业的影响程度更为显著;汇率与新兴产业及传统产业的价格贸易条件之间的关系非常密切,但对新兴产业价格贸易条件的影响更大。  相似文献   
基于消费品行业移动壁垒的特点,从竞争战略和企业资源两个维度选取相应变量指标对我国酒、饮料和精致茶制造业上市企业进行战略群组的划分,并进一步探索战略群组与绩效的关系。实证结果表明:战略群组间存在显著的绩效差异,对差异的来源进行剖析,得出明确清晰的战略定位才能给企业带来更多的效益。其中,采取低成本战略的群组绩效最优,差异化战略的群组次之,无明确战略定位的企业绩效最差。  相似文献   
行为金融学的应用价值,在于把心理学和金融学问题结合起来,实现对人的行为的预测和改造,解决诸多用标准金融理论难以解决的投资决策问题.研究行为金融学可以发现投资者对新信息的过度反应或者反应不足的情况,从而找出适当的投资策略.行为金融学它不仅是对传统金融学理论的革命,也是对传统投资决策范式的修正.  相似文献   
以社会交换理论为基础,系统性探讨心理契约破裂作用于员工知识分享的内在机理和情境机制。基于219名员工的有效调查问卷数据,结果发现:心理契约破裂对员工知识分享存在显著负向影响;领导信任在心理契约破裂与员工知识分享间发挥完全中介作用,但随着员工马基雅维利主义水平提高,领导信任的中介作用减弱;随着员工马基雅维利主义水平提高,领导信任对员工知识分享的正向影响减弱。  相似文献   
The competitiveness of food companies in national and international markets depends upon their ability to adopt production processes which meet food safety and quality requirements. Food safety and quality assurance affect the cost of carrying out transactions, and therein lies the private incentive for adopting voluntary quality assurance systems. While quality assurance systems have the potential to reduce transaction costs by serving as the seller's guarantee of safety or quality, they may also serve as trade barriers.  相似文献   
The usual mechanisms by which sunk costs are said to affect entry arethrough raising the expected average cost of an entrant, relative to that ofincumbents. I show that in standard models and in the absence of riskpremia imposed by financial markets on an entrant's cost of capital, sunkcosts may make entry unprofitable because of their effect on the post-entryunit costs of incumbents.  相似文献   
在国家战略确定将建设"资源节约型、环境友好型社会"作为加快转变经济发展方式的重要"着力点",同时国际贸易中"绿色壁垒"被越来越多的国家使用的大背景下,企业积极承担自身资源环境责任已是外部环境对企业的客观要求。企业积极履行资源环境责任也是企业自身的主观性义务,履行资源环境责任能减少企业生产成本,满足消费者绿色消费主张,树立良好企业形象,为企业带来巨大经济效益。  相似文献   
介绍绿色贸易壁垒的概念及其主要内容,分析绿色贸易壁垒对我国出口贸易的影响,并提出了相应的对策与措施。  相似文献   
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