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区域中心城市经济转型:机制与模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从国内外区域中心城市产业转型、我国区域中心城市经济转型的动力机制、区域中心城市经济转型的模式与经验、区域中心城市经济转型的成功标志4个方面,进行了文献回顾、梳理与总结,认为在区域中心城市经济转型的时机、度、势和演化等方面的研究还有待于理论化和强化。  相似文献   
本文致力于探析京郊小城镇的经济地域类型及其发展的动力机制,综合运用了H.J.纳尔逊的城镇职能分类方法和区位商法,从三次产业的产值结构和从业结构出发,将京郊183个小城镇划分为四大类型。基于GIS的空间分析功能,进一步探讨了京郊四大类小城镇的空间分布规律和演变趋势,结果发现这四大类小城镇的核心—外围空间格局十分明显,有着各自不同的功能定位和演进机理。基于此,为不同类型的小城镇制定了不同的发展策略,以便为今后不同类型的小城镇开展分类规划指导提供科学依据。  相似文献   
跨国区域整合视角下的环北部湾经济圈中心城市群建构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中心城市经济布局是区域经济布局网络的连接点与核心,区域必须依靠城市把区域内所有的经济活动凝集成一个整体.随着社会、经济的进一步发展,开放型经济的出现,环北部湾经济圈中心城市群有必要进行跨国的区域整合.通过研究环北部湾经济圈中心城市群的经济发展问题,探索开放经济下的中心城市跨国区域整合途径是本文的宗旨.  相似文献   
北京城市办公业发展与城市变化阶段分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
办公业发展作为城市经济转型的组成部分,在北京城市变化中经历了4个阶段:(1)变消费城市为生产城市——办公业萌芽期。新中国成立后至改革开放前,北京城市大力发展工业,变消费城市为生产城市。这一时期由于政治上的原因,外商驻京机构很少;而国内金融、保险、房地产、信息行业基本处于萌芽阶段。因而,该时期无真正意义上的办公业。(2)现代化城市——办公业起步期。改革开放至20世纪80年代中后期,北京向现代化城市迈进,商务管理职能为主体的办公业开始萌芽,城市经济结构发生了变化,第三产业中生产性服务业开始兴起。(3)国际化大都市——办公业起飞期。从20世纪90年代中后期至21世纪早期,北京开始向国际化大都市靠近,相对形成了几个办公区域,如CBD商务办公区域、中关村高科技办公区域、复兴门金融办公区域等。生产性服务业占据主导地位。(4)现代化国际城市-办公业飞速发展期。2008年奥运申办成功后,北京城市发展又处于一个转型期,以公司办公为核心的办公业空间集聚使北京城市发生新的变化。  相似文献   
This paper examines the emergence of small indigenous software companies in Scotland, focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of the region's socio-economic infrastructure as a foundation for innovative new business ventures. Following a brief review of some of the accepted wisdom on high-tech start-ups and regional economic development the paper provides some background information on the Scottish region, comparing new firms in the software industry with the foreign multinationals that dominate the local IT industry. A framework - the ‘sociotechnical constituencies’ approach - is then proposed that allows the author to examine networks of specialist knowledge that underlie new business development. Agglomeration effects and the influence of ‘clusters’ of complementary types of knowledge, expertise and innovative competencies at the regional level are at the heart of the analysis. The framework is applied to a sample of local firms, looking at how ‘learning’ via sociotechnical networks underlies their evolution. Policy-makers' attempts to boost the region's new business birth rate and promote the hoped-for ‘silicon glen’ effect are viewed in the light of the study's findings.  相似文献   

In undertaking an analysis of neighbouring effects on European regional patterns of specialization, this paper makes two main contributions to the literature. First, we use a spatial weight matrix that takes into consideration membership of an EU cross-border regional association. We then compare our results with those obtained using a contiguity matrix and constitute an upper bound for our parameter of interest. In a further stage, we divide the CBR associations on the basis of their long-standing and the intensity of their cooperation to determine whether the association type has a significant impact. Second, we examine the sensitivity of our results to the use of alternative relative specialization indices.

Effets de voisinage transfrontière sur la spécialisation régionale en Europe

Résumé En entreprenant une analyse des effets de voisinage sur les configurations de spécialisation régionales européennes, la présente communication contribue de deux façons principales à la littérature. En premier lieu, nous utilisons une matrice de pondération spatiale, qui tient compte l'appartenance à une association régionale transfrontière de l'UE. Nous comparons ensuite nos résultats avec les résultats obtenus à l'aide d'une matrice de contiguité, et nous nous en servons pour constituer une limite supérieure pour le paramètre qui nous intéresse. A un niveau supérieur, nous répartissons les associations CBR en fonction de leur durée et de l'intensité de leur coopération, afin d’établir la mesure dans laquelle le type d'association présente un impact significatif. Deuxièmement, nous examinons la sensibilité de nos résultats pour l'emploi d'indices de spécialisation relatifs en alternative.

Efectos de la colindancia entre naciones sobre la especialización regional europea

Resumen Analizando los efectos de la colindancia sobre los patrones de especialización regionales europeos, este trabajo realiza dos aportes importantes a la bibliografía especializada. En el primero de ellos, utilizamos una matriz de ponderación espacial que tiene en cuenta la pertenencia de una asociación regional transfronteriza comunitaria. Posteriormente, comparamos nuestros resultados con los obtenidos con una matriz de contigüidad y constituimos un límite superior para nuestro parámetro de interés. En una fase posterior, dividimos las asociaciones regionales transfronterizas con base en su perduración y su grado de cooperación para determinar si la asociación tiene un efecto significativo. En el segundo, analizamos la sensibilidad de nuestros resultados en lo que respecta al uso de índices relativos de especialización alternativos.   相似文献   

In this exploratory study, die autfiors attempt to determine and interpret die interdependencies between die motives and modes of setting up subsidiaries by foreign investors in Poland, and the main characteristics and performance of these subsidiaries. Two modes of setting up a subsidiary are examined: green-field and acquisition. The audiors use data collected from seven foreign subsidiaries operating in Poland and apply within-case and cross-case analytical approach to identify and interpret relationships between die variables under consideration. The results of the study lead to a formulation of eight hypotheses requiring further testing and research.  相似文献   
In this paper, we report findings from the first comprehensive study of managerial labour markets in Central and Eastern Europe, drawing on field data from 157 firms in six countries. Results indicated widespread and deep changes occurring in the region’s managerial markets. Despite differences among countries in reform and economic performance, we found these particular changes to be surprisingly common across the countries studied. They included rapid rises in salary and benefit levels, narrowing of some skill gaps, shifts to more sophisticated methods of recruitment and an overall move towards Western management practices. The study also revealed severe shortages of qualified managers in all the countries studied. The resulting tightness in the managerial labour markets was reducing only modestly, despite other improvements. Foreign and joint-venture firms were relying disproportionately on expatriate managers, and may not have been sufficiently developing locals. We argue that, partly because of this, the distortions in pay, promotions and performance resulting from these tight markets are likely to persist for some time.  相似文献   

Many market-type mechanisms were introduced in the public administration reforms in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Therefore public administration higher education in CEE should prepare not only classical public administrators but also public managers to operate in this new environment. This paper summarizes our research results on three new Central European members. The focus is on the scale of public management (PM) programmes, on the proportion of PM courses in the curricula of accredited PM programmes and on the dominant teaching approaches.  相似文献   
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