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帕累托式的信贷区域配置对协调区域经济增长有重要意义.对信贷资本的区域配置效率进行的实证研究表明:尽管宏观经济严重依赖银行信贷,但信贷配置效率差强人意;信贷配置效率的区域差异主要体现为省际层面而非区域层面.与区域经济一体化趋势形成鲜明对比的是,四大区域之间的信贷配置效率并无实质性差异.省际层面上,信贷配置效率差异非常显著,西部大多数省份和东部的浙江、江苏对信贷依赖程度较大;东部的上海、广东因多元化的金融体系而降低了对信贷的依赖;中部和东北的信贷配置效率较低且基本处于同一水平.  相似文献   
资源型地区是西部工业经济的有效依托,也是西部大开发战略实施要地。采用马尔科夫链模型和产业结构高级化指数,基于时空双维度,探究2008-2019年中国西部资源型地区产业发展进程;通过建立空间杜宾模型,分析地区产业发展空间溢出效应,并运用回归模型偏微分方法对溢出效应进行分解。结果显示:研究期间西部资源型地区产业综合发展水平呈缓慢提升态势,且稳定性偏弱;地区产业发展水平空间差距逐步扩大,产业高级化水平非均衡性特征显著;地区产业发展空间溢出效应显著,生产要素投入与产业结构优化对相邻地区产业发展存在差异性影响。为促进西部资源型地区经济高质量发展,提出应完善空间治理、发挥各地区比较优势、形成优势互补、促进各类要素合理流动和高效聚集,增强创新发展动力等建议。  相似文献   
西北革命根据地的新闻事业由陕甘边根据地的新闻事业和中央红军创办的新闻事业两部分组成,即:《红色西北》、《布尔什维克的生活》、《陕甘宁省委通讯》和《红色中华》、红色中华通讯社、《战士报》、《火焰报》、《解放》等组成,这些报刊一直坚持到陕甘宁边区成立.这些新闻事业的特征在于:数量少,类型单一;印刷质量差;出版时间短;坚持了党的领导;宣传内容体现了中国革命由土地革命向抗日战争过渡的特征.其意义在于,具有坚定群众、干部和士兵革命信心的作用;推动了抗日民族统一战线的形成;推动了根据地和红军的发展;为陕甘宁边区的新闻事业积累了经验.  相似文献   
中国地区新型工业化发展模式与路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于生态经济效率视角,选取2005~2006年数据,使用数据包络分析模型和面板数据回归模型,对中国大陆31个省、直辖市和自治区的新型工业发展模式进行实证分析.本文认为,地区工业的生态经济效率是由地区工业的经济效率和生态效率共同构成,并据此划分出各地区在新型工业化发展进程中的4种新型工业发展模式,探讨了生态经济效率与经济效率和生态效率的关系.本文提出了新型工业发展路径的战略选择应符合生态经济效率的二维结构特征,为促进全国各地区工业经济又好又快的发展提出了建议.  相似文献   


The main aim of this study was to describe the effects of regional organization and performance in managing vaccinations, in the light of the institutional devolution recently introduced in Italy.


We analysed (1) the general organization of regions for vaccination programmes, (2) the management of four vaccination programmes (combined measles-rubella-parotitis, varicella for children, influenza, and pneumococcal 23-valent for adults).

First, we conducted preliminary face-to-face interviews with 16 regional managers of the infective disease prevention departments. Subsequently, we sent them a standardized questionnaire to obtain comparable information on general organization and on the four specific vaccination programmes considered. In all, 14 regions were eventually included.


The survey showed a widespread lack of regional staff involved in the management of vaccinations and a geographical variation in the availability of computerized data collection. We recorded poor coverage for varicella and pneumococcal 23-valent vaccinations compared to MRP and influenza. Prices of the four vaccines varied widely among regions, with only a weak correlation between prices and volumes.

Limitations and conclusions:

The major limitation of the survey was the lack of information available at regional level. The piecemeal diffusion of computerized systems and the widespread lack of sufficient staff should mainly explain this.

Economic incentives could be offered to regions that achieve national targets. Such incentives should encourage collaboration between central and regional authorities consistent with institutional trends in regional devolution.  相似文献   
The purpose of this article is to contribute to the understanding of how spatial entities in general — and those spatial entities that are defined as ‘regions’ in particular — form, evolve and sometimes stabilize. Inspired by the scholarship of Noortje Marres, the article explores how regions‐in‐becoming may be gainfully conceptualized as publics‐in‐stabilization. In the article it is argued that some of the mechanisms involved in such processes pertain to how territorially framed issues sometimes become formulated as loosely articulated propositions for regionalization. These can, with time, generate emergent stakeholder communities, which in turn may become stabilized and delegated to more durable forms and materials which can eventually become naturalized as recognized regions. A suggested conceptual model is utilized to perform an analysis of empirical material from three contemporary processes of regionalization in Northern Europe with the purpose of examining and discussing some of the potential merits and shortcomings of the conceptual model. It is concluded that adopting the proposed perspective can enable scholars to highlight some of the mechanisms whereby vague and non‐coherent propositions for regionalization within time may be singularized and stabilized to such a degree that they become taken for granted as naturalized spatialities.  相似文献   
基于卫星城(子城)与大都市(母城)间的微观区域尺度,以上海临港产业区为例,采用区域经济相互作用的引力模型,定量分析了它与上海各市级及以上开发区的区域经济联系强度和隶属度,测度了卫星区域的区域经济联系方向以及地域差异,实现了卫星区域的区域经济联系强度和方向的量化表征.结果表明:临港产业区的对外区域经济量远低于其他成熟开发区间的经济联系强度,其联系方向主要集中在近郊区,并呈现出与滨江沿海发展轴和沪港发展轴的相对一致性.因此,在继续加强临港产业区内部互动结网的同时,加强其与上海其他开发区间的经济联系,则成为临港今后发展的重要驱动力来源与政策着力点.  相似文献   
In our introduction to this Debates & Developments forum, ‘What place for the Region?’, we discuss why the founders of the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (IJURR) regarded the regional question as having the same importance as the urban question, and how the region has remained a significant focus during the journal's subsequent development. We then explore some of the conceptual challenges in defining and investigating regions before considering some of the key developments in contemporary regional theory. Our introduction proceeds by highlighting the key insights of the contributions to the forum––essays by Edward Soja, Mariona Tomàs, Joe Beall, Susan Parnell and Chris Albertyn, and Jean‐Paul Addie and Roger Keil––before concluding with a reaffirmation of the importance of the region in IJURR's mission as a journal of critical urban and regional studies.  相似文献   
西部民族地区旅游业的发展可以划分为四个阶段:探索培育期、初步发展期、规模扩张期和质量提升期,历经了发展层次由“双高速度”提升为“支柱产业”,发展机制由“开发为主”转变为“管理为主”,发展模式由“政府包办”演变为“服务导向”等转变趋势,并得到了其今后可持续发展的“保障之根、动力之源、当务之急”等启示.  相似文献   
东部沿海后发地区的省域赶超战略与发展导向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000-2009年期间,按总量和人均GDP测度的离散系数(CV)①表明:2005年后,东部沿海省份的省域内发展差距正趋于缩小,省域经济呈现均衡化发展的新格局.在宏观政策、区域大交通建设和省域产业转移等因素的作用下,沿海后发地区表现出群体性的经济赶超趋势,并在不同政府层级的政策意图交汇下,形成了一种"省域内赶超"的经济...  相似文献   
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