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"学术明星"现象成为当前社会关注的一大热点。"学术明星"现象的产生自有其原因:现代传媒的媒介特性是其产生的客观条件;"学术明星"的自身素质是其产生的前提基础;受众的文化需求是其产生的根本原因。平心而论,"学术明星"现象有一定的社会价值:架起学术通向大众的桥梁;推动传统文化的回归;引领大众走向文化殿堂等。不过我们也要理性对待这一现象,不要哗众取宠,不要浮躁,更不要商业化、庸俗化,"学术明星"们也要严格自律。  相似文献   
两类外来人口的劳动合同签订与社会保险获得差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近期的城市外来人口社会保障缺失研究把持有非本地城市户口的外来市民纳入观察对象,城乡分割因素的解释范围缩小到外来市民与外来农民工这两类外来人口参与社会保险差异上来。为在这一方向上深化研究,本文首先考察城市劳动制度转型过程,揭示农民工的劳动合同制度缺位问题;在此基础上分析户籍身份、劳动合同订立与社会保险获取之间的关系,提出研究假设;选取抽样调查数据,做相应的实证分析;最后形成结论并提出政策启示。  相似文献   
This paper reports the results of a qualitative study undertaken to understand the nature of trust and its consequences for both suppliers and buyers in short term (relatively new) and long term (older/more mature) relationships in inter-organizational contexts. Scholars have recently pointed out the importance of research that investigates the temporal characteristics and dynamics of trust in inter-organizational studies. Our paper responds to this call by indentifying the changing nature of the level of trust as the buyer–supplier relationship matures. Our findings contribute to sparse and conflicting previous research on the relationship between length of partnership and perceptions of trust, types of dark side consequences of trusting relationships, and reasons buyers and suppliers continue or terminate low/no-trust associations. Specifically, we illustrate that buyers and suppliers draw on substantially different metaphors for understanding the nature of trust in long and short term exchange relationships. Suppliers see marked differences in trust with long term versus short term exchange partners, while buyers see little or no difference. Suppliers and buyers also appear to have different conceptions of how trust is nested (or not) within the broader economic and/or personal relationship. Through our inductive model, we elaborate several types of betrayal and disappointment, distinguish several factors that lead suppliers and buyers to stay in relationships with partners they don't trust, and identify key issues that topple untrusting relationships into terminated relationships.  相似文献   
宾凯 《当代金融研究》2020,2020(1):137-151
德国社会学家尼古拉斯·卢曼的社会系统论和二阶观察理论所提供的社会建构论框架,有助于我们从技术、时间、知识、决策等维度厘清技术风险形成的复杂社会机制,促进我们对政治系统和法律系统中的技术风险管制活动进行反思性观察。政治系统通过政策性决策活动规划和控制技术风险的努力,本身也会导致决策风险,政治系统因此发展出令规制失灵而被社会遗忘的应对能力;法律系统内部发展出来的风险预防原则,其功能不在于增加社会的安全水平,而是作为一种程序性反应机制,吸收因科学技术后果的不确定性所导致的环境复杂性。  相似文献   
文章采用经典的信任博弈框架,用实验经济学方法比较城市儿童、农村留守儿童和农村非留守儿童的信任行为。实验结果发现,农村留守儿童对他人的信任水平显著高于城市儿童,而农村留守儿童和非留守儿童的信任水平没有显著差异。在控制了性别、民族、兄弟姐妹数量等人口学特征后,农村身份对儿童的信任水平有显著正向影响,父母双方外出务工、一方外出务工对信任水平均无显著影响。从被信任度来看,三组儿童中,城市儿童被信任度最低,农村留守儿童被信任度最高,但考虑人口学特征后,农村身份、留守身份均不影响被信任度。结合儿童在利他实验中的表现,文章还发现在利他行为中表现为无私型的儿童比平等型和恶意型有更高的信任水平。研究结果表明与同年龄城市儿童相比,农村儿童而不仅是农村留守儿童更信任他人。  相似文献   
钟文晶  廖挺 《南方经济》2020,39(9):13-25
农户是中国农业经营的主体,农户的技术采纳行为对于推进我国农业技术进步及农业现代化进程具有决定性意义。文章阐明了社会网络通过塑造农民态度进而促进其技术采纳时间的作用机制以及存在异质性作用的情景,并基于河南麦农对新种子采纳时间的实证分析表明:以网络位置和互助水平为表征的社会网络对农户新种子早期采纳有显著促进作用,且农户的采纳态度发挥了部分中介作用。文章进一步引入分工网络,考察了其与社会网络的互动及对农户技术采纳时间的影响。文章的政策意义在于,推进农业发展方式转型必须重视乡村社会网络对于农业新技术快速采纳的积极作用,与此同时,在推广机制上应加大农业技术培训力度,在乡村治理中加强农户家庭生产决策中的女性话语权,理解农机服务外包可能存在的"双刃剑"作用,以此动员和激励农户对新技术的快速采纳。  相似文献   
中国农户消费转型升级引发各方关注,但鲜有从社会资本的视角探讨农地流转对农户消费的影响及其微观作用机理。文章在理论层面分析了农地流转通过影响农户生计资本变动和生计策略调整对农户消费的传导机制,并基于中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)三期面板数据,定量评估了农地流转对农户消费影响的社会资本效应。结果表明:(1)我国农户消费基尼系数总体呈缩窄趋势,但农地转出农户相比农地转入农户具有更高的人均消费支出及消费不均等程度;(2)农地流转能够影响农户关键自然资本改变和生计策略调整,从而显著提高农户消费水平,且参与农地流转农户相比未参与农地流转农户具有更高的消费动机;(3)社会资本在农户农地转入和转出过程中对农户消费存在微观中介效应,即社会资本越高的农户参与农地流转的概率越大,且能够通过提高农地转出户非农就业机会和扩大其多元化收入来源,间接提升农户消费水平。在精准扶贫和乡村振兴战略协同背景下,应积极有序推进农地适度规模经营,促进农地转出户非农就业,并强化农户社会资本建设,提高农户多元化收入,从而全面助推农村消费转型升级。  相似文献   
苏晓华  肖洁  陈嘉茵 《南方经济》2020,39(10):108-124
创业是嵌入在社会结构中的经济活动,创业者社会认知如何影响其创业战略决策是研究者关注的焦点。本研究基于社会认同理论区分创业者达尔文主义、社群主义和传教士主义三种不同社会身份认知对新创企业战略决策的影响及作用机制。研究发现,达尔文主义身份认同感促进创业者为积累个人财富而选择不确定性较低的商业模式创新;社群主义身份认同感使创业者为提供真正造福社区的产品和服务而积极开展技术创新;而传教士主义身份认同感促进创业者开展一切提升社会价值的创新活动,包括技术创新与商业模式创新;且创新网络关系强度通过提供创新所需的资源与信息在上述关系中起正向调节作用。本研究借助社会认同理论,将创业者社会身份认同感进一步引入新创企业创新决策的驱动因素研究中,深化和拓展了创业者创新行为的理论分析框架。  相似文献   
Although global mobility represents an important element of many multinational enterprise's (MNEs) global talent management systems, the two areas of practice have largely been decoupled in research and practice. The current paper aims to build a dialog around the integration of these two important areas of practice and illustrate how the integration of global mobility and global talent management can contribute to the success of the MNE. Human capital and social capital theories are introduced as theoretical frames for the integration of the two areas and global talent pools and routines for managing global staffing flows are introduced as key organizational routines that can maximize the contribution of global mobility to the MNE. The paper also considers challenges and opportunities for the integration of mobility and talent and outlines some directions for future study.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to conceptualise advertising value and consumer attitudes towards advertisements. The research was developed to reveal the effect of the source of advertisements on credibility perception through the theoretical framework of Ducoffe's (1995) advertising value model. The research objective is to identify source derogation in terms of credibility to create advertising value and a positive attitude towards advertisements launched through the Facebook social network. In this regard, the study used three distinct sources to generate and introduce product promotional messages: an associative reference group, an aspirational reference group and marketers themselves. This research revealed significant differences in developing advertisement value and forming a favourable attitude towards advertisements when the product-related message was developed by these three distinct groups, who have different source derogations.  相似文献   
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