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本文基于系统观点,研究了技术能力与技术管理能力之间的协同耦合关系,并运用博弈论的方法,构建了协同分析矩阵模型,分析了技术能力和技术管理能力有效协同条件,识别了其有效协同的区间。由此揭示出产业技术能力与技术管理能力协同耦合的特征和规律,从而为推动产业发展提供了有益的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
许婷婷 《魅力中国》2014,(21):208-208
随着乒乓球运动的不断开展,使人们在长期的实践中认识到:击球的准确性,击球的速度,击球的力量,球的旋转,及击球得落点成为提高乒乓球击球技术的五要素。我想有必要对提高中国乒乓球运动员击球的协调性进行一下研究,这可能有利于指导乒乓球运动员的训练和比赛,对如何迅速提高我国乒乓球技术、改进运动员的动作和提高运动员的运动成绩有着重大的作用和意义。至此,我将着重从影响运动员击球协调性的因素、如何提高提高我国乒乓球运动员击球协调性等方面展开论述。  相似文献   
现代科学技术视域下的“美女经济”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着科学技术的日益发展,"美女经济"作为一种社会现象受到人们的不同关注,在现代科学技术下,"美女经济"在中国的大江南北遍地开花已成为在当下生存状态的一种不可抵挡的趋势,面对这种生存状态,"美女经济"给现代人也带来了前所未有的启示。  相似文献   
科技服务业产出测算是对科技服务业产出数据的统计与分析,加强科技服务业产出数据的规范统计和应用分析可为我国政府调整产业政策提供重要数据支撑。以科技服务业产出测算为研究对象,结合学者观点、国家标准及各级政府相关产业政策,提出将分支产业作为初始指标的横向统计思路,构建科技服务业产出测算指标体系。在数据收集方面,强调要做好“收”与“填”两个基本工作;在指标确立和数据收集基础上,进一步提出未来预测的两种方法,以此作为科技服务业产出数据预测的初步探索;提出应从统一数据统计标准、完善数据调查与公开制度、加强数据资源开发3个方面建立健全我国科技服务业产出数据测量与管理体制机制。  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the process of transition in standards between incompatible technologies when converters are available. Contrary to a common presumption that converters facilitate the transition from an old technology to an otherwise incompatible new technology, I find circumstances in which the possibility of transition is blockaded by the existence of converters. In the welfare analysis of converters, a distinction is made between ex ante and ex post efficiency effects. Finally, I also analyze the equilibrium behavior in the provision of converters and compare it to the socially optimal outcome.  相似文献   
Interactive approaches to technology development provide opportunities for the development of innovative technologies which clearly connect with social practices and address the positive and negative effects as perceived by relevant actors. The challenge is to start an interactive approach early in the development of new technologies, when many options are still open for exploration and there are good possibilities for steering. Early involvement of societal actors is, however, challenged by the absence of concrete applications on which they can develop their own visions from the perspective of their own needs, interests, norms and values. Integrating Constructive Technology Assessment (CTA) with vision assessment is proposed as an approach to overcome this dilemma in the field of ecological genomics and bridge the knowledge gap between parties closely involved with ecogenomics research and other relevant actors. We present, evaluate and discuss the process of identifying guiding visions of the technology developers as a first step in this approach and end with some suggestions on how desirable futures for ecogenomics can subsequently be assessed from the perspectives of different actors.  相似文献   
结合知识链组织间的冲突案例,分析了如何使用IFR以及IFR往回走一步来定义知识链组织间的冲突问题,找到问题的根源;运用IFR参数模型,确定了技术矛盾参数和物理矛盾参数,通过将技术矛盾参数转化为标准参数,用矛盾矩阵和分离原理找到了解决方案。  相似文献   
文章主要论述了提高自主创新能力要坚持以科学发展观为指导,把握好十个方面的关系。  相似文献   
文章结合柳州螺丝岭柳江特大桥介绍了大跨度预应力刚构-连续梁的悬臂施工工艺,可为其他类似桥梁的施工提供参考。  相似文献   
文章主要论述了提离自主创新能力要坚持以科学发展观为指导,把握好十个方面的关系。  相似文献   
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