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技术创新与装备制造业的发展——以河北省为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河北省是全国装备制造业的重要产业基地之一,河北省装备制造业是河北省经济中的重点产业,与其他产业关联度高,带动性强。但在世界经济危机的背景下,面临着发展中存在的问题,河北省装备制造业的发展面临着紧迫性。通过借鉴国内外以技术创新引领装备制造业发展的典型经验,指出以技术创新推动河北省装备制造业发展是解决问题的关键所在,并提出推动河北省装备制造业发展的对策,包括重点支持高科技产业的发展,加大对装备制造业技术创新的经费投入,鼓励企业自主研发,注重人才培养和引进,密切产学研合作,建立区域间创新资源共享的新模式等。  相似文献   
基于组织承诺的企业科技人员激励方式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科技人员是企业知识员工中最具价值创造性的员工类型之一,提高其组织承诺度,能有效抑制离职并提高其价值贡献度。基于对157名企业科技人员的实证研究,探讨了激励因素对其组织承诺的影响作用,并进一步根据激励因素在不同控制变量下的表现,提出了具有实际操作性的企业科技人员激励方法。  相似文献   
介绍了企业科技创新景气问卷调查的研究步骤和计算方法,基于2015年深圳市700家企业的景气问卷调查数据,提出了存在的问题和应对措施。研究发现:深圳市企业家科技创新信心指数和企业科技创新环境总体指数均有所上升;深圳市技术环境支持指数涨幅最明显;深圳市人才环境虽有所改善但其仍是企业科技创新的最大瓶颈;深圳市企业融资环境亟待继续优化和改善。  相似文献   
National investment in technological activity is commonly justifiedin terms of the positive impacts upon productivity, internationalcompetitiveness and related aspects of national economic performance.This premise has found a supportive theoretical framework inthe new technology and growth models. Based on extended technology-gapmodels, this study examines cross-country empirical evidenceon the relationship between technology-intensive trade performance(as a proxy for technological output) and per capita economicperformance, utilising 1978 to 1992 data for around 45 nations.The results provide some support for a positive relationshipbetween trade performance and economic returns. However, theweak and often inconsistent results suggest that the unconditionalpursuit of technology-intensive trade improvements may not necessarilyhave the expected net benefits.  相似文献   
分析新时代背景下军事科技创新对军事人才培养的新要求,论述高校加强新型军事科技人才培养、加快落实军民融合战略的紧迫性和必要性。剖析我国高校军事科技人才培养的现状与挑战,探讨新型军事科技人才培养机制,构建高校新型军事科技人才培养体系,从外部机制、内部机制和动力机制3个维度进行具体分析,最后提出高校新型军事科技人才培养的对策与建议。  相似文献   
利用2003-2015年我国内地30个省份的省际面板数据,在概述对外直接投资影响一国创新能力作用机制的基础上,借鉴Lichtenberg和Pottelsberghe提出的国际研发溢出测算方法,从技术差距视角出发,运用面板门槛模型实证检验二者间的关系。结果显示:对外直接投资可以通过R&D成果反馈效应、并购整合效应以及产业前后向关联效应提升一国创新能力;在不同的门槛取值区间内,OFDI逆向技术溢出对创新能力提升的作用呈显著倒U型特征,只有在最优技术差距区间内才能发挥其最大效应。最后,在作用机制概述和实证研究结论基础上,从政府和企业两个层面提出政策建议。  相似文献   
This study unveils the cognitive mechanism that locus of control (LOC) dimensions (internal control, chance control, and control by powerful others) predict intention to reuse mobile apps for making hotel reservations. The predictions are assumed through the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) anchors and perceived risk. Drawn from an online survey with 457 Chinese participants, results show direct positive predictions of intention to reuse from UTAUT anchors including performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. Perceived risk also negatively predicts intention. Effort expectancy mediates the links between internal/chance control and intention, whereas perceived risk mediates only the latter link. Facilitating conditions mediate the relationship between control by powerful others and intention. This study contributes to existing research by distinguishing the mechanisms that underpin LOC dimensions and technology re-adoption. Practitioners are recommended to improve booking apps by addressing the concerns of users with different LOC.  相似文献   
The potential contributions of new biotechnologies to sustainable food and income security have been the subject of widespread discussions around the turn of the 21st century. But distributional issues of which segments of adopters of genetically modified (GM) crops benefit the most have not been given ample attention). Using propensity scores, we apply the (a) stratification‐multilevel method of estimating heterogeneous treatment effects; and the (b) matching‐smoothing method of estimating heterogeneous treatment effects proposed by Xie et al. We find that the incidence of higher yields, lower insecticide use, and reduced seed utilization in the Philippines diminishes progressively as a farmer's propensity to adopt Bt corn increases. Farmers with a low propensity to adopt Bt are those who farm smaller, nonirrigated farms located farther from seed suppliers and farmers without previous training on pest identification. In most cases, while these farmers are typically poorer farmers in smaller parcels, cannot afford irrigation and are situated in remote areas away from easily accessible seed suppliers, there is no evidence, however, that profits differ across farmers with varying propensities to adopt the Bt variety.  相似文献   
建立超效率DEA模型并运用视窗分析测算2010-2017年长江经济带11个省市生态保护效率与科技服务业发展效率,通过空间计量模型分析后者对前者的影响。结果表明:科研技术服务业效率对当地及周边地区的生态保护效率具有正向影响;科技资本服务业效率对当地生态保护效率具有正向影响,但对其周边地区有抑制效应;科技宣传服务业未对生态保护效率产生显著影响。据此,提出长江经济带通过提高科技服务业效率改进生态保护效率的对策。  相似文献   
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