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EDA技术的发展与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
EDA技术已成为现代电子系统设计和电子产品研制开发的有效工具,成为电子工程师应具备的基本能力。本文着重分析了ED(AElectronic Design Automation)技术的发展历程、主要内容、基本设计方法及应用展望等。  相似文献   
This paper explored the key factors affecting catching up through technology standard development by studying the evolution of TD-SCDMA, one of the three international standards of 3G mobile communications, in China. It was found that this was a complex co-evolution process between firm strategy and government policy aimed mainly at solving the challenges of late-comer disadvantages. The paper also examined the unique features of this co-evolution process, including the importance of the informal social network of non-customer stakeholders, and discussed the theoretical and practical implications of the key findings.  相似文献   
Perceptions of and attitudes toward genetically engineered food and other food hazards were examined through data from telephone interviews conducted in Switzerland. A random quota sample was used ( N v = v 1001). General attitudes toward technology and political beliefs significantly influenced perceptions of gene technology. Women were more concerned about gene technology and food risks than men were. The term 'gene technology' evoked neutral or negative associations in most people; few people held positive images regarding this technology. Perception and acceptance of gene technology varied according to the type of application; people were less concerned about convenience or processed food. Although it is mandatory to label genetically modified food in Switzerland, relatively few people were familiar with this label. Participants assessed various food risks, and principal components analysis indicated that they distinguished between technological and natural food risks. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   
运用关键词频统计法,构建中国1999-2013年节能节电专利面板数据,以能效标识制度为切入点,从专利数量、相对专利产出和技术重心等指标分析能效标识制度对技术创新的影响,进而考察产品信息标签对技术创新的诱导机制。研究发现:(1)能效等级信号是能效标识制度能否诱导技术创新的关键;(2)能效标识制度对节能节电类专利具有显著正向影响,即能效标识制度对技术创新具有显著诱导效应;(3)能效标识制度不仅能够提升节能节电专利与节水专利之间的比值,而且能够显著提高节能节电专利占所有专利的比例,即该政策导致偏向性技术进步;(4)相对而言,能效标识制度对创新程度较高的发明专利具有更强的诱导效应。为此,完善能效标识制度、推广产品信息标签,有助于引导技术进步,促进社会可持续发展。  相似文献   
Business schools face a number of challenges in responding to the business influences of demographics, sustainability, and technology—all three of which are also the fundamental driving forces for globalization. Demographic forces are creating global imbalances in worker populations and in government finances; the world economy faces sustainability and climate change challenges; technology is accelerating business change and changing the nature of work; and the global economy is being re-structured with the rise of major emerging economies such as Brazil, India, and China. Given an uncertain future, this essay examines the nature of these challenges and contends that while providing measurable knowledge of global business and specific job skills are important, business schools must focus on the attitudes, skills, and knowledge helpful for student career flexibility including leadership skills, a good work ethic, and abilities to continue learning.  相似文献   
针对FDI进入以及内外资企业间的技术差距对内资企业的研发投入行为会有怎样影响,本文分析了不同技术水平内资企业的研发策略,认为外资进入后将促进技术领先的本土企业提高创新投入,但却阻碍落后企业的创新投入。文中以通过DEA模型测算的内外资技术差距、以及技术差距与外资比重和勒纳指数的连乘项作为主要自变量,用中国制造业面板数据检验了技术差距对本土企业创新投入的影响。实证结果验证了预期假说,并且技术差距越大,外资进入对内资企业研发投入的负向作用越强,而市场势力的正向作用会有所降低。  相似文献   
Once more, with feeling: Empathy and technology in customer care   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Information technology is reshaping relationships between companies and customers, often bringing benefits to both. The unfettered use of technology, however, can erode customer care. For a company to care for customers, its managers and front-line employees must listen empathetically to what they have to say. But a rash of ‘innovations’ aimed primarily at reducing costs has made many companies opaque to their customers, who are—as a consequence—inadequately served and increasingly frustrated. Equally damaging is the resulting estrangement of employees from customers, a separation that dampens the empathy upon which true care for customers depends. As a number of innovative companies have shown, though, technology need not necessarily sour relations between businesses and those they serve. Indeed, technology can actually enrich them if senior managers (1) affirm their commitment to active, empathetic involvement with customers; (2) understand the ways in which current procedures and systems mediate interactions with customers; and (3) promote the deployment of social networks and other technologies to help customers tell their stories, and to enable workers and managers alike to hear them. Only when employees can step into their customers’ shoes can companies add authenticity to the claim: “We care for you.”  相似文献   
精准识别技术创新机会对于企业在复杂多变的市场竞争环境中立于不败之地至关重要。首先,基于SAO(Subject-Action-Object,主语-谓语-宾语)语义分析,从专利文本中抽取SAO结构;其次,以多维技术创新地图创新维度为导航,构建具象技术创新维度初始词典,利用SAO语义相似度计算和主题聚类,进一步构建基于创新维度的三级语义知识库;再次,运用多维技术创新地图的创新法则及维法耦合原理对基于创新维度的三级语义知识库进行迭代变换,实现技术形态、创新子维、创新维度三级技术机会识别;最后,以3D打印机领域为例验证研究方法的可行性和有效性,可为企业高效、精准识别技术创新机会提供参考依据。  相似文献   
长三角地区是我国综合实力最强的区域之一,是“一带一路”与长江经济带的重要交汇地带。2019年,中央明确提出将长三角区域一体化上升为国家战略,长三角区域整体发展具有不同于其它区域的特殊战略地位,发挥着突出的带动作用。上海建设具有全球影响力的科技创新中心,更加有利于推动长三角一体化高质量发展。基于此,首先借鉴静电场理论,构建创新辐射场模型,对2011-2019年长三角地区辐射效应演变过程进行分析;其次,从时间距离、技术距离和经济距离3个维度探究科技创新中心辐射效应对区域创新绩效的影响;最后,提出推动长三角区域一体化发展的对策建议。  相似文献   
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