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This paper provides a theoretically informed analysis of how institutional pluralism unfolds in hybrid organizations through practices. Building on Quattrone's (2015) procedural model, the paper studies institutional plurality in the case of an Italian cooperative bank that has experienced enduring success. By reversing the usual approach to logic, defined as a stable set of beliefs, this paper shows that this hybrid organization uses a recursive system of practices in search of social order. This hybrid organization interrogates its organizational imperatives and defines adequate ways to achieve them. This paper then observes that this system of practices is permeable to external pressures, i.e., inspections by the central bank, a reform of cooperative banks, political pressure for mergers and acquisitions, and Italy's sovereign debt crisis. While such an organization appears to be ongoingly accountable to its multiple stakeholders, external pressures undermine its community accountability system and push this hybrid organization towards compliance accountability. Based on our findings, this paper develops a process model for hybrid organizations to navigate institutional plurality and to explain the potential limitations of the accountability system.  相似文献   
债务融资的治理效应:理论分析与实证检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先就西方财务学关于债务治理效应的理论进行了综述,然后采用中国上市公司的经验数据,对债务融资比例与企业绩效指标的关系进行了检验,得出了债务治理效应不佳的结论。这一结论似乎与西方财务学对债务治理效应的主流分析不符。通过分析其中的现实原因,就如何改善中国企业的债务治理效应,提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   
本文首先从货币供给过程中的基础货币和货币乘数这两个环节入手,从理论上分析了我国央行对货币供给的控制能力.同时我国正处于社会主义市场经济的发展和转轨阶段,市场经济体制还很不完善,这些特殊国情使得我国的货币供给量更加难以控制.而且在当今金融创新、金融放松管制和全球金融市场一体化的背景之下,各个层次的货币供应量之间的界限更加不易确定,基础货币的扩张系数也失去了以往的稳定性,这又进一步强化了我国货币供给的内生性.通过对上述复杂因素的综合分析,探讨了我国央行对货币供给不可控性的深层次原因.  相似文献   
Firms with export operations have internal environments that are often geared toward serving the home market. As a result, export marketing and other business functions compete for resources, which thus increases the likelihood of conflict between them. Using survey responses from more than 700 exporting firms, the authors test a model of the antecedents and consequences of two important interaction variables: exporting’s interfunctional connectedness and conflict. The model explains 52 percent and 49 percent of variance in exporting connectedness and conflict, respectively. The authors identify the key drivers of successful interactions as follows: management commitment, organizational training and reward systems, relative functional identification, centralization, and export employee job satisfaction and commitment. The authors also demonstrate that connectedness is most critical for export success when export markets are in a state of turbulence, whereas conflict is most detrimental when the firm’s export environment is stable. John W. Cadogan (j.w.cadogan@lboro.ac.uk), Ph.D., is a professor of marketing in the Business School at Loughborough University, United Kingdom. His primary areas of research interest are international marketing, marketing strategy, and sales management. He has published on these issues in theJournal of International Business Studies, theInternational Journal of Research in Marketing, theJournal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, theEuropean Journal of Marketing, theInternational Marketing Review, theJournal of Marketing Management, theJournal of Strategic Marketing, and other academic journals. He received his degree from the University of Wales (United Kingdom). Sanna Sundqvist (sanna.sundqvist@lut.fi), Ph.D., is a professor in international marketing in the Department of Business Administration at the Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland). Her research interests deal with the international diffusion of innovations, market orientation (especially in an international context), and consumers’ adoption behavior. She has published in theJournal of Business Research, theInternational Journal of Research in Marketing, theEuropean Journal of Marketing, theCanadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, and theAustralasian Marketing Journal. She received her degree from the Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland. Risto T. Saiminen (risto.salminen@lut.fi), Ph.D., is a professor of industrial engineering and management, especially marketing, in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland. His primary areas of research interest are customer relationships and networks in business marketing, pedagogy in industrial engineering and management, and international marketing. He has published on these issues in theJournal of Business and Industrial Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Management, theEuropean Journal of Engineering Education, theInternational Journal of Research in Marketing, theEuropean Journal of Marketing, and theAustralasian Marketing Journal. He received his degree from Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland. Kaisu Puumalainen (kaisu.puumalainen@lut.fi), Ph.D., is a professor in technology research in the Department of Business Administration at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland. Her primary areas of research interest are innovation, international marketing, and small businesses. She has published on these issues in theInternational Journal of Research in Marketing, theJournal of Business Research, theEuropean Journal of Marketing, R&D Management, theCanadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, theJournal of International Entrepreneurship, theAustralasian Marketing Journal, and theInternational Journal of Production Economics. She received her degree from the Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland.  相似文献   
网络型产业中存在的信息不对称使规制契约的存在成为必然。现实经济活动中之所以要设计和采用不同强度的激励性规制,主要是由于没有哪种规制机制能够解决所有问题。在理论综述的基础上,借鉴前人的研究,分析了网络型产业的激励性规制模型中的激励强度与激励绩效的关系,并指出其在实践中的应用以及对我国的借鉴。  相似文献   
美国政府审计人员角色对我国绩效审计的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的“审计风暴”暴露了政府资金使用效率问题,为此,我国的政府审计应转向绩效审计。美国是绩效审计发展比较成熟的国家之一,其政府审计人员履行诸多角色,包括查证所报告绩效信息的可靠性和有效性、积极协助管理者建立和使用绩效评价体系、利用现有的绩效计量方法对所审计部门进行评价完成验证工作等。借鉴美国经验,我国构建绩效审计应建立相关的绩效审计准则,转变管理层和审计人员的观念,提高审计人员素质。  相似文献   
市场型银企关系是建立在平等自愿基础上的市场交换关系。只有按市场经济的要求改革银企体制,才能在制度上保障银企关系发展的协调。要构建市场型银企关系的银行机制,就要创新商业银行经营机制和服务功能。目前构建市场型银企关系的重点是培育资本市场,发展投资银行业,改革投融资体制,完善风险约束机制。  相似文献   
It is becoming increasingly apparent from the literature that marketers need to consider customer-level information when they generate a marketing strategy for the firm. In this article, the authors develop a customer-focused framework that uses a marketing strategy with an overall objective of maximized financial performance. This strategy is driven by seven customer-level marketing tactics and shows how actual customer data can be used to generate an actionable marketing strategy leading to optimal levels of profitability, customer equity, and shareholder value. In addition, the authors discuss a successful implementation of this strategy for several business-to-business and business-to-consumer firms and offer insights as to how to customize an implementation strategy for any firm, along with presenting potential challenges a firm may encounter during the implementation process. Several suggestions for future research are offered to explore and harness this newly available evidence. V. Kumar (VK) (vk@business.uconn.edu) is the ING Chair Professor of Marketing and the executive director of the ING Center for Financial Services at the University of Connecticut. He spends his time by transferring his knowledge (however little it may be) to his two daughters about customer lifetime value, diffusion models, forecasting sales and market share, retailing, and marketing strategy. J. Andrew Petersen (apetersen@business.uconn.edu) is a doctoral candidate in marketing at the University of Connecticut. His research interests include customer lifetime value, word-of-mouth effects, and customer-level marketing strategy. His research has been published inMarketing Research Magazine and theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science.  相似文献   
中小企业从银行获得的融资十分有限.以Elod Takáts模型为基础的银行规模分析解释了银行规模与中小企业贷款的无关性,以Akerlof模型为基础的信息不对称分析解释了中小企业在贷款中的逆向选择问题.可以通过多种方式消除逆向选择问题,从根本上解决中小企业贷款难题.  相似文献   
王刚 《当代经济管理》2006,28(5):120-124
贷款损失准备金是与资本充足率、贷款质量分类紧密联系的银行审慎监管重要指标。本文通过对比我国和有关国家银行法中有关外资银行贷款损失准备金的监管规定,指出主要应从三方面完善现有贷款损失准备金制度体系,一是加强监管机构对外资银行准备金计提、管理的监督;二是应根据外资银行法律地位的不同,在与外资银行母国签订双边监管合作协议的框架下,对外资银行子行、合资银行和分行提出不同的贷款损失准备金要求;三是增加国家风险因素的考虑。  相似文献   
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