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文章主要对厂矿道路设计存在的问题进行简要的分析,希望对同行今后的工作有所启示和帮助。  相似文献   
阐述软土路基沉降原因及危害,通过工程实例沉降观测分析,表明在软土地基上修筑高速公路,要选择合理的现测方案在施工期间对路基沉降进行监测,并及时掌握路基沉降的规律至关重要。  相似文献   
全面振兴东北老工业基地需要创造良好的发展环境。当前东北老工业基地经济社会发展的困境与软环境建设滞后有直接的关系。文章阐述了东北地区在经济增长、人口形势与产业结构等方面面临的困境,分析了该地区在思想环境、市场环境、政务环境、政策环境、信用环境、法治环境、社会环境等普遍存在的问题,指出东北地区软环境建设滞后的根源在于政府在软环境建设中的主体责任不明晰,突出表现为政府职能转变不到位。作为推动国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的责任主体,政府应成为东北老工业基地软环境建设的规划者、引导者、组织者和监管者。通过树立软环境建设第一责任人意识、推进政府职能转变、加强绩效考核和行政问责来完善制约东北老工业基地发展的体制机制,打造适应经济新常态的区域软环境高地,推动东北老工业基地经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   
秦国农业发展成就的取得与其文化传统密切相关。关中地区"好稼穑、务本业"的社会风尚奠定了秦国农业发展的文化基础;秦文化重功利的价值取向使秦国的农业激励政策发挥出了最大效能;宗法观念淡薄则使个体小家庭生产这种最适应生产力发展水平的经营方式在秦国得到了最彻底的推行。  相似文献   
The knowledge of a product's life cycle is the first step on the search of sustainable development. The life cycle assessment (LCA) is an important method because it allows an environment accounting, where the extraction of natural resources and energy of the nature are considered and the "returns" to the same one and allows in evaluating relative potential the environment impacts generated. The present work had as objective to make an analysis of material and energy flows of the life cycle of three types of packaging for soft drinks: glass bottles of 390 mL, aluminum cans of 350 mL, and bottles of PET of 2,000 mL. The study considered processes since the extraction of raw materials for production of the packaging until the stages of recycling, after the consumption of the soft drink. For the research, an inventory analysis followed the LCA methodology. The main critical points of generation of negative environmental impact during the life cycle of each packaging had been the identified and quantified data in this study. The consumption of natural resources like water and other raw materials and energy, the generation of atmospheric emissions, solid wastes and wastewaters had been the analyzed categories. The results showed that, in accordance with the scenes and defined variables, the most important conclusion was that the bottle of glass presented a less favorable scene to the environment in comparison with other packaging.  相似文献   
为解决传统碎石桩加固软土地基研究中忽视碎石桩侧向膨胀的问题,在对筏板基础下碎石桩排水荷载条件下加固软土地基的性能进行评估的基础上,利用PLAXIS 3D数值模拟方法研究了桩间距、直径和桩长等参数对筏板基础长期性能的影响,同时分析了各参数对筏板基础整体沉降、弯矩和碎石桩侧胀的影响。结果表明:1)软土中碎石桩的存在显著降低了筏板基础的沉降和弯矩;2)碎石桩的侧向胀形分布取决于其位置的深度;3)筏板基础的沉降、弯矩和侧向胀形随着间距与桩径比的减小、面积置换率和碎石桩长度的增加而增加;4)采用长厚比为0.75的碎石桩加固软土,可以达到良好的加固效果。研究结果对于全面了解筏板基础下碎石桩改良软土的侧胀性状具有重要意义,对于今后类似工程加固设计具有参考借鉴价值。  相似文献   
高校的“校力”建设是一个高校内在核心力与凝聚力、外在影响力与辐射力的综合体现。“校力”建设包含一所大学所应具有的“硬实力、软实力、隐实力和巧实力”。高校先进的办学理念、科学的发展定位、雄厚的人才资源、一流的学科专业、完善的教学管理、高效的运行机制、先进的校园文化等,是高校“实力”的基本建设要素。  相似文献   
本文以2004~2008年的民营上市公司为样本,实证研究了民营企业的政治联系对预算软约束及政府补助效率的影响。研究发现,政治联系是一把双刃剑:一方面,政治联系的民营企业容易受到政府干预,由此承担了较重的雇员负担,也因此获得了较多的政府补助,从而支持了林毅夫等对预算软约束的政策性负担层面的解释。另一方面,虽然政治联系未直接发挥关系作用,但会增加雇员负担一定时的政府补助。进一步地,在政治联系的民营企业中,政府补助对公司绩效的促进作用显著低于无政治联系的民营企业,揭示了政治联系改变了政府补助的流向,降低了政府补助资金的配置效率。  相似文献   
置信传播(BP)算法可以为系统极化码提供软信息作为判决依据,也可以为系统极化码在级联迭代译码中提供交换软信息。在详细描述基于信道极化结构的置信传播算法基础上,比较了系统极化码在软信息判决方法和极化编码判决方法下错误率性能的差异。仿真结果表明,软信息判决方法可以提高系统极化码的误比特率,在高信噪比下误帧率方面也略有提高。  相似文献   
Purpose: This study examines the effects of an embedded network on the contractual relationship between exchange parties under conditions reflecting varying levels of environmental volatility and investigates the role of an important network factor—the embedded network—in the contractual relationship between manufacturers and their suppliers.

Methodology: The empirical test was conducted with manufacturing companies in the context of manufacturer–supplier relationships. Construct measures were based on existing measures and previous research. Measurement reliability and validity were established using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and an overall measurement model was assessed with structural equation modeling using LISREL.

Findings: The results of a survey of manufacturers indicate that firms in an embedded network preferred “soft” contracts even when they face volatile environments, whereas those facing volatile environments in a less embedded network preferred “hard” contracts with explicitly specified written requirements. Network partners carefully evaluated embedded networks (a critical factor that has not received enough attention) before forming contractual relationships in a network perceiving interfirm relationships differently.

Originality: The study introduces network embeddedness to explain governance mechanisms in volatile environments and shows that the explicit recognition of embedded network may facilitate the development of contracts with specific provisions as the contractual relationship evolves.  相似文献   
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