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我国上市公司CEO薪酬存在租金攫取吗? 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文选取2005~2008年我国上市公司作为研究样本,考察了CEO的薪酬是否存在租金攫取问题。研究结果表明:我国国有控股上市公司CEO的薪酬主要由公司经济特征决定,具有明显的业绩型薪酬特征,并不存在明显的超额薪酬和租金攫取问题;上市公司总体,尤其是民营控股上市公司CEO的薪酬中存在租金,但租金攫取问题相对较轻,尚未对公司业绩产生负面影响。本文还对不同薪酬水平上市公司CEO的薪酬中的租金攫取问题分别进行了分析。研究发现,CEO薪酬水平中等和较低的公司,CEO的薪酬并不存在租金攫取问题,而CEO薪酬水平较高的上市公司中虽存在租金攫取,但问题尚不严重。 相似文献
Kai A. Konrad 《The Scandinavian journal of economics》2021,123(1):267-294
This paper addresses the debate over aggressive tax‐planning models and analyzes the role of tax consultants. It focuses on the dynamic interaction between innovation and imitation of aggressive tax‐planning products and governmental tax regulation, and it highlights the importance of the length of regulatory lag in comparison with the time it takes the tax‐consulting industry to imitate newly innovated tax‐avoidance products. It reveals an alignment of interests between highly innovative tax‐consulting firms and the governmental tax legislator/regulator. The conclusions are also relevant for the policy debate on mandatory disclosure rules about aggressive tax‐planning models. 相似文献
Turlough F. Guerin 《Business Strategy and the Environment》2009,18(6):380-396
The transfer of environmental goods and services to China will increasingly be of importance to developed nations as the demand for environmental management services increases in China. A review of the literature on technology transfer to China revealed a range of well recognized and commonly known constraints to transferring technologies to China. There were gaps in the literature in relation to the concerns that environmental professionals have regarding technology transfer to China, as there is limited information on the transfer in environmental goods and services to China. A survey of the non‐trade barriers and their practical impact on the transfer of environmental technologies and goods and services to China, focusing on Australian suppliers, was undertaken to address these gaps. The survey, which was developed from barriers to technology transfer already described in the extensive research addressing the wider issues of technology transfer to China, targeted environmental professionals but also included other professionals with interests in transferring environmental goods and services to China. From the survey, the highest priority barriers to transferring environmental goods and service to China were identified, and those that are most likely to limit Australian vendors of environmental goods and services in their technology transfers to China were protection of intellectual property (IP), limitations of the rule of law, fragmentation and bureaucracy of the Chinese government and establishing appropriate level of ownership (of environmental goods and services providers in China). Examples of Australian experience were also examined, which confirmed these barriers to providing the needed technology and innovation to manage China's increasing environmental impacts. The research also shows that the barriers identified do not appear to be unique to transfer of environmental goods and services but rather generic to the transfer and adoption of Australian technology into China. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. 相似文献
我国商业银行债权在上市公司治理中的效应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文对我国银行在上市公司发挥公司治理作用的机制和途径进行了理论和实证研究。研究结果表明,我国银行债权对上市公司的治理力度很弱。银行贷款无论期限长短,治理总体效应都为负,体现为对公司绩效的影响都是显著的负相关关系。在治理机制的途径上,无论是短期贷款还是长期贷款,与公司管理成本费用率之间都是正相关关系,长期贷款与自由现金流量之间显著负相关;这说明银行的长期债权能发挥一定的监督作用,但由于长期贷款占比少,银行债权不能有效约束经理人。公司规模与公司绩效、自由现金流和管理成本费用率之间有显著的合理相关性。 相似文献
高勇强 《地质技术经济管理》2009,(2):29-32
伴随着企业规模和实力的不断增强,自20世纪50年代以来,企业社会责任(corporate social responsibility,CSR)问题就一直备受商业理论界的关注。大量学者从企业社会责任的定义、内涵、理论基础等方面进行了大量的研究,取得了丰富的研究成果。然而,不可否认的是,目前对企业社会责任的研究仍然有很多差强人意的地方,其中一些问题来自于企业社会责任概念本身,而另一些则来自于现有研究的不足。本文的主要目的是就企业社会责任问题研究中的四个方面的研究困境与不足进行探讨,这四个问题分别涉及企业社会责任的内涵、原因、评价与跨国环境下的企业社会责任问题。 相似文献
抛弃经典财务理论中理性经理人的假设,将规范研究与实证研究相结合,以2006—2010年我国沪深两市A股上市公司作为研究样本,用管理者的相对薪酬、持股状况和实施并购次数构建综合指标来衡量公司高管的过度自信程度,从公司高管过度自信的视角重新审视上市公司的现金股利分配行为。研究结果表明:管理者过度自信的上市公司倾向于少发放现金股利来增强内部融资;上市公司的成长性越强,管理者的过度自信对现金股利分配决策的影响越显著。 相似文献
Morris Altman 《Forum for Social Economics》2013,42(2-3):166-186
Conventional economic wisdom views a Living Wage as costly in term of economic efficiency and competitiveness. I argue, based on x-efficiency theory, that higher wages need not cause any economic harm and can, on the contrary, generate higher levels of material wellbeing. Higher wages can be expected to induce x-efficiency and technological change cost offsets. In this context, an effective living wage, one that is above some subsistence minimum, can have a net efficiency effect on the economy. Therefore, a living wage greater than the wage rate generated by the free market cannot be predicted to generate economic harm. With the institutional parameters in place to realize a living wage, the economic pie can be expected to grow to accommodate the living wage. 相似文献
企业是投资决策的最终制定者,理解企业投资行为十分必要.本文以沪深两市制造业2003-2005年的财务数据为基础,抽取了1870家样本公司,对投资行为与企业竞争优势之间的关系进行实证分析.发现滞后一期的固定资产投资和当期的企业竞争优势显著正相关,滞后一期和滞后二期的无形资产投资均与当期的企业竞争优势不显著. 相似文献
在战略管理领域,“公司治理专注于解决公司内部决策权分配的问题”(Gollis 和 Montgomery,1997)是一个被广泛接受的观点。传统观点认为,企业决策权的制定应局限于对企业资源有明确主张的内部利益相关者,而今,越来越多的人认识到企业外部的利益相关者也应获得企业决策权的合法权(Hill 和 Jones,2007)。尽管拓宽后的公司治理概念(也就是说,超越企业边界的社会群体与从中选举产生的董事会影响企业资源配置的决策权)常被归入企业社会责任范畴;可一量考虑到企业社会责任涵盖经济,生态和社会等内容,公司治理概念的外延也随之变得广阔起来——它要解决的问题不仅包括如何为公司股东聚焦财富,同时也包括如何对自然与社会环境施加直接的影响。
很明显,跨国公司、非政府组织是影响公司治理的新要素,它的出现已得到文献详细论述(Dah 和Jeegen,2003)。随着非政府组织影响的延展,要掌握当代公司治理的演化,我们需对“全球”和“本土”等几组概念进行扩展。举例而文言主,从“本土”视角看,拉丁美洲仅意味着地球的某一特定方位,如果拉丁美洲真的与世隔绝,用“本土”描述这一时空统一体当然是正确的。然而,由于快速沟通的实现,尤其是互联网的出现,只要点击鼠标,“本土”即刻成为了“全球”。因此,“本土”和“全球”合而为一是全球化的结果。
为进一步阐明公司治理近几年已发生根本变化的观点,本文运用三个安全例来支持这种改变是如何在利益相关者试图影响公司战略方向的情况下发生的。案例一讲述执行墨西哥组装工厂计划的跨国公司回应关于外界呼吁其自主披露战略导向的故事。案例二描写的是沃尔玛在美国某社区建立分店的意图遭非政府组织与当地市民反对而最终落败的历程。案例三介绍多元化的利益相关者(政府、非政府组织、跨国公司、联合国等)如何通过国际制裁、国内立法和行业自治等手段以保护钻石产业免受战略性威胁。 相似文献