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随着环境的变化,国有大型煤炭企业集团面临市场需求减少、产能过剩等诸多风险,要求国有大型煤炭企业集团必须对发展战略做出改变。其战略调整的方向是:加快转变发展方式,更加注重发展的质量和效益;放弃高耗能、高污染的多元项目,增强企业核心竞争力;以产业结构的调整,解决产能过剩问题。各级政府应改变GDP唯上的政绩观,在推动企业持续发展上做出科学的抉择。  相似文献   
Grounded in the upper echelons perspective and stakeholder theory, this study establishes a link between CEO hubris and corporate social responsibility (CSR). We first develop the theoretical argument that CEO hubris is negatively related to a firm's socially responsible activities but positively related to its socially irresponsible activities. We then explore the boundary conditions of hubris effects and how these relationships are moderated by resource dependence mechanisms. With a longitudinal dataset of S&P 1500 index firms for the period 2001–2010, we find that the relationship between CEO hubris and CSR is weakened when the firm depends more on stakeholders for resources, such as when its internal resource endowments are diminished as indicated by firm size and slack, and when the external market becomes more uncertain and competitive. The implications of our findings for upper echelons theory and the CSR research are discussed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
金融危机后全球安全资产减少,使日本国债地位相对改善,成为世界金融市场的避险工具之一.但由于日本长期政府债务净额占GDP之比居高不下,国债信用已经受到损毁,主权信用评级被下调.从日本国内资金循环特征看,日本企业转变为储蓄大户的原因不是企业的盈利增加,而是由于资产负债表的调整压力使投资意愿降低,因此,日本政府只有不断增发国债来弥补筹资主体的缺位;日本国债期限结构的短期化和日益增长的利息负担使其面临的市场利率风险加大;同时,日本中央银行购买国债规模膨胀,不断冲击财政纪律的约束,财政赤字货币化风险隐藏其中.长期来看,日本泡沫经济崩溃后,资产去泡沫化的过程也正是国债泡沫化的过程.在日本财政改革前景未见定论,企业的投资需求尚未恢复的前提下,日本国债的可持续性存在巨大风险.  相似文献   
Even though many firms conduct most of their business domestically, international management research has remained remarkably silent on the role of a firm's domestic footprint in its internationalization strategy. We shed light on that role by exploring how the size of a firm's domestic footprint influences the cultural distance that the firm adds to its country portfolio when expanding internationally. Integrating resource dependence theory and the attention‐based view, we hypothesize that a firm's domestic footprint has a negative relationship with added cultural distance (ACD), and that domestic policy uncertainty strengthens this relationship whereas domestic demand uncertainty weakens it. We find robust support for our hypotheses in a sample of the world's largest retailers covering the period 2000–07, indicating that a firm's domestic footprint and domestic environmental uncertainties jointly shape cross‐cultural expansion strategies. Our findings suggest that ACDs reflect headquarters executives' desire to avoid ineffective foreign expansions, hinting at possible biases in studies of the performance effects of distance.  相似文献   
依据1998年至2008年的数据,通过对中国银行业的市场竞争程度进行测度和考察银行业竞争程度对不同外部融资依赖程度的制造业部门的影响,得出结论:我国金融发展和银行业市场竞争程度的提高,有利于外部融资依赖度较高类型的制造业部门的发展,在短期内有利于产业发展和经济增长,但在长期内会导致资金和技术密集型制造业部门的资本深化,对产业结构和经济发展造成不利影响。这对调整和完善我国制造业部门的产业结构、调节和管理不同产业部门的资本需求、促进银行业市场结构健康发展具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   
基于引力模型,结合社会网络分析法的凝聚子群分析,对31个省(区、市)的创新产出空间联系进行探究,研究发现:我国省域创新产出空间联系主要集中于京津冀和长三角一带,呈现出严重的分布不均状况,具有较强的区域集中性和空间依赖性;北京、天津、上海、浙江、江苏作为区域创新产出引力较强的节点省(区、市),对周边区域的创新产出具有较强的辐射作用;总体来看,省域创新产出空间联系并没有形成贯穿东西南北的交叉网状结构,中心省(区、市)数量较少且分布不均,辐射范围有限。基于此,提出加大区域创新投入、减少区域创新产出联系的政策性障碍、营造区域创新产出联系的良好环境等政策建议。  相似文献   
Panel unit root tests under cross-sectional dependence   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this paper alternative approaches for testing the unit root hypothesis in panel data are considered. First, a robust version of the Dickey-Fuller t -statistic under contemporaneous correlated errors is suggested. Second, the GLS t -statistic is considered, which is based on the t -statistic of the transformed model. The asymptotic power of both tests is compared against a sequence of local alternatives. To adjust for short-run serial correlation of the errors, we propose a pre-whitening procedure that yields a test statistic with a standard normal limiting distribution as N and T tends to infinity. The test procedure is further generalized to accommodate individual specific intercepts or linear time trends. From our Monte Carlo simulations it turns out that the robust OLS t -statistic performs well with respect to size and power, whereas the GLS t -statistic may suffer from severe size distortions in small and moderate sample sizes. The tests are applied to test for a unit root in real exchange rates.  相似文献   
技术创新、金融市场泡沫与金融制度的适应性效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融市场对于技术创新的重要性是不言而喻的。但金融市场的发展不可避免地会产生泡沫。严重的泡沫会导致金融市场的崩溃,从而对经济增长造成灾难性的后果。政府对金融市场泡沫的不同干预方式又会将金融市场锁定在不同的发展路径。我们发现,政府的角色十分关键,金融市场的发展,一方面需要政府的良好执法来建立竞争性市场秩序,并降低既得利益集团对金融市场创新的阻挠;另一方面,又需要避免政府过多的行政干预所导致的对投资者权力的破坏。只有这样,才能有效地将泡沫效应转化为推动金融市场创新的原动力。  相似文献   
This study analyzes sovereign risk contagion between four East Asian economies (China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Korea) and its structural changes through the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and the European Debt Crisis (EDC) by applying the mixture of time-varying copulas to those economies’ credit default swap (CDS) spreads.

This article first finds a strong contagion from the US and PIIGS economies to the East Asian sovereign CDS markets and intraregional contagion within the East Asian markets. Second, the impact of contagion is different according to whether it is measured by the linear (Gaussian) or the upper tail dependence. Third, Japan plays an important role in increasing the linear dependence whereas China and Korea are crucial in terms of the upper tail dependence. Lastly, the GFC has structurally increased the linear dependence but not the upper tail dependence between the East Asian sovereign CDS markets.  相似文献   

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