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张振兴 《经济经纬》2007,(3):132-134
上市公司(特别是国有控股上市公司)治理结构的主要特征是内部人控制.上市公司的管理层和控股股东的实际控制人共同构成内部人,内部人共同分享控制权利益带来的好处.监管政策的出发点是降低控制权利益,减少内部人(控股股东和管理层)与中小股东、债权人的利益冲突,维护市场的"三公"原则.  相似文献   
我国上市公司财务治理结构存在股权结构不合理、财权配置过于集中、财务监督机制失效、财务激励失衡、所有者缺位,信息披露制度不规范等问题.本文分析了产生的后果和形成的原因,提出了置换国有股功能,优化股权结构,适当提高流通股比重、合理配置财权、提高债权人地位、界定清晰的财务主体、加强内部财务监控等建议.  相似文献   
刘鹤扬 《开放导报》2006,(6):75-78,103
我国私人股权投资所面临的主要问题是私人股权市场主体缺位严重,尚未建立有效的运作机制,投资管理的理念,工具和手段落后,以及退出渠道不畅。本文提出加强政策引导,促进社会资本进入、建立有限合伙制度、强化金融创新和积极培育多层次资本市场等政策建议。  相似文献   
A conceptual framework of salesperson satisfaction/dissatisfaction is presented and is used to develop several research propositions. Drawing from organizational behaviour and sales management research, the model incorporates various theories of motivation and emphasizes the role of intervening variables thought to be especially important in the context of sales occupations. Finally, the model draws attention to the dynamic nature of the relationships between salespersons' efforts, performance, intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, and job satisfaction/dissatisfaction. Copyright © 2011 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
新中国成立以来我国农地制度经历了三次重大变迁:从封建地主土地所有制到农民土地所有制,再到集体所有、集体统一经营制度,最后到集体所有、家庭承包经营责任制。每一次农地制度变迁都在不同程度上体现了公平与效率的博弈。第一次变迁所形成的农民土地所有制既促进了效率也体现了公平。第二次变迁所形成的土地集体所有、集体统一经营制度表面上看公平有余效率不足,实则是既缺乏效率也不公平。第三次变迁所形成的土地集体所有、家庭承包经营制是公平诱因与效率诱因共同作用的结果,而且农地分配、农地调整、农地流转等方面存在的矛盾和问题,本质上都是公平与效率的博弈。我国农地制度进一步变迁的方向是实现公平与效率并重。  相似文献   
This paper provides insights about how customer equity estimates can help businesses monitor the competition as well as aid managers in making their marketing investment decisions, and how companies can employ their marketing investments to maximize current and future yield/returns. The article concerns itself with the current offer of cellphone providers and their main products. The research includes survey data through interviews with 302 cellphone users of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The study uses this data combined with a number of economic assumptions and a financial marketing model to create an insight in customer equity values of cellphone providers in the region. The scenario dated October 2005 is that the estimated customer equity of the service provider Vivo is, respectively, 93 and 91% larger than those of competing providers Claro and TIM. The research underlines that on average the customer equity flowing from the post-paid segment is 3.5 times larger than that of the pre-paid. In addition to these results the study provides the customer lifetime value (CLV) estimates for Claro's, TIM's and Vivo's pre- and post-paid customers and analyzes the retention and loss figures of CLV. Also a discussion follows of the implications that these values will likely have for the companies' marketing strategy.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to determine whether the Chilean investor rewards the corporate disclosure of economic information. The results have been consistent with international findings, since the relationship between the two studied variables was widely negative (the more information, the lower rate demanded by the investor). Also, the study shows that the integration of the capitals markets is improving the minimum standards of disclosure since, when a local company participates in more than one stock market, the strictest corporate disclosure or transparency rule will be applied.

RESUMEN. El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar si el inversionista chileno premia la entrega de información por parte de las empresas. Los resultados han sido consistentes con la evidencia internacional, ya que la relación entre las variables estudiadas fue ampliamente negativa (a mayor información, menor tasa exigida por el inversionista). Además, el estudio evidencia que la integración de los mercados de capitales está mejorando los estándares mínimos de revelación, ya que al participar una firma local en más de una bolsa de valores, se aplicará la normativa más exigente de revelación o transparencia corporativa.

RESUMO. O objetivo desta pesquisa é determinar se o investidor chileno compensa a divulgação das informações econômicas pelas empresas. Os resultados têm sido coerentes com as evidências internacionais, visto que a relação entre as duas variáveis estudadas foi amplamente negativa (quanto mais informação, menor é a taxa exigida pelo investidor). O estudo evidencia, também, que a integração dos mercados de capitais tem melhorado os padrões mínimos de divulgação, já que quando uma empresa local participa em mais de uma bolsa de valores, as normas mais rígidas de divulgação ou de transparência corporativa são aplicadas.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to examine how, when a self-service innovation fails, customers evaluate different levels of brand equity and how the brand equity effect is moderated by consumer attribution and service recovery. Based on two experimental studies, the results indicate that high-equity brands suffer less from the adverse effects of self-service innovation failures when compared with low-equity brands. However, self-service innovation failures are more detrimental to high-equity brands if they are caused by service providers' internal factors as well as low service recovery.  相似文献   

The study empirically assessed the relationship between stock market development and long-run economic growth in Nigeria for the period 1980 to 2000. The study used secondary data while four models of multiple regressions were specified. The regression results, which were obtained using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS), show that measures of stock market development statistically have no significant effect on economic growth in Nigeria during the period 1980 to 2000. The major implication of the findings is that if the Nigerian Stock Market is to significantly contribute to rapid economic growth, policies must be fashioned out to eliminate those factors that blur the effectiveness of the vehicle or transmission mechanism through which stock market activities influence economic growth.

Based on the findings, it was recommended that there should be an improvement in the attractiveness of the market as a major source of raising capital. This will entail improvement in the physical infrastructure, more efficient share transfer and delivering system and provision of adequate and timely information on the market. Also, there should be improvement in the institutional regulation, environment and legal framework such that a balance is maintained between the soundness and safety of the market. And finally, there is the need to internationalize the stock market to improve the flow of savings. This willgive the market the advantages of risk diversification, improve information flow and encourage corporate control through investment in equity.  相似文献   
合并报表编制方法可以分为从期初进行编制,也可以从期末进行编制。合并报表准则规定,合并时要将成本法调整为权益法后再行编制,由于完全权益法与不完全权益法的差异,会导致两种编制方法有不同的适应性。在完全权益法下编制合并报表适合从期初进行编制,在不完全权益法下编制合并报表适合从期末进行编制。  相似文献   
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