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2007年金融危机起源于金融、经济、制度高度发达的中心国家,是由世界经济体系的薄弱环节断裂导致的,是对制度模式、经济失衡和国际货币体系的一种调整。金融层面的原因在于次贷危机.金融创新过度,金融衍生产品泛滥,美国金融体系存在诸多不完善之处.金融监管不力、缺失。从经济层面分析,美国国内经济失衡是危机爆发的基础原因.全球经济失衡是金融危机爆发的深层原因,金融危机是市场经济周期运行的必然结果。制度层面的原因主要包括过度干预经济,美国模式的技术缺陷和不合理的国际货币体系。  相似文献   
We examine how state-ownership affects financial constraints on investment of Chinese-listed firms during 1999–2008. We find that although an average sample firm experiences some degree of financial constraints, state-ownership does not necessarily help in reducing the firm's financial constraints on investment. Further evidence shows that state-ownership does not lead to more borrowing from the Chinese banking sector, implying that state-ownership does not necessarily reduce the firm's financial constraints via the state-controlled banking sector. We consider not only the standard factors in the investment equation, but also the firm's equity financing behaviour explicitly. The result is robust to both the conventional proxy for financial constraints, i.e. the investment–cash-flow sensitivity, and a recently developed proxy for financial constraints, i.e. the KZ index. Our results suggest that China's corporatisation movement is effective in that soft budget constraints once enjoyed by former state-owned enterprises have been removed along with the progress of corporatisation. These firms, although still state-involved, can be seen as modern corporations operating in a market environment.  相似文献   
Decreased public confidence and trust in the nonprofit sector has fueled increased calls for transparency. In response, federal regulators and watchdog organizations have recommended that nonprofits voluntarily disclose their financial information on their own public websites. Despite the potential benefits of enhanced public confidence and trust, improved donor decision making, and increased donations, many nonprofit organizations have not adopted the recommended disclosure practices. We investigate the disclosure practices of 3,217 nonprofits and find that voluntary web disclosure of the IRS Form 990 is strongly correlated to donations, independent of other variables such as age, size, and fundraising expenditures. Further, fundraising is also clearly related to the performance indicators shown in the 990 disclosures, particularly the program ratio of program expenditures to total expenditures. This is true on a general level and when specifically compared to other nonprofits within particular sectors. As a result, nonprofits should seriously consider voluntarily posting their Form 990 results on their websites when it reflects favorably and strive to improve their financial performance if online disclosure would reflect poorly on the organization.  相似文献   
陈小蕴  徐璨 《江苏商论》2014,(1):63-64,82
随着高净值人群的快速增长,我国私人银行业规模也迅速扩张,但同时遭遇服务供不应求、盈利状况不佳及客户群不稳定的发展瓶颈。基于我国特有的文化背景和私人银行客户群的特殊理财观,本文指出将社会关系嵌入私人银行服务的必要性及其在现实中的发展状况。细分客户群和提升专业服务能力是社会关系嵌入式的私人银行服务得以实施的基础。  相似文献   
目前神经网络技术在日益发展中完善,在对于非线性数据的处理中也被证明具有卓越性能,这种性能为企业财务危机预警的研究开阔了新思路,同时提供了新的技术支持。通过筛选并确定了对上市公司陷入财务危机最具有影响力的七个财务指标,并且将其作为建立预测模型的判定指标,运用PNN对财务危机预警模型进行改进,并分析了这种模型的预测效果,得到了有关研究结论。  相似文献   
B Corps are firms certified by the non-profit B Lab for pursuing both economic and non-economic goals. Whether B Corps realize a higher financial performance has met mixed evidence. Drawing on the stability-change framework, we ask whether B Corp certification is associated with the level and volatility of financial performance. Also, expecting a greater focus on non-economic activities after certification, equity ratio may decline as shareholders may question the increased non-economic focus. Using nearest neighbor propensity score matched pair method, we draw on a multi-country sample of 355 B Corps and 623 non-B Corps. Our findings are not encouraging. B Corp certification does not provide financial gains nor financial stability, and equity ratio declines and becomes more volatile following certification. Our findings paint a gloomy picture of limited economic benefits and declining participation of equity holders following B Corp certification.  相似文献   
黄卫华  谭媛媛 《商业研究》2005,(1):137-138,162
秩序和自由是人类的两个基本需求,二者是对立统一的。制度是形成自由秩序的机制。金融市场的完善就是金融自由和金融秩序的博弈发展过程,是形成金融自由秩序的过程。我国在完善金融市场过程中,面临先发挥自由还是先考虑秩序的两难问题。应该是二者同时发展,但是在不同的时期,根据矛盾主要方面的改变应有所调整。  相似文献   
国外农村合作金融模式对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村信用社改革是我国农村金融体制改革的关键。本文认为,应当发挥农村信用合作社信息比较充分、风险相对较低的优势,重塑农村金融体系,建立多种金融机构明确分工、共同竞争、有效满足农民需要的金融服务体系;应当区分不同情况,允许并倡导具有多样性的地区模式,不搞千篇一律、全国统一的农村合作金融模式;政府应保持必要的低限度的介入,通过立法建设来推动合作金融事业的发展,同时发挥行业协会的积极作用。  相似文献   
浅析高校财务风险   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究财务风险的目的是控制财务风险,减少财务损失。应务存在总体失衡、过渡举债等风险。应充分了解并有效控制具体风险发生的相关因素,增加财务风险防范意识。建立以人为本的风险防范机制和健全财务风险预警管理体制,使高校各项经济活动严格按照财务法规有序规范运作。  相似文献   
金融监管机构的自体问责是问责制度的重要组成部分,与外部的异体问责成互补关系。金融监管机构的自体问责若采用最高监管权力层内部各部门间互为问责的形式,可以克服“问责人与责任人合为一体”的缺陷,而这必须以良好的内部治理结构为基础。本文分析了十多个国家的金融监管机构的治理结构与自体问责制度,并据此对我国金融监管机构自体问责的完善提出建议。  相似文献   
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