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浅析高校财务风险   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究财务风险的目的是控制财务风险,减少财务损失。应务存在总体失衡、过渡举债等风险。应充分了解并有效控制具体风险发生的相关因素,增加财务风险防范意识。建立以人为本的风险防范机制和健全财务风险预警管理体制,使高校各项经济活动严格按照财务法规有序规范运作。  相似文献   
金融监管机构的自体问责是问责制度的重要组成部分,与外部的异体问责成互补关系。金融监管机构的自体问责若采用最高监管权力层内部各部门间互为问责的形式,可以克服“问责人与责任人合为一体”的缺陷,而这必须以良好的内部治理结构为基础。本文分析了十多个国家的金融监管机构的治理结构与自体问责制度,并据此对我国金融监管机构自体问责的完善提出建议。  相似文献   
企业主要利益相关者显性利益的分析及其量化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照主动性、重要性、能否量化三个标准,将股东、管理人员、职工、债权人、国家、供应商六个主体,作为所界定的主要利益相关者。分析他们的主要显性利益要求,并以传统财务报表为基础,从各报表中科目的组合对主要利益相关者显性利益进行量化。  相似文献   
李新安 《国际经贸探索》2007,23(6):25-29,78
入世后过渡期结束的过程,也是我国加大开放,融入全球化的过程.该过程为中部地区通过加速区际贸易和引入外部直接投资,发展外向型经济,接受技术外溢,实现经济跨越式发展提供了重要渠道和契机.中部地区应充分利用对外开放的技术传递作用机制,通过市场与政府的协同作用,建立可持续的自我快速发展机制,实现自身崛起.  相似文献   
Usury is a concept often associated more with religiously based financial ethics, whether Christian or Islamic, than with the secular world of contemporary finance. The problem is compounded by a tendency to interpret riba, prohibited within Islam, as both usury and interest, without adequately distinguishing these concepts. This paper argues that in Christian tradition usury has always evoked the notion of money demanded in excess of what is owed on a loan, disrupting a relationship of equality between people, whereas interest was seen as referring to just compensation to the lender. Although it is often claimed that hostility towards ‘usury’ has been in retreat in the West since the protestant Reformation, we would argue that the crucial break came not with Calvin, but with Jeremy Bentham, whose critique of the arguments of Adam Smith, upholding the reasonableness of the laws against usury, led to the abolition of the usury laws in England in 1854. There has to be a role for law, whether Islamic or secular, in regulating financial relationships. We argue that by retrieving the necessary distinction between demanding usury as illegitimate predatory lending and interest as legitimate compensation, we can discover common ground behind the driving principles of financial ethics within both Islamic and Christian tradition that may still be of relevance today. By re-examining past ethical discussions of the distinction between usury and just compensation, we argue that the world’s religious traditions can make significant contributions to contemporary debate. Constant Mews is Director of the Centre for Studies in Religion and Theology at Monash University. He holds PhD and Masters degrees in medieval history, and pursues research in medieval religion, thought and ethics. Ibrahim Abraham is a PhD student in the School of Political and Social Inquiry, Monash University, with degrees in religion studies as well as law. His research interests include religion and culture, fair trade, and human rights.  相似文献   
我国的区域经济失衡已经比较严重,而区域经济失衡是为非均衡发展战略付出的代价。改变这种状况,传统的财政政策的调控虽然有效,但作用也有限,起根本作用的是西部地区金融资源的配置状况,解决西部地区内源融资和外源融资方面存在的问题。从总体上看,除了继续加强传统财政政策手段的力度以外,通过"区域经济调节税"扩展传统财政政策手段是现实生产率与历史贡献相统一的具体体现。通过区域经济失衡的货币性因素分析,有助于正确选择解决区域经济失衡的宏观经济政策。  相似文献   
在金融自由化趋势下 ,全球范围内的国际资本流动成为一种必然的要求 ,资本项目下国际资本的自由流动和汇率制度选择之间存在着一定的内在联系。同资本项目下国际资本的自由流动和浮动汇率制度的配合相比 ,资本项目下国际资本的自由流动和固定汇率制度的配合是没有效率的。我国的实际汇率制度是名为有管理的浮动汇率制度 ,实为固定的汇率制度 ,在资本自由流动成为必然的趋势下 ,这样的汇率制度安排必将影响到宏观经济政策的效率。  相似文献   
This study aims to explore the empirical validity of the real interest rate parity (RIP) hypothesis for East Asian countries using Japan as the base country. To this end, we employ the recently proposed unit root tests of Christopoulos and Leon-Ledesma that account for both multiple smooth structural breaks of unknown form and nonlinear mean reversion in the series. Our empirical results uncover overwhelming evidences in favor of the RIP hypothesis for the whole countries in our sample. More specifically, through a Fourier approximation, it is observed that all real interest rate differentials display a mean-reverting behavior around an infrequently smooth-breaking mean, with the breaks being in accordance with the financial reforms and economic crises witnessed by the countries. Moreover, the degree of mean reversion appears to vary nonlinearly with the size of real interest rate appreciations and depreciations.  相似文献   
马正兵 《商业研究》2005,(20):177-179
金融发展是通过优化资本在部门间的分配来促进经济增长的,故研究金融发展的资本部门分配功能,是金融发展理论的重要内容。金融结构论认为金融发展可以促进资本部门分配的结构改善,金融深化论认为金融发展强化资本部门分配的成本收益比较机制,内生金融发展理论则认为内生金融发展是金融优化资本部门分配的根本动力。  相似文献   
高技术企业财务失败受行业背景、国家宏观经济政策和经济周期等宏观因素影响,也受产品技术、企业管理模式和经营管理水平等微观因素的影响,各因素的作用有所不同。应建设和完善有利于高技术企业发展的市场环境,加强产学研联盟,提高高技术企业自主创新能力,努力提高高技术企业的盈利水平,加强智力资本的开发与管理。以防范高技术企业的财务失败。  相似文献   
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