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Saeed Shobeiri Ebrahim Mazaheri Michel Laroche 《International Journal of Consumer Studies》2015,39(2):172-179
This study investigates how the type of offer sold online (goods vs. services) moderates the relationships between perceived experiential values and customers' attitudes towards the website. A sample of 107 e‐shoppers of services and 110 e‐shoppers of physical goods responded to a survey on their most recent e‐shopping experiences. Results support the majority of hypotheses. It was found that although offering experiential values on the site improves customers' attitudes for both physical goods and services websites, the impact is much stronger in the case of services. Theoretical and managerial contributions are discussed. 相似文献
Gregory E. Goering 《International Journal of the Economics of Business》1994,1(2):271-282
In many cases durable goods monopolists who sell out output do not appear to act in the competitive fashion suggested by Coase (1972). This indicates the firm‘s owners mitigate their commitment problem with buyers in some manner. This paper shows that managerial incentives provide a natural mechanism for the owner to mitigate its commitment problem without explicitly contracting with buyers. Owners will optimally shift their managers from the singular goal of profit maximization by penalizing them for sales. Additionally, the paper demonstrates that the degree to which managerial incentives and compensation diverge from pure profit maximization is in large part a function of the durability or quality of the product. 相似文献
文中针对AB公司供方运输成本较高的问题,在分析了危险品运输特点的基础上,通过对供方运输数据及危险品批量运输价格的研究,运用合并运输和循环取货的运输方法,对供方运输模式进行优化,达到了降低供方运输成本的目的。 相似文献
生产与流通的关系是长期以来理论界所关注的问题.生产是流通的前提,流通又反过来制约和影响着生产过程,社会再生产表现为生产过程和流通过程的统一.本文利用2000-2007年省际面板数据实证研究了商品流通对于制造业生产的影响,实证结果表明,商品流通对制造业生产具有正向影响,且流通对制造业的促进作用表现出地区差异性,东部地区最为显著,西部、中部次之. 相似文献
广州琶洲地区由原来的城中村转换为现在的会展举办区域,在基础和配套设施尚不完善的情况下,展馆投资热情高涨,出现很多展馆搭便车现象,被业界称为馆外馆,琶洲地区因此短期内土地快速增值.文章力图解答馆外馆搭便车现象产生的理论成因,以及这种现象对广州市会展业产生的影响.该研究历时一年半的调研和70人的访谈,得到如下结论:(1)从成因来看,展馆搭便车的主要对象是广交会,而且广交会作为准公共物品,具有很强的正外部性,被搭便车不可避免;地方政府默许态度成为馆外馆搭便车现象的内化力量,同时由于广交会已经形成很强的参展制度路径依赖,使得已有的利益格局难以突破,也为搭便车者的生存创造了条件.(2)从影响来看,馆外馆搭便车现象对广州市整体会展业影响是弊大于利的,最终将影响其可持续发展.该研究是对已有研究的补充,同时对于中国展馆建设及管理也具有很强的现实意义. 相似文献
虽然中国传统消费方式的转型发生于近代,但实际上在清朝中期洋货进口就已经对中国居民消费生活产生一定的冲击,使一些居民的消费方式发生变化。本文对清朝中期洋货进口对中国居民消费生活产生的影响进行考察,以揭示出当时洋货进口对中国居民消费方式变迁所产生的影响。 相似文献
In a two-country Schumpeterian growth model, we study the incentives for basic research investments by governments in a globalized world. A country׳s basic research investments increase with the country׳s level of human capital and decline with its own market size. This may explain why some smaller countries invest so much in basic research. Compared with the optimal investments achievable when countries coordinate their basic research policies, a single country may over-invest in basic research. However, the total amount of decentralized basic research investments is always below the socially optimal investment level, which justifies policy coordination in this area. 相似文献
社会是一个群体性组织,社会中人与人之间的行为关系是社会"生产关系"的重要组成部分。人既是"自然人"更是"社会人",人类的"自然属性"和"社会属性"的重要表现是人性的"虚荣效应"与"攀比效应"。这些效应对企业组织管理具有重要的现实意义和指导意义。 相似文献
Luciano G. Greco 《The Scandinavian journal of economics》2011,113(1):55-73
Publicly‐provided private goods are conventionally considered consumer goods. Departing from this perspective, we analyze the public provision of inputs that improve household productivity (e.g., education and childcare). In a two‐class economy with distorting taxation, public provision is always welfare improving with respect to pure taxation, given that the public input directly affects household productivity. Moreover, the case for public provision strengthens as households' heterogeneity in input demand fades out, contrary to consolidated results in the literature. The features of optimal provision schemes depend on the nature of publicly provided input, namely, if it substitutes household productive capacity or just helps households to exploit it. 相似文献