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[目的]通过构建一套科学、合理的牧区草原生态补偿机制,解决牧区近10年来主要实施的一系列生态治理项目和措施中存在的草原生态补偿标准普遍偏低、政策缺少灵活性、监管体系不够完善、缺乏相应保障机制等问题。[方法]通过对国内有关草原生态补偿机制相关文献分类梳理,基于我国牧区草原生态环境现状,对比分析国内外实践,总结国外成功经验,定性分析补偿机制要素,对草原生态补偿机制进行全面、系统地分析论述。[结果]我国牧区草原生态补偿主体应以各级政府为主; 补偿对象应包括牧区牧民、草原生态环境保护的投资者和建设者以及牧区地方政府; 因保护草原生态环境而导致牧区和牧民的发展权受限由此产生的机会成本作为草原生态补偿标准; 补偿方式以中央财政纵向转移支付为主,以市场补偿为辅的组合模式。保障机制需完善法律法规、公众参与、监督管理、绩效评估等方面建设。[结论]我国牧区草原生态补偿机制的构建须对补偿责任主体、补偿范围、补偿标准、补偿方式及补偿保障机制等各要素要进行整体性、系统性深入分析,才能确保草原生态补偿机制能够满足牧区实际需求,提供有力保障。  相似文献   
With rapid increases in global food demand and production, oil palm expansion constitutes a major emerging challenge for forest conservation in Amazonia and other tropical forest regions. This threat is evident in the Peruvian Amazon, where local and national incentives for oil palm cultivation along with growing large-scale investments translate into accelerated oil palm expansion. Environmental sustainability of oil palm cultivation in the Peruvian Amazon is contingent on policy incentives for expansion onto already-cleared lands instead of biodiverse, high carbon primary rainforests. Previous research indicates that while industrial plantations use less land area than local smallholders, companies have a higher tendency to expand into primary rainforests. However, the motivations behind these differing expansion scenarios remain unclear. In this study we combine data from optical and radar satellite sensors with training information, field discussions, and review of public documents to examine the policy incentives and spatial patterns associated with oil palm expansion by smallholders and industries in one of Peru’s most rapidly changing Amazonian landscapes: the Ucayali region of the city of Pucallpa. Based on our satellite-based land cover change analysis, we found that between 2010 and 2016, smallholders utilized 21,070 ha more land area for oil palm than industries but industrial expansion occurred predominantly in old growth forests (70%) in contrast to degraded lands for smallholders (56%). Our analysis of national policies related to oil palm expansion reveal policy loopholes associated with Peru’s “best land use” classification system that allow for standing forests to undergo large-scale agricultural development with little government oversight. We conclude that both sectors will need careful, real-time monitoring and government engagement to reduce old-growth forest loss and develop successful strategies for mitigating future environmental impacts of oil palm expansion.  相似文献   
Governance of the environment and natural resources involves interests of multiple stakeholders at different scales. In community-based forest management, organisations outside of communities play important roles in achieving multiple social and ecological objectives. How and when these organisations play a role in the community-based forest management process remains a key question. We applied social network analysis to a case study in Indonesian Borneo to better understand the evolution of interactions between organisational actors, and with communities. NGOs featured most prominently in initiating the permit process, implementing management, and providing other support activities, while also being well-connected to donors and government actors. The network configurations indicated significant cooperation among organisations when initiating the community forest process, while bridging between village and organisational levels characterised all stages of the community forest process. While community-based forest management often evokes images of grassroots efforts and broad local capacity to manage forests, reality shows a more dynamic and heterogeneous picture and broader involvement of different actor types and motivations in Indonesia. These findings can be applied to other countries implementing and expanding their decentralised forest policies.  相似文献   
[目的]基于全国13省477份问卷数据,对我国养羊(场)户品种改良技术采纳意愿影响因素进行分析。[方法]文章运用多元有序Logit模型,选取决策者自身特征、生产经营特征、组织特征、环境特征、认知与预期特征共4类17个变量,分析其对养羊(场)户品种改良技术采纳意愿的影响。[结果] 17个变量中,受访者的年龄、养殖年限、社会网络关系、获取信息难度、对自家目前肉羊品种改良技术改进必要性认知、对品种改良技术风险认知、规模扩大预期以及政府政策等变量对其品种改良技术采纳意愿具有显著影响。[结论]首先政府应加大对养羊(场)户品种改良技术采纳补贴资金或政策扶持力度,降低其技术采纳成本和风险;其次技术推广部门应集中在某一地区进行合理的技术推广布局,激活其社会网络内部的信息传播机制,降低养羊(场)户获取信息难度;然后推广技术的同时,尽量告知养羊(场)户改良后品种在饲养管理等方面需要注意的问题,帮助其降低风险;最后多渠道推动我国肉羊产业规模化发展,提高其整体的品种改良技术采纳能力及风险抵御能力。  相似文献   
目的 加强并高质量推动我国油茶产业发展是丰富食用油供给体系的重要手段。全面评价我国油茶种植的适宜性,是科学制定油茶产业发展规划,推动我国油茶产业的重要基础。方法 文章基于2008—2018年油茶产业发展数据及其他相关资料、2009—2018年的气象数据、地形数据、土壤性状数据等环境数据,从规模和效率两个角度分析各地当前油茶种植及产业发展规划完成情况;同时根据油茶种植对气象、地形、土壤等因子的要求,应用层次分析法构建环境适宜性评价指标体系,基于比较优势理论分析油茶种植潜力评价结果,并对我国油茶产业发展提出建议。结果 最适宜栽培区集中于长江流域以南的气候湿热地区,主要有江西、湖南、福建大部,广西北部、湖北东南部、安徽南部;其中,湖北、湖南、河南、陕西具有较高的规模充分程度;河南、广东、福建、湖南具有较高的效率充分程度;湖南、安徽、河南规模和效率充分程度均较高。我国油茶种植以及产业发展潜力较高,尤其以广西和云南省等地区为甚。结论 我国适宜种植油茶和发展油茶产业的地区分布空间差异明显。建议加强油茶种植基地等建设,以提升我国油茶产业发展水平。该研究可为科学规划并推动我国油茶产业发展提供方法和数据支持。  相似文献   
土地整治监管制度存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地整治监管是土地整治工作顺利开展的基础和关键。针对当前土地整治监管过程中出现的监管基础薄弱、缺乏依据、制度建设不足等突出问题,建立了"四位一体"土地整治监管体系,从强化监管组织建设,创新监管模式、构建全社会参与监管新机制、监管技术手段的信息化等方面提出了强化我国土地整治监管的对策及建议,为提升我国土地整治监管质量和效率提供了重要支撑。  相似文献   
中国房地产投资结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由粗放型外延扩张转向集约型内涵化发展是中国房地产持续发展的必然要求,而产业内部结构优化无疑是实现这一转变的根本途径,针对这一问题,本文从时空、主体、用途三方面深入分析了中国房地产投资结构,揭示了其低度化的现状,阐述了产业投资结构优化的目标及具体对策。  相似文献   
从政府的角度出发,以排污企业作为研究对象,合理改进累计前景理论的价值函数,建立村民参与监督下政府和排污企业的农村环境治理决策行为演化博弈模型,进而得到使排污企业积极治理农村环境的约束条件。在综合考虑双方前景价值感知的基础上引入环境治理补贴,构建环境补贴对排污企业价值感知与环境治理决策行为的影响模型,最后运用系统动力学分析村民参与下政府和排污企业环境治理前景价值感知与治理决策行为。解决了传统博弈论完全理性假设和均衡分析方法的局限性,考虑政府和排污企业前景价值感知与环境治理补贴下积极参与农村环境治理的行为特征与规律,以及村民参与监督对政府和排污企业环境治理决策行为的影响,为构建我国农村环境多主体治理机制提供决策参考。  相似文献   
全球能源互联网背景下国家电网公司全球治理面临新的挑战,包括:竞争决策机制的本源性、制度环境的复杂性、制度建设的急迫性和利益相关者需求多元性。基于以上挑战和国家电网公司实际情况,从治理模式国际化、治理结构本土化、治理制度现代化和治理措施权变化四方面构建了国家电网公司全球治理路径优化模型,对提升国家电网公司全球治理效率、促进全球能源互联网计划顺利实施有积极价值。  相似文献   
We present a novel lens on the presence and impact of qualified foreign institutional investors (QFII) in top shareholdings of the non-financial domestically listed Chinese ‘A’ share firms. The initial results suggest that the presence of a QFII as a top shareholder in these companies is associated with their better performance, using both Tobin’s Q and ROA as the performance measures. Our models include variables representing corporate governance mechanisms, foreign legal person shares, a proxy for international affiliations and a number of time-variant firm characteristics. Economically, the coefficient of impact on the market measure is the more significant, while the effect of having a QFII in top shareholdings on both performance measures is empirically significant. Previously, studies have often ignored the potential for reverse causality beyond using lagged regressors. This is problematic. Therefore, we follow up with a 2SLS instrumental variables and system GMM model to further mitigate this potential and find the empirical relationship holds. Contrary to earlier work on QFIIs and governance post-implementation of the QFII scheme, the findings from our models suggest that the presence of a QFII top shareholder augments market performance holding equal existing corporate governance mechanisms and other controls.  相似文献   
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