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党 的十八届五中全会报告指出,坚持创新发展,必须把创新摆在国家发展全局的核心位置,不 断推进理论创新、制度创新、科技创新、文化创新等各方面创新。我国经济发展进入了新常 态阶段,认识新常态、适应新常态、引领新常态,是当前和今后一个时期我国经济发展的大 逻辑。改革开放30年来,我国的创新能力有了大幅度提高,但是仍存在影响创新能力发展的 诸多障碍,尤其是创新服务体系还严重缺失。我国在加快科技与经济融合的进程中,需要重 视创新服务体系建设,把发展基点放在创新上,形成促进创新的体制架构。在大众创业、万 众创新的大形势下,打造创新创业集成服务商,支持创新平台、孵化载体建设,促进专业创 新服务机构的发展。  相似文献   
In this paper, we explicitly introduce regional factors into a global dynamic factor model. We combine new open economy factor models (emphasizing global shocks) with the recent findings of regional importance in the business cycle synchronization literature. The analysis is applied to a large panel of domestic data for four small open economies. We find that global and regional shocks explain roughly 30 and 20 percent, respectively, of the business cycle variation in all countries. While global shocks have most impact on trade variables, regional shocks explain a relatively large share of the variation in cost variables.  相似文献   
以国际经济视角解读上海自由贸易区建立的时代背景、历史使命,阐述上海自贸区的制度创新点以及由此可能带来的连锁反应,并对相关社会、经济问题该如何解决提出建议.  相似文献   
制造业竞争力对于区域经济发展具有至关重要的支撑作用。通过建立MCI制造业竞争力指数模型量化比较发现,随着劳动力成本等要素制约加剧,浙江制造业竞争力和竞争优势近年来大幅弱化。加快实现创造驱动、人才驱动、技术驱动、改革驱动“四轮驱动”,加速提高劳动生产率,推进产业转型升级,提升产业核心竞争力,打造经济升级版,从而实现长期可持续增长,是今后很长一段时期内浙江经济的重大课题。  相似文献   
特朗普税改使美国成为税收洼地,各国为争夺国际资本竞相效仿降税,加剧了全球税收竞争,为世界经济复苏增加了更多的不确定性.因此,有必要通过构建利润转移视角的税收竞争模型,揭示特朗普税改对全球经济产生溢出效应的作用机制及赤字约束问题,并运用一般均衡模型(CGE)模拟特朗普税改对世界经济溢出效应的长短期影响.特朗普税改是以邻为壑的经济政策,但长期内对中国等世界主要经济体的负面影响不断减弱,并会对出口产生一定的正面影响.因此,我国应构建国际税务交互管理体制,强化企业税收激励的法制保障,完善税改冲击的应急运行机制.  相似文献   
We present a novel lens on the presence and impact of qualified foreign institutional investors (QFII) in top shareholdings of the non-financial domestically listed Chinese ‘A’ share firms. The initial results suggest that the presence of a QFII as a top shareholder in these companies is associated with their better performance, using both Tobin’s Q and ROA as the performance measures. Our models include variables representing corporate governance mechanisms, foreign legal person shares, a proxy for international affiliations and a number of time-variant firm characteristics. Economically, the coefficient of impact on the market measure is the more significant, while the effect of having a QFII in top shareholdings on both performance measures is empirically significant. Previously, studies have often ignored the potential for reverse causality beyond using lagged regressors. This is problematic. Therefore, we follow up with a 2SLS instrumental variables and system GMM model to further mitigate this potential and find the empirical relationship holds. Contrary to earlier work on QFIIs and governance post-implementation of the QFII scheme, the findings from our models suggest that the presence of a QFII top shareholder augments market performance holding equal existing corporate governance mechanisms and other controls.  相似文献   
The zero bound on interest rates introduces a new dimension to the trilemma in international policy. The openness of the international financial market might render monetary policy ineffective, even within a system of fully flexible exchange rates, because shocks that lead to a liquidity trap in one country are propagated through financial markets to other countries. However, the effectiveness of monetary policy can be restored by the imposition of capital controls. We derive the optimal response of monetary policy to a global liquidity trap in the presence of capital controls. We show that, even though capital controls might facilitate effective monetary policy, capital controls are not generally desirable in terms of welfare.  相似文献   
朱润柏 《特区经济》2014,(6):134-135
16世纪以后,以中国为代表的东方文明和西方文明出现分野,东方的科学技术越来越落后子西方,历史称之为“李约瑟之迷”,进入21世纪后,中国正在以前所未有的速度走出这个迷团。2011年,中国制造业产值为2.05万亿美元,而美国制造业为1.78万亿美元,首次超过美国成为全球第一,贸易也是如此,2012年中国货物进出口总额38670亿美元,美国为38628亿美元,也已经超过美国成为世界第一。分析这个大逆转的厚因,一是从体制上解放了了生产力,社会主义市场经济体制是人类社会主义伟大实践的创举;二是对外开放;三是坚定不移地贯彻了科学技术是第一生产力的伟大国策;四是融入了了全球的货币体系。  相似文献   
中国在现代化进程中面临着一些现代性问题的困扰,其中,贫富分化成为社会矛盾的焦点之一。改革开放以来,中国居民生活水平得到整体提升,但也出现了结构上的分化。造成贫富差距的原因是复杂多重的。其中,城乡二元体制造成了城乡资源分配不公和收入差距,垄断行业的存在则使得资源在少部分群体中集聚,加深了贫富之间的鸿沟。此外,中国的社会保障制度没能充分发挥其调节作用,使得部分底层群体无法解决温饱问题,造成"极贫"群体的出现。值得关注的是,单位体制下的既得利益者,在住房制度改革后又获得福利性住房,住房不公平由此产生财产不公平。国家对于不断拉大的收入差距主要采取宏观政策加以调控,改革财税制度和完善社会保障同时进行,但这并不能因此改变由城乡二元体制和垄断等所带来的必然结果,因而只能起到局部调节收入差距的效果,不能实现真正的社会公正。  相似文献   
胡燕 《特区经济》2014,(9):178-179
本文通过研究国际化大都市的定位和特征,以西安为例探讨如何建设国际化大都市,并进一步分析西安高新区作为要建成世界一流科技产业园区的高新技术产业开发区,如何发挥其示范引领作用。  相似文献   
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