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A ‘disequilibrium’ between saving and investmentdecisions determines a maladjustment in production, the disruptionof capital, and a downturn in economic activity, according tothe ‘Austrian’ approach. By contrast, the ‘Dynamists’argue that it may lead to economic growth, as disequilibriummay well be instrumental to capital accumulation. What explainsthese different predictions in otherwise similar models? Thekey is in the interplay between the analytical features andthe ideological options underlying each of these approaches:alternative lines of thought, entirely compatible with theiranalytical models, were abandoned by some of these authors whenthey conflicted with their pre-analytical views. This paperillustrates the argument by exploring the models of two ‘fathers’,von Mises and Robertson.  相似文献   
司法鉴定,是指在诉讼活动中鉴定人运用科学技术或者专门知识对诉讼涉及的专门性问题进行鉴别和判断并提供鉴定意见的活动。重复司法鉴定是指就同一专业性问题进行两次或两次以上的司法鉴定。在司法实践中,重复司法鉴定现象很普遍,尤以故意伤害类案件为甚。重复司法鉴定存在的弊端很多,形成的原因也比较复杂,亟待出台司法鉴定方面的专门法律法规以规范司法鉴定行为  相似文献   
钓鱼岛领土争议在中日两国引发起民族主义的惊天骇浪,两国知识界也被卷进这场国权之争,双方学者各执一词,剑拔弩张。但是,在日本,也能够听到一些有历史洞见力和远见卓识的学者,站在公正的立场上所发表的具有良知和良识的声音。京都大学名誉教授、庆应义塾大学教授,日本著名经济外交研究专家大西广就是其中的代表人物。今年8月27日,他在由京都大学经济学研究科东亚经济研究中心主办的东亚经济研究通讯《京大东亚中心新闻简报(第432号)》上发表了署名文章《关于钓鱼岛主权之争的思考》。在该文中,作者客观公允地表达了自己的主张。以下,笔者就其主要观点略作评述,以飨读者。  相似文献   
WTO规则的特殊性决定了其不宜在国内法院直接适用,间接适用才是符合WTO宗旨和目标的恰当方式。"解释一致"是实践中常用的间接适用方法。我国司法机关适用WTO规则的实践情况并不容乐观:首先是缺失司法审查制度的实践,另外实践中关于WTO规则适用方式并不一致。因此,我们有必要采取措施确保司法实务部门统一正确地间接适用WTO规则,这对我国恰当履行WTO义务、保障国际贸易更快更好发展具有重要价值。  相似文献   
政府监管行为的制衡机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈富良  王锋 《改革》2004,(6):106-111
政府监管行为是一种集准立法权、准司法权、执行权于一体的行政行为,因此监管机构享有广泛的权力。 如没有建立相应的制衡机制,就会导致政府监管权的滥用,如合谋、收买、寻租乃至监管权的争夺。管制分权可以作 为一种内部制衡;听证制度是一种过程制衡;司法审查则是一种外部制衡。  相似文献   
司法独立是司法公正的前提和保障。司法独立的主体在于司法资源的独立,司法独立的客体应包含一 切与司法权利行使有关的组织与个人,司法独立的内容关键是构建独立的司法体系。  相似文献   
Se presenta un análisis contextualizado de las resoluciones judiciales dictadas en Côte d'Ivoire entre 1971 y 2013 en el marco del código general del trabajo. La jurisprudencia y las entrevistas cualitativas con actores institucionales muestran que las prácticas innovadoras derivan de la aplicación del código por inspectores y jueces que equiparan el trabajo doméstico a cualquier otro, lo que impide abordar su especificidad. Tras reafirmar que la regulación del trabajo doméstico debe englobar su dualidad (trabajo como otro cualquiera, pero diferente de todos los demás), se aboga por la creación de una comunidad internacional de aprendizaje sobre trabajo decente para los trabajadores domésticos.  相似文献   
The current challenge for world agriculture is to provide food for a growing population, within a context of environmental degradation and economic inequality. The challenge is how to produce accessible, healthy, diverse, nutritious, safe and abundant food in a way that is sustainable, allowing farmers to exert food sovereignty while at the same time addressing ecosystem conservation. The aim of this study is to explore the potential contribution of traditional agriculture to food sovereignty and also to understand the challenges that indigenous communities are facing today. Our case studies are from six Latin-American countries: Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico, where we carried out semi-structured, guided visits and field observations. Our results shed light on how traditional agricultural knowledge, techniques and practices can contribute to these issues, but also to the need of protecting and recovering the cultural and ecological heritage. There is a need to resolve public management issues, related to development investment, technological packages, cultural loss and gender. If these are not addressed, the potential contribution of ancient agricultural knowledge will fail to contribute to strengthen food sovereignty and maintain the local markets, which are also places for seed exchange, knowledge sharing and social networking.  相似文献   
There is a steady global trend towards “Data Localization,” laws by which data is required to be maintained and processed within the geographic boundaries of its state of origin. This development has raised concerns about its possible adverse impacts on emerging data-intensive technologies such as Cloud services/E-commerce, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things (collectively, the Embedded Infosphere). The inability to reach an international agreement on rules for cross-border data flows may have significant adverse consequences for all future users of the Internet.The basis of Data Localization is grounded in two distinct but inter-related policy models: Data Sovereignty and Trans-Border Data Flows. These two concepts have different origins. “Data Sovereignty” is derived from the historic power of a state of absolute and exclusive control within its geographic borders. Policies behind TBDFs arose in Europe following World War II, primarily motivated by Nazi use of early proto-computers to help round up Jews and others. As they have evolved, TBDF policies have been directed primarily at protecting personal data and privacy.This article first examines the issues of: 1) “Information Sovereignty” and 2) TBDFs. It then describes the arguments for and against “Data Localization,” offers some examples of strong localization policies (Russia, China), and summarizes contesting policy proposals. It then contextualizes TBDF with issues of human rights (free flow of information) and privacy.While the utility of an international agreement on TBDFs is clear, the differences in approaches are tenacious. For the free-market developed world (e.g, EU, OECD), the path forward seems to lead through policy convergence to compatible rules, with differentiated levels of data protection and accountability. It is far from clear whether these rules will address, in a mandatory way, issues of the “free flow” of information in the human rights sense. At the same time, there are countries (e.g., BRICS), representing a majority of the world's population, in which political and cultural resistance will produce stringent Cyber Sovereignty and Data Localization policies with few if any human rights components.The article concludes that the more the Internet is “localized”, the more attenuated its benefits will become. The negative consequences of Data Localization will become increasingly obvious as new, data-intensive technologies become ubiquitous, creating a condition of “Data Dependence”. It is projected that in the future the nations with the least amount of Data Localization and the most open flow of information will be the most successful in benefiting from new data-intensive embedded, networked technologies. This will most likely be characterized by values adopted as policies and practices in the EU.  相似文献   
南海主权争端从20世纪70年代以来一直没有停歇,而2009年2月17日菲律宾单方通过“领海基线法案,,更使中国南海的主权争端问题升级。从国际法角度来说,由于中国和南亚国家在专属经济区和毗连区存在重合等问题.加之西方国家对这一争端的参与渗透,导致原本可以清晰的南海主权争端变得复杂起来。中国目前所采取的“搁置争议.共同开发”的主张也面临着新的挑战,所以现在需要提出一种新的解决方式。  相似文献   
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