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We investigate the origins of agricultural inheritance traditions, equal partition and primogeniture. Our case study is the German state of Baden-Württemberg. Our empirical findings suggest that rural inheritance traditions were primarily determined by geography. First, fertile soils allowed splitting of the land among siblings for longer and with fewer conflicts, and hence we find more equal partition in areas with higher soil quality, especially at elevation levels conducive to intensive agriculture. Second, geography determined the settlement pattern. Areas that were settled before the Middle Ages, when land was abundant and free, are more likely to apply equal partition today. In areas that were largely uninhabited until the Middle Ages, primogeniture is the norm. We argue that these areas were deforested with the obligation of primogeniture, imposed by feudal lords.  相似文献   
In the aftermath of the Great Recession, the concern with exclusionary and unethical business practices has led to the growing popularity of social entrepreneurship, which focuses on the creation of social value, not wealth. In this article, I reflect on social entrepreneurship in China, a unique context given the strong communist party leadership and the transition to a market economy. To begin, I discuss the legal and political framework for social entrepreneurship in China, followed by an overview of the sector’s characteristics, including age, size, social issues emphasized, leader characteristics, and the role of women. Next, I provide examples of three social enterprises in China that illustrate the diverse possibilities for this sector as a force for social and institutional change. I conclude with some suggestions for strengthening China’s social enterprise ecosystem.  相似文献   
基于创业板上市公司数据,对风险投资机构参与及其特征对我国上市公司IPO前的盈余管理影响进行实证检验,结果显示:风险投资机构参与对上市公司IPO前的盈余管理起到了积极的认证和监督作用。在我国,政府性资本占主要地位的风险投资机构更多地发挥了正面认证和监督作用。风险投资机构的声誉和数量对上市公司IPO前的盈余管理发挥了较大作用,风险投资机构的声誉越高、数量越多,上市公司IPO前一年的盈余管理程度越低。风险投资机构总持股比例与盈余管理程度无显著关系。  相似文献   
罗马尼亚在国家转型期间面临着严重腐败、贫富差距、司法改革等问题,为了加入欧盟,罗马尼亚在这些方面进行了卓有成效的改革。在加强监督和控制的国家治理中,执行公共外部审计的审计院起到了很大的推动作用。在借鉴欧盟法的基础上,罗马尼亚审计院在法律地位、组织框架、职权范围上都得以提高和完善,审计院对国家治理产生重要影响,对政府部门及其他公共部门的监督和控制效率、效果得到很大提高。我国可以借鉴其经验,从提高审计署法律地位和加强外部审计与内部审计协调两个方面强化审计署在国家治理中的功能。  相似文献   
发展中国家企业在切入全球价值链并获得价值链利润的同时,由于核心技术缺乏、跨国公司有意进行技术封锁等原因,容易与发达国家的跨国公司之间形成俘获型全球价值链治理模式,并陷入低端锁定现象中。从公司角度通过微观层面分析了低端锁定产生的原因,并据此提出了相应的解决对策,其中,增强核心竞争力、构建中国自己的全球价值链对于中国企业摆脱低端锁定现象大有裨益。  相似文献   
本文以可持续发展,以人为本为主的体育教学改革思想,应用文献资料调查法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数据统计法、逻样分析法等对我校现行的体育教学模式、学生选项形式以及所选择的课程进行论述,找出缺陷所在,并制定了新的教学模式,同时也对学生选项形式以及所选择的课程提出建议,旨在为我校以及高职高专院校的体育教学改革提供一定的参考依...  相似文献   
由于受到制度、环境、观念、机制等因素的束缚,目前我国商业银行的金融创新还主要停留在浅层面的业务创新上。应改革金融调控体制,为商业银行金融创新营造宽松的政策环境;同时,各商业银行要不断更新观念,强化自身金融创新能力,加强创新业务的风险管理和市场营销,积极探索有效的金融创新途径。  相似文献   
事件研究方法是一种定量研究方法,用事件研究方法就季报对股票价格是否存在影响进行实证分析表明,改进的事件研究方法更加具有可操作性和适用性。  相似文献   
在调查的基础上,对黔东南苗岭国家地质公园的地质旅游导游服务系统原则作分析,指出:整体性原则、科学性原则、因地制宜,生态保护原则与环境协调的原则、人员导游解说和物品解说结合原则,并且提出了地质公园旅游导游服务建设对策。  相似文献   
Cross-mode surveys are on the rise. The current study compares levels of response styles across three modes of data collection: paper-and-pencil questionnaires, telephone interviews, and online questionnaires. The authors make the comparison in terms of acquiescence, disacquiescence, and extreme and midpoint response styles. To do this, they propose a new method, namely, the representative indicators response style means and covariance structure (RIRSMACS) method. This method contributes to the literature in important ways. First, it offers a simultaneous operationalization of multiple response styles. The model accounts for dependencies among response style indicators due to their reliance on common item sets. Second, it accounts for random error in the response style measures. As a consequence, random error in response style measures is not passed on to corrected measures. The method can detect and correct cross-mode response style differences in cases where measurement invariance testing and multitrait multimethod designs are inadequate. The authors demonstrate and discuss the practical and theoretical advantages of the RIRSMACS approach over traditional methods. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Maggie GeuensEmail:
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