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聚焦于公司创业过程中的新事业投资决策过程,试图通过对比成败案例,揭示其决策过程的规律,尤其注重刻画创业决策者主体的决策表现及其特征。以口语回溯法和半结构化访谈相结合的手段,调研了13家企业负责人,遴选出两家成功企业与两家失败企业,作为案例采写的主要对象。通过详细的案例描述与对比,研究结果发现:①创业警觉性、以往知识和创新性认知风格是机会识别的关键性要素;②成功决策需兼顾创业机会的可行性和盈利性,决策者应更多采用变革式的新事业投资机会;③成功决策有赖于决策者高度内化的、富有洞察力的预见性,一旦有效识别机会,便会快速付诸于执行,果断排斥外在情境的干扰。  相似文献   
Entrepreneurial activities are strongly influenced by the context in which they occur. It is therefore imperative to understand how different contexts enable entrepreneurs to create opportunities. In this paper, we focus on the spatial context of rural entrepreneurs and explore how the rural context impacts on their opportunity creation. Based on a multiple case study, we find that rural entrepreneurs mix what we refer to as placial embeddedness – an intimate knowledge of and concern for the place – with strategically built non-local networks, i.e. the best of two worlds. Notably, the entrepreneurs seek to exhaust the localized resource base before seeking out non-local resources. Our findings thus contribute to our understanding of entrepreneurship in context and challenge future research to explore how different forms of contexts are bridged in different settings to create varieties of entrepreneurial activities.  相似文献   
北京城市家庭水产品在外消费的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用记帐式调查数据,采用Double—hurdle模型分析了北京城市居民家庭水产品在外消费及其影响因素。计量分析结果发现,收入与时间机会成本会显著增加城市居民家庭水产品在外消费的参与概率与消费数量。此外,家庭在外水产品消费的参与和消费决策还受到家庭人口结构与区域分布的显著影响。本文的研究结果对促进我国餐饮业与水产业的健康发展和相关政策的制定有重要意义。  相似文献   
本文以“依法治船”这条主线,全面阐述了我国渔船检验工作状况、存在的问题及今后工作的重点。  相似文献   
网络与企业文化建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章阐述了网络时代企业文化建设所面临的机遇和挑战,并提出要充分利用网络技术所提供的技术条件对企业文化建设的传统手段和方法进行改革和创新,以提高企业文化建设的实效性,扩大其覆盖面,增强其影响力.  相似文献   
在国内外农地发展权已有的研究基础上,从机会成本及资源环境经济学角度对农地发展权价格进行阐述,指出农地发展权价格是农用地变更为建设用地后价值增值的货币表现,是一种增值收益的价格,其源于不同利用方式下土地产出率的差别。采用相应的评估方法,对农地发展权价格进行了量化,并以长沙大河西先导区为例,测算出研究区农地发展权价格为187.61元/m~2。  相似文献   
我国公允价值会计计量的应用研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈晓坤  李金莲 《水利经济》2006,24(6):26-27,71
随着我国市场经济发展以及我国会计与国际会计的接轨,对公允价值会计计量的研究也在逐渐兴起。新的会计准则对公允价值计量属性的再次引入,有必要对公允价值在我国的应用作深入细致的研究。笔者在探讨公允价值在我国会计准则中的应用现状的基础上,分析了存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   
By deriving a formal model of industry R & D that identifies factors influencing industry R & D intensity, this paper first suggests firm density, defined as the inverse of average firm sales or simply the number of firms divided by industry sales, as a measure of market structure that is appropriate in explaining industry R & D intensity. The model shows that the cost structure of R & D, consumer preference over quality and price, the appropriability of R & D, firm density, and the average level of firm R & D intensity jointly determine industry R & D intensity. In particular, firm density has a positive relationship with industry R & D intensity, implying that firms in higher firm-density industries feel fiercer competitive pressure and thus engage more intensively in R & D. An empirical analysis of panel data on industry R & D activities of Korean manufacturing industries during the period 1991–1996 provides supportive evidence for the predictions of the model including the positive relationship between firm density and industry R & D intensity. The theoretical model and the empirical results are also consistent with the recent survey of U.S. corporate R & D activities by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the National Science Foundation (1999).  相似文献   
在分析排水水资源费的本质、排水与取水水资源费确定方法异同点的基础上,提出理论上排水水资源费征收标准的2种确定方法,即直接利用取水水资源费征收标准进行修正的方法和排水水资源费的边际机会成本法。同时分析目前我国地方省份采矿及建筑施工排水水资源费征收标准的特点,并利用提出的2种排水水资源费征收标准的确定方法分析产生这些特点的原因,论证有些地方省份排水水资源费征收标准高于取水水资源费征收标准的缘由。  相似文献   
水源地生态保护中发展权损失补偿研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用机会成本法,通过计算农地的经济价值,测算了水源地第一产业的发展权损失;通过对比参照区与水源地的工业增加值增长速度,估计了水源地第二产业的发展权损失;通过计算水源地旅游业的机会损失,测算了水源地第三产业的发展权损失;分析了水源地发展权损失生态补偿中的资金补偿、实物补偿、政策补偿和产业补偿的优劣势。旨在为建立水源地生态补偿机制提供借鉴。  相似文献   
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