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新古典经济学在成本的论述上,并没有坚持机会成本观,与其“个人选择”的逻辑起点冲突。而主观主义经济学在成本观阐述上,坚持了“个人选择”。本文以主观主义经济学的思想为前提,采用逻辑演绎的方式系统论证了如下命题:(1)如果“机会成本”等同于效用,那么,非货币性收益是如何从证券定价函数中消失的?(2)记录企业过去行为结果的历史成本制度,在什么前提下,能够传递出对证券定价有用的信息?(3)固定成本和变动成本是否会导致个体决策上的差异?本文得到如下结论:(1)陌生人社会的崛起,委托人和代理人之间非货币性收益的不可转让性,导致对证券的定价,无需考虑非货币性收益;(2)在企业的最终产出受到人力资本异质性和外部资源冲击,而这两者无法直接定价时,记录企业过去一段时间的行为结果,将有助于间接预测不同证券持有的机会成本;(3)受制于要素交易契约形式的外生性和市场按类别交易,固定成本与变动成本将会带来不同的决策风险,进而需要对其做出区分。  相似文献   
车雨红 《价值工程》2012,31(14):245-246
本文运用公平理论模式分析了决策者在决策指标变化时的心理反应状况对变权公式中参数α取值的影响,并给出了两者之间的量化关系式。  相似文献   
The purpose of the paper is to offer a context-specific perspective of gender equality and its implications for equal employment opportunity in Islamic societies. The paper discusses various discourses on the Islamic perspective of gender and how they might impact female employment in the formal employment sector. The study highlights some major differences among Muslim countries with respect to gender ideology and the corresponding prospects for equal employment opportunity. Furthermore, the paper argues that any attempts to reform the socio-political institutions and labor policies in Islamic societies must be informed by their particular formal and informal institutional features.
Jawad SyedEmail:

Jawad Syed   is a Lecturer in Human Resource Management at Kent Business School, University of Kent, UK. His research interests include gender and diversity in organizations, emotional labor and cross-cultural management. Jawad can be reached at j.syed@kent.ac.uk.  相似文献   
We recently introduced a research program on how firms can effectively capture fleeting opportunities using heuristics. Heuristics, we advocate, are the essence of strategy, especially in unpredictable markets where opportunities are often numerous, fast moving, and uncertain. Our emphasis on heuristics invites comparison with prominent research programs in cognitive psychology. We address this opportunity by comparing our “simple rules” heuristics approach with “heuristics‐and‐biases” and “fast‐and‐frugal” heuristics research. Collectively, the three approaches offer a rich understanding of heuristics. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
2007年爆发的金融危机动摇了巴塞尔委员会银行业监管原有的基本理念,银行业监管由注重单个机构的微观审慎监管开始,向更注重整个银行业体系稳定的宏观审慎监管转变,银行业监管的手段也将随之发生变化,资本充足监管、逆周期监管、流动性风险监管、杠杆比率监管是宏观审慎监管体系的基本内容。新监管体系与会计信息之间的关系更加密切,监管理念的变化对未来银行业经营将产生重大影响,但是新资本协议存在的缺陷需要在具体实施中改进。  相似文献   
改进后扩展琼斯模型与其他盈余管理计量模型的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于公允价值的理念提出了一种计量盈余管理的新的模型——改进后扩展琼斯模型。这一模型主要是在计量总应计利润时扣除了资产减值准备对盈余的影响,并在修正琼斯模型的基础上,考虑了无形资产对计量盈余管理的影响。利用我国上市公司2003年到2006年的数据,通过改进后扩展琼斯模型与其他盈余管理计量模型的比较分析,发现改进后扩展琼斯模型检定盈余管理的效果更加显著。  相似文献   
While international entrepreneurship (IE) recognizes opportunity recognition (OR) as a central activity and the prominent role of network capabilities in OR, it is not informative as to how different network capabilities influence OR in international markets. We utilize dual network capability through the lens of exploration-exploitation to better understand how these two different capabilities influence the identification of international opportunities. Given that microfoundations perspective and prior experience in IE are under-developed and under-theorized, we explore founder’s prior experience as an essential microfoundation for the dual network capability. By employing structural equation modeling on a sample of 647 early internationalizing firms from a developing country, the study demonstrates that founders’ prior experience is a significant microfoundation of dual network capability in international OR. However, both exploration and exploitation capabilities fail to bring new opportunities in a changing market environment. A post-hoc analysis reveals that at a higher level of market change, younger firms benefit more from network exploration, whereas older firms achieve greater success when leveraging benefits from network exploitation. The study concludes with implications and future research avenues.  相似文献   
Extending human capital approaches to entrepreneurship, an entrepreneur’s “inputs” relating to their general (i.e. education and work experience) and entrepreneurship-specific human capital profile (i.e. business ownership experience, managerial capabilities, entrepreneurial capabilities and technical capabilities) are presumed to be related to entrepreneurial “outputs” in the form of business opportunity identification and pursuit. Valid and reliable independent variables were gathered from a stratified random sample of 588 owners of private firms. Ordered logit analysis was used to test several theoretically derived hypotheses. With regard to the number of business opportunities identified and pursued, entrepreneurship-specific rather than general human capital variables “explained” more of the variance. Entrepreneurs reporting higher information search intensity identified significantly more business opportunities, but they did not pursue markedly more or less opportunities. The use of publications as a source of information was positively associated with the probability of identifying more opportunities, while information emanating from personal, professional and business networks was not. Implications for practitioners and researchers are discussed.   相似文献   
尽管实际的财政工作中,普遍把赤字率、债务率等指标作为判断财政风险的准则,但在理论上如何界定财政风险尚未达成共识。本文在相关研究的基础之上,试图运用理性方法来重新界定财政风险,分析认为:财政风险是社会“公正正义”的共性准则无法实现的可能性,财政风险是社会风险的表现形式,这和主流理论运用经验方法对财政风险的界定有较大的区别。基于此,探讨财政风险形成的原因并形成了对财政风险进行管理的基本认识。  相似文献   
The property of “monotonicity” is necessary, and in many contexts, sufficient, for a solution to be Nash implementable (Maskin 1977). In this paper, we follow Sen (1995) and evaluate the extent to which a solution may fail monotonicity by identifying the minimal way in which it has to be enlarged so as to satisfy the property. We establish a general result relating the “minimal monotonic extensions” of the intersection and the union of a family of solutions to the minimal monotonic extensions of the members of the family. We then calculate the minimal monotonic extensions of several solutions in a variety of contexts, such as classical exchange economies, with either individual endowments or a social endowment, economies with public goods, and one-commodity economies in which preferences are single-peaked. For some of the examples, very little is needed to recover monotonicity, but for others, the required enlargement is quite considerable, to the point that the distributional objective embodied in the solution has to be given up altogether. Received: 21 September 1996 / Accepted: 17 August 1998  相似文献   
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