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The system of rice intensification (SRI) has been promoted across Asia as a means to improve rice yields while decreasing water use and external inputs. It is argued to be a generalisable means by which to revalidate smallholder livelihoods and improve food security across the region. Current debates about SRI, however, remain predominantly technical in scope, focusing on field‐level outcomes. To more adequately understand the potential of SRI for smallholder farmers, we argue that it is necessary to situate SRI within a political ecology framework that addresses how the adoption and practice of SRI is shaped by uneven access to key assets including labour, water, and extension networks. Fieldwork conducted in Mahabubnagar district in Telangana, south India—where SRI had been widely disadopted despite the achievement of higher yields—is used to illustrate why agronomic analysis must engage directly with the complex social contexts in which farmers operate.  相似文献   
目的:探讨不同提取方式对大米蛋白调控血脂水平的影响效果。方法:分别给7周龄雄性Wistar幼鼠投喂粗蛋白为20%的酪蛋白及经碱法(RP-A)、酶法(RP-E)提取的大米蛋白14 d后,检测各组实验鼠血浆总胆固醇(TCH)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、非高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(non-HDL-C)、三酰甘油(TG)等血脂水平以及HDL/TG比例和动脉粥样硬化指数(AI)。结果:RP-A和RP-E组实验鼠体重增加量及血浆TCH显著低于酪蛋白组(P<0.05)。实验各组间血浆HDL-C水平差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。对照酪蛋白,RP-E显著降低了实验鼠AI及血浆TG、non-HDL-C水平(P<0.05),显著提高了HDL/TG比例(P<0.05);而RP-A与酪蛋白组间AI、TG、non-HDL及HDL/TG比例等检测指标差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:大米蛋白具有调控血脂水平的作用效果,其提取方式是大米蛋白调控血脂水平影响因素之一。  相似文献   
研究目的:分析稻虾共作地块利用的合理性并探究影响合理性差异的关键因素,以评估其快速发展对土地可持续利用和粮食安全的可能影响。研究方法:以Barlowe土地利用决策的自然生态适宜性、技术经济可行性以及制度可接受性三重框架为指导构建指标体系,运用熵权法和多因素综合评价法分析了湖北省潜江和荆州485个稻虾共作地块转用及利用的合理性及导致其差异的关键因素。研究结果:(1)样本地块的合理性平均为0.423 2,其中52.4%的地块合理性不足平均值;(2)稻虾共作地块的自然生态适宜性表现最好,技术经济可行性次之,制度可接受性表现不佳;(3)导致地块合理性差异的主要因素包括地势和灌排条件等自然生态适宜性,亩均水稻产量等技术经济可行性以及补贴和虾沟面积占比等制度因素。研究结论:现有稻虾共作土地利用不够合理,对土地可持续利用和粮食安全造成了不利影响。应以三重框架为指导,充分考虑影响农户地块转用和利用合理性差异的关键自然、经济和制度因素。  相似文献   
粮食储藏与加工是确保食品安全的关键点.碾米技术可有效改善大米陈化问题,提升大米的食用品质及商品价值,并已广泛应用于大米储藏、加工等领域.为深层次探索碾米技术在粮食储藏与加工中的应用情况,本文剖析了粮食储藏与加工面临的问题,阐述了4种关键碾米技术的基本原理与特点.在此基础上,围绕如何提升碾米技术的加工效率对未来研究方向进...  相似文献   
We use simulation methods to examine the results of hedging maize food security imports into Malawi and Zambia on the South African Exchange (SAFEX). Results show that hedging using either futures or options can spread import costs over time, thereby reducing variability, and also possibly generating lower average costs. These benefits are increased if hedging only takes place when local prices are at less than import parity and also if the hedge is levered. However, problems will remain so long as intra-regional transport costs remain high.  相似文献   
The purpose of the current paper is to assess the changing contributions of successive generations of modern varieties of rice (MV) to yield increase and stability and the changes in total factor productivity (TFP) in irrigated, rainfed, and upland ecosystems in the Philippines. We found that the yield increase in irrigated ecosystem has been by far the highest, which can be attributed to the diffusion of pest‐ and disease‐resistant MV. The contribution of MV to yield increase in the rainfed ecosystem has been less significant, but much more compared with that of upland ecosystem. The rainfed and upland ecosystems have experienced an upward trend in yield, albeit slowly, because of the diffusion of improved traditional varieties and MV suitable to adverse production environments. The contribution of MV cum irrigation has accounted for approximately 50% of the growth of TFP in Central Luzon.  相似文献   
王玲 《中国农史》2007,26(2):9-16
荆州位于长江中游,这里是稻作农业的发源地,自新石器时代以至秦汉,稻作生产传统一直未曾中断。进入魏晋南北朝后,荆州自然环境与人口的变化皆有利于稻作生产的发展,加之荆州政治军事地位的特殊性,统治者对农业生产的着意经营。使得荆州的稻作生产较之前代有了一定的发展。这主要表现在稻作种植区域的扩大、耕作技术的提高以及产量的增加等方面。荆州稻米总产量的增加,使得荆州不仅有余粮可支援外地,并有部分剩余稻米进入了流通领域.成为长江下游城市粮食供应体系中的重要一环.  相似文献   
王朝文 《价值工程》2011,30(12):289-289
水稻大棚育苗与常规育苗相比,具有投资成本低,操作简单,管理方便,使用范围广等特点,是目前比较理想的育苗方式,它是培育机插秧苗,实现机械化插秧的必备设施,是水稻高产栽培体系中的关键环节。本文就我国水稻大棚育苗技术的方法谈几点粗浅看法。  相似文献   
中国水稻生产空间布局变迁及影响因素分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
杨万江  陈文佳 《经济地理》2011,31(12):2086-2093
基于1978--2009年中国各地区(省、市、区)水稻生产面板数据,运用区域重心分析法测定并描绘中国水稻生产空间布局变迁轨迹,应用空间计量经济学方法实证分析水稻生产空间布局变迁影响因素。研究表明,中国水稻生产存在显著的正向空间效应,由南向北变动轨迹十分明显,水稻生产空间布局变化与农业劳动力、化肥施用量、有效灌溉面积、水稻单产和耕地面积呈显著正相关,与非农就业机会呈显著负相关。  相似文献   
水稻技术为解决中国乃至世界的粮食需求问题发挥着越来越重要的作用。针对中国“强稻弱米”的现状,分析了水稻产后处理与加工方面存在的问题,提出了降低水稻产后损失以及提高资源利用率和食用率同样是保障粮食安全的重要途径的观点.为此论述了建立新型经济模式对水稻产业发展的重要性。  相似文献   
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