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In this paper, we apply a vine copula approach to investigate the dynamic relationship between energy, stock and currency markets. Dependence modeling using vine copulas offers a greater flexibility and permits the modeling of complex dependency patterns for high-dimensional distributions. Using a sample of more than 10 years of daily return observations of the WTI crude oil, the Dow Jones Industrial average stock index and the trade weighted US dollar index returns, we find evidence of a significant and symmetric relationship between these variables. Considering different sample periods show that the dynamic of the relationship between returns is not constant over time. Our results indicate also that the dependence structure is highly affected by the financial crisis and Great Recession, over 2007–2009. Finally, there is evidence to suggest that the application of the vine copula model improves the accuracy of VaR estimates, compared to traditional approaches.  相似文献   
中国城镇失业保险的供求矛盾及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
失业保险是指个人在失去工作或等待就业期间能从政府或社会得到保证基本生活需要的物质帮助。我国的失业保险制度从无到有逐渐发展壮大到今天,虽然已初步形成体系,但伴随着我国失业人口的与日俱增,现行的失业保险供给远远满足不了实际需求,在政府资金缺口的约束下,这一供求矛盾还将继续存在甚至有扩大的趋势。将失业保险制度的创新与促进就业的政策措施相结合,对于解决城镇失业保险的供求矛盾,实现标本兼治有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
近年,澳大利亚等许多西方国家纷纷开展科教国际化评估和研究。研究表明:世界科技重心正在向东和南转移,亚洲和南美国家的科技产出占世界的比重快速提高;澳大利亚和OECD其他国家国际合作论文的比重快速增加,国际合作论文成为论文增长的主要来源;合作发表论文的引用率明显高于本国发表论文的引用率,国际合作论文成为论文引用率提高的重要原因。由此表明:科技国际化已成为全球科技创新的重要趋势,是提高科技创新效率、增强科技竞争力和国际影响力的重要途径。  相似文献   
尽管我国宣布将货币供应量作为货币政策调控目标,但是,货币供应量近年来却高速增长,造成我国物价水平不断攀升。本文通过对近年我国货币政策实际操作考察发现,我国货币政策名义锚并非货币供应量而是汇率,其他货币政策工具均受制于此。汇率名义锚使我国货币政策走入困境,央行面临着物价稳定和经济紧缩的重大取舍。历史经验告诉我们,在巨大贸易不平衡下,汇率名义锚具有不可持续性。参照国际成功经验,本文建议我国应逐步放弃汇率名义锚,渐进迈向物价名义锚,实现货币政策独立和经济良性发展。  相似文献   
人民币实际汇率与贸易条件的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于均衡汇率理论,应用协整模型,采用真实变量分析了1980-2003年的人民币实际汇率及其与均衡汇率的失调情况,进而研究了不同时期人民币实际汇率与贸易条件的关系。结果表明:贸易条件与中长期以及短期的实际汇率存在显著的关系,贸易条件的恶化或改善是导致人民币实际汇率升值或贬值的重要原因之一。并且,在不同的发展时期,贸易条件对实际汇率的影响呈现出不同的特点。  相似文献   
提高消费率势在必行   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
消费率低位运行是我国经济发展中的痼疾,危害甚大,提高消费率势在必行。“十一五”期间,提高消费率的政策选择是:彻底纠正重投资、轻消费的错误倾向,在经济将长期处于过剩的时代,尤其需要把消费放在首位;调节收入分配,进一步提高城乡广大中低收入阶层的收入,果断缩小不合理收入差距;优化供给结构,在减少和避免重复建设的同时,以市场需求为导向,充分满足全面建设小康社会阶段城乡居民消费结构升级的需要。  相似文献   
近年来我国中央银行依据宏观经济变化频繁地调整利率,利率变动对股票市场的运行带来一定的影响。本文在理论分析的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,通过实证分析方法对这一问题进行了简要阐述。  相似文献   
VaR模型在人民币汇率风险度量中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文首先从VaR模型的假设前提入手,通过对人民币汇率收益率序列的随机性、正态性和异方差性的综合检验,验证了VaR模型在人民币汇率风险度量中的适用性.随后,分别采用非参数法和参数法两大类共九种VaR方法对人民币汇率风险进行实证度量.最后,通过准确性检验发现,GARCH-t模型是度量当前人民币汇率风险的最优方法.  相似文献   
This study examines whether different patterns of change to the benchmark interest rates of central banks are associated with their contributions to variances in the forecast errors of three financial market variables: the long-term interest rate, the foreign exchange rate, and the stock market index. On average, the central bank’s interest rate accounts for approximately 20% of the variance in each variable. We find that the total range of changes is more important than the frequency of changes. The panel regression shows that the range and frequency of policy rate changes is positively associated with the volatility of long-term interest rates but no association with the volatility of stock prices and exchange rates. These results suggest that small and frequent adjustments of policy rates are desirable for reducing the volatility of interest rates. The panel VAR represents interest rate channel is a more important than exchange rate and stock price channel.  相似文献   
We discuss the theoretical rationale for central bank communication about future policy rates, either as part of inflation targeting or in the form of forward guidance. We also summarize both actual central bank communication about future policy rates and empirical evidence on the effectiveness of these types of communication. We argue that there is a disconnect between the theory and practice of forward guidance, as theory assumes commitment on the part of the central bank, while in practice central banks generally do not commit. Future theoretical research on forward guidance should therefore take the absence of commitment by central banks into account.  相似文献   
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