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In accordance with cognitive dissonance theory, individuals generally avoid information that is not consistent with their cognitions, to avoid psychological discomfort associated with tensions arising from contradictory beliefs. Information avoidance may thus make risk communication less successful. To address this, we presented information on red meat risks to red meat consumers. To explore information exposure effects, attitudes toward red meat and perceived knowledge of red meat risks were measured before, immediately after, and two weeks after exposure. We expected information avoidance of red meat risks to be: positively related to (1) study discontentment; and (2) positive attitudes toward red meat; and negatively related to (3) information seeking on red meat risks; and (4) systematic and heuristic processing of information. In addition, following exposure to the risk information, we expected that (5) individuals who scored high in avoidance of red meat risks information to change their attitudes and perceived risk knowledge less than individuals who scored low in avoidance. Results were in line with the first three expectations. Support for the fourth was partial insofar as this was only confirmed regarding systematic processing. The final prediction was not confirmed; individuals who scored high in avoidance decreased the positivity of their attitudes and increased their perceived knowledge in a similar fashion to those who scored low in avoidance. These changes stood over the two-week follow-up period. Results are discussed in accordance with cognitive dissonance theory, with the possible use of suppression strategies, and with the corresponding implications for risk communication practice.  相似文献   
We analyse different forms of debt mutualisation in a union of countries. One country suffers from a political distortion and may resort to (partial) debt default. We consider a debt repayment guarantee, which can be “unlimited” or ”limited”, i.e. only be invoked when the guarantee threshold is not exceeded. We also explore the ”blue–red” bonds proposal, under which blue debt is guaranteed, while red debt is not guaranteed. Only a suitably chosen limited guarantee induces the government to reduce debt and raises union welfare. This result is upheld under the time-consistent solution when there are costs to the rest of the union of not providing financial rescue. Making the guarantee also conditional on sufficient structural reform may in addition stimulate reform effort, thereby raising union welfare.  相似文献   
当代的许多作家受到基督教文化的影响,施玮作为基督徒是众多作家里的典型代表.施玮作为海外作家却将目光投向大陆,用西方的基督教传统来重新审视国人的灵魂和生活.《红墙白玉兰》受到基督教文化的许多影响,主要表现在:1、借鉴《圣经》中异象和象征的艺术手法;2、引用《圣经》原型;3、借鉴《圣经》U型叙述结构;4、宗教主题的书写.本文主要论述用基督教文化来阐释《红墙白玉兰》的主题.  相似文献   
色彩作为人类认识世界的重要手段之一,具有某种特定的物理属性,还具有丰富的文化表征。红色作为基本颜色词之一,在中西方不同的文化背景中既具有一定的文化相似性,又具有明显不同的引申意义。在汉译英时对"红色"的翻译应灵活运用"语义翻译法"和"交际翻译法"。  相似文献   
泉州红色资源分布广泛,数量较多;教育意义典型,示范性强;教育手段可感可知,便于学生接受,非常适合对"90后"大学生进行爱国主义教育。而通过调查显示,泉州在对"90"后大学生进行爱国主义教育时,对红色资源的利用情况并不乐观。为此,应加强泉州红色资源教育技术载体的开发与推广;挖掘泉州红色资源独特的精神内涵,引导学生结合自身实际,将爱国主义精神具体化;结合泉州红色爱国主义教育基地开展第二课堂活动;开展以"爱国主义"为主题的校园文化系列活动。  相似文献   
"十四五"时期是庆阳红色文旅产业比较优势的重塑期、新旧动能转换的爬坡期、加快发展的攻坚期.随着高铁时代的来临,庆阳红色文旅产业如何乘势而上,进一步实现红色文旅经济效益与文化传播的合作共赢,是进一步发展所面临的新课题.本文就庆阳市红色文旅产业发展现状为出发点,分析与探讨制约红色文旅产业发展的现实因素,并提出具体的创新优化...  相似文献   
赣南苏区拥有丰富的红色文化资源,赣南地区红色旅游与体育旅游的相互融合,无论是在传承红色革命基因,还是在促进旅游产业或体育产业方面,都具有划时代的意义。本文通过文献资料法、调查法等方法,以旅游学理论为依据,从产业融合的视角,对赣南地区红色体育旅游产业发展战略进行了深入探讨。认为在国内红色旅游市场竞争日趋激烈的今天,赣南地区相关部门必须审时度势,在"大旅游"观的思想指导下,着力发展红色体育旅游产业。鉴于此,本文提出了赣南苏区红色体育旅游产业发展的战略构想、指导原则和市场定位等,旨在为政府相关部门的决策提供比较科学的参考依据。  相似文献   
The author’s goals in this exercise were to use an Excel project to teach students about the effects of changing states of nature on critical path emergence as well as compare the impact of the PERT beta and triangular distributions on project completion times. Previous research into the PERT (program evaluation and review technique) beta distribution indicated a tendency for this distribution to overstate the impact of the dominant critical path on project completion times. The author used a Monte Carlo simulation and a new Excel function to explore the effects of random variation on critical path emergence. He used both the triangular distribution and the PERT beta distribution to calculate project completion times. The author found that three of the possible five paths became critical in both the PERT beta and triangular distributions. However, the triangular distribution moderated the PERT beta distribution’s tendency toward the dominate critical path.  相似文献   
加强大学生理想信念教育,帮助大学生树立起崇高理想信念,是高校思想政治教育工作的核心问题。高校理想信念教育总体上存在针对性不强、内容单调、方法单一、手段落后、力度不够、效果欠佳的问题。红色文化思想鲜明、内容丰富、形式多样、功能独特,是大学生理想信念教育的优质资源。要真正发挥其教育价值,还必须坚持正确的运用思路和采取有效的实施策略,积极探索高校红色文化教育的具体路径,建立起良性互动的长效机制。  相似文献   
于连是法国19世纪杰出的批判现实主义作家司汤达的代表作《红与黑》中的主人公。作者赋予了于连充满矛盾的性格、不甘于平庸的奋斗意识。小说以法国波旁王朝复辟时代为背景,以平民知识分子于连.索黑尔与贵族资产阶级上层社会顽强曲折的斗争为主线,着重描写了他从18岁到德日那市长家当家庭教师开始,到23岁因枪伤市长夫人而被送上断头台为止短短5年间的人生大转折。  相似文献   
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