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刘丹鹭 《财经论丛》2012,2(2):20-25
本文利用随机前沿分析法研究后发现,从行业层面看,管制松的行业技术效率比管制紧、进入壁垒高的服务行业高,技术效率由东部向中西部呈递减,各地区存在行业分布的结构性差异;2004 - 2009年的服务业技术效率先小幅上升后下降,而且有些行业具有抗外界经济波动冲击的特性.从上市公司层面看,进入壁垒越高,行业技术效率越高,民营企业技术效率低于国有或集体所有制企业.通过对比发现,这很有可能是管制引起的,高进入壁垒给在位垄断企业带来了好处,但导致了行业内部的发展不平衡.  相似文献   
The purpose of the 1992 French Water Act is to encourage negotiation and dialogue among local stakeholders within a framework which is very similar to a patrimonial approach. Potential use of models in such post-normal approaches is analyzed. Two kinds of models are compared: one is agent-based, the other follows a more classical approach. They are compared according to their contributions as negotiation support tools. This comparison is based on a specific collective decision process dealing with water allocation at the sub-basin scale, in which authors are involved. Both are used to support collective decision processes through simulation of resource use dynamics. Agent-Based Models entail the broadening of spatial information of actors in the process, revealing inter-connected topics not taken into consideration earlier. This makes it possible to remain relevant, despite the sometimes rapidly evolving stakes. The central point of this paper is the implementation, within a practical application, of theories advocating the use of ABM as a collective decision support system. This application promotes a better understanding of the kind of support ABM provides and the way it does so. This is brought about more by re-framing the discussion and modifying the representation of the system on the part of the stakeholders than by providing specific agreements.  相似文献   
国外氢氧化镁生产应用与研发动向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对国外主要是美国、日本氢氧化镁生产应用和研发动向作了评述.包括生产厂家、装置能力、消耗构成、近期研发活动以及在环境领域诸如废水中重金属脱除、烟气脱硫和造纸厂纸浆精制方面的应用.并列出了国外有关镁质矿物资源方面的文献目录.  相似文献   
和谐社会引发的经济学思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章从经济学角度分析了和谐社会带来的三点思考:和谐社会呼唤主流经济学“经济人”假设研究范式的变革;和谐社会所追求的经济增长是社会和谐GDP的增长;和谐也是生产力。  相似文献   
萃取精馏技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了萃取精馏的操作方式,连续萃取精馏和间歇萃取精馏,萃取精馏溶剂筛选的主要指标是寻求溶剂对分离物系的最大选择度,着重介绍了萃取精馏溶剂的选择方法,目前进行溶剂筛选的方法有实验法、数据库查询法、经验值方法、计算机辅助分子设计法(CAMD)等,从而得出萃取精馏溶剂筛选的结论并对其提出展望。  相似文献   

We undertook a review and classification of research on electronic commerce (e-commerce) in developing countries. We analyzed 181 articles published in a broad range of journals covering e-commerce, global information technology, and development issues. The analysis provides a roadmap that not only indicates the current state of e-commerce for development research but also identifies gaps and priorities for future research. This will be of significant value to both academics and practitioners who are working on, or plan to work on, e-commerce in developing countries.  相似文献   
This paper investigates how the innovation–productivity relationship differs across various sub-branches of the services sector. The Crépon, Duguet and Mairesse structural model is used, consisting of equations for innovation expenditures, innovation output, productivity and exports. The data are taken from the Community Innovation Surveys for Estonia. It is shown that innovation is associated with increased productivity. The results indicate, surprisingly, that the association between technological innovation and productivity is stronger in the less knowledge-intensive service (KIS) sectors. Non-technological innovation plays a positive role especially in KISs. An indirect channel of the effects of innovation on productivity appears to function through increased exports.  相似文献   
民间借贷具有解决融资难、规范民间借贷法律、打击违法犯罪行为等作用,对国民经济发展有一定的积极作用。近几年,黑龙江省民间借贷发展较为活跃,但相应的法律规制还不完善,仍存在违规经营混杂、信息监测体系不完善、法律体系缺乏等问题。黑龙江省应加快制定规范民间借贷的经营行为,健全民间借贷法律监管体系,加快推进民间借贷的立法进程,从而有效完善民间借贷法律规制,促进其健康有序发展。  相似文献   
多输入多输出正交频分复用(MIMO-OFDM)系统对定时偏移和频率偏差极其敏感,并且对时间同步精度要求极高。分析比较了29种具有代表性的MIMO-OFDM系统同步算法的优缺点,指出针对数据辅助类的同步方法,采用共轭、取反等特性构造优良正交性的训练序列是提高时间同步性能的关键,可在时域进行频偏估计和降低参数维数来降低系统计算复杂度;针对非数据辅助类的同步方法,构造计算复杂度较低的代价函数是提高频率同步性能的关键,这些都是MIMO-OFDM系统同步方法值得研究的方向。  相似文献   
满足市民利用闲暇时间放松身心的游憩需求,不仅仅是市民个人的问题,更关系到城市发展问题。从南京市民角度看,参与游憩的欲望与程度取决于市民个体的身体及收入状况、游憩地类型、距离因素等;从时空特征角度看,市民游憩时间与闲暇时间呈正相关,而在空间上则表现出距离衰减规律;从游憩地条件看,游憩设施吸引力有限、消费太高、服务有待完善、交通不够便捷等问题已成为市民参与游憩的障碍。政府部门应加强对市民游憩观念的引导,更应加大投入力度,强化基础设施及游憩功能建设,着力解决诸如公共交通、环境保护等问题,推进游憩资源整合,不断完善游憩服务与产品,提升公共服务能力。  相似文献   
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