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This paper extends previous analyses of the choice between internal and external R&D to consider the costs of internal R&D. The Heckman two-stage estimator is used to estimate the determinants of internal R&D unit cost (i.e. cost per product innovation) allowing for sample selection effects. Theory indicates that R&D unit cost will be influenced by scale issues and by the technological opportunities faced by the firm. Transaction costs encountered in research activities are allowed for and, in addition, consideration is given to issues of market structure which influence the choice of R&D mode without affecting the unit cost of internal or external R&D. The model is tested on data from a sample of over 500 UK manufacturing plants which have engaged in product innovation. The key determinants of R&D mode are the scale of plant and R&D input, and market structure conditions. In terms of the R&D cost equation, scale factors are again important and have a non-linear relationship with R&D unit cost. Specificities in physical and human capital also affect unit cost, but have no clear impact on the choice of R&D mode. There is no evidence of technological opportunity affecting either R&D cost or the internal/external decision.  相似文献   
SAP公司,在中国企业管理界来说绝对不会陌生,SAP可以说是ERP的代名词。SAP公司的R/3系统凭借其自身系统的完美性、极高的成功率,令无数企业爱不释手,但其不匪的身价却又使企业有可望而不可求之感。SAPR/3系统是由SD模块、FI模块、CO模块等组成的企业资源管理系统,且每一个模块都在系统中发挥极其重要的作用。  相似文献   
Trade and industrial location with heterogeneous labor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is shown in the context of a new economic geography model that when labor is heterogeneous trade liberalization may lead to industrial agglomeration and inter-regional trade. Labor heterogeneity gives local monopsony power to firms but also introduces variations in the quality of the job match. Matches are likely to be better when there are more firms and workers in the local market, giving rise to an agglomeration force which can offset the forces against, trade costs and the erosion of monopsony power. A robust agglomeration equilibrium is derived analytically and its properties illustrated with numerical simulations.  相似文献   
This article explores the market response of deep discount corporate bonds to the reduction in the capital gains tax rate incorporated into the Revenue Act of 1978. Such tax change should have increased the desirability of assets acquired for capital gains potential, such as deep discount bonds. Examining a time series of prices and returns for a sample of deep discount corporate bonds and a control group of comparable duration and credit risk corporate bonds selling at or near par did indeed provide evidence of a market price reaction. Moreover, the price changes for the deep discount bonds occurred well in advance of the implementation of the tax change.  相似文献   
黄鹏 《特区经济》2014,(7):181-183
基于DEA-Malmquist法,实证分析了2001—2012年我国三大地区及西部各省市高技术产业R&D效率的差异性及变化趋势。结果显示,西部地区的高技术产业R&D创新效率总体上是有较大提高的,特别在西部大开发前期处于高速增长状态,而2006年以后则处于持续衰退中;与其他地区相比,西部地区高技术产业R&D创新效率的提高主要得益于技术效率的提升;西部地区内部,西南地区在高技术产业的发展规模和技术创新水平上远超过了西北地区。  相似文献   
本文对我国对外直接投资的逆向技术溢出效应进行分析评价,研究表明对外直接投资对我国技术水平的提升有显著的促进作用,并且存在较大的地区差异,对外直接投资对东部地区技术水平的提升作用明显大于中西部地区。同时人力资本积累在此过程中的作用不显著。因此加大政府的扶持力度,更加注重吸收国际创新型人才,增加研发投入是我国提升对外直接投资逆向技术溢出效应的关键。  相似文献   
企业RD活动统计调查是我国科技统计调查工作的重要组成部分,其调查结果是我国政府科技管理决策的关键依据之一。当前,我国企业RD活动统计调查存在着企业RD活动统计调查组织协调工作不完善、企业RD活动统计调查组织形式和调查表指标设置仍存在缺陷、参与企业RD活动统计调查的科技统计人员缺乏系统性培训且队伍缺乏稳定性、企业RD活动统计调查的填报人员缺乏对科技指标的准确把握等突出问题。针对我国企业RD活动统计调查存在的突出问题和面临的新形势,文章提出了完善企业RD活动统计调查运行机制、强化科技部门和统计部门合作、改进企业RD活动统计调查方法、打造高素质科技统计人员队伍、进一步完善企业RD活动统计调查指标体系等对策建议。  相似文献   
研发产业的空间集散与一般产业相比既有共性又有区别,对城市和区域的产业选择及定位具有特殊意义,值得关注和研究。基于新经济地理学框架和深圳案例的分析表明,规模报酬、要素成本及交易费用是研发产业集散的内在动因,中心与外围的联系互动是其与制造业及其他产业之间关系的空间形态,其产业扩散具备特殊的内部、外部路径。据此,研发业者、中心城市和周边区域可分别采取相应的产业攻略并加强发展互动。  相似文献   
Countries whose cities host the Summer Olympic Games increase significantly their success during the competition. We study whether such effect is lasting or not. We compute the effect of hosting on the total number of medals in the subsequent games. To confront the issue that the selection of the host city is endogenous, we use a natural counterfactual: countries whose cities also bid for the Olympics but were not selected by the International Olympic Committee. In all cases, we find that Olympic success on medals fades away immediately after hosting.  相似文献   
We examine whether the size distribution and the growth process of the world’s largest cities follow Zipf’s law and Gibrat’s law. The parametric results of the size distribution analysis reject Zipf’s law for all sample sizes and also show the Zipf exponent systematically declines as the sample size increases. The growth process analysis confirms Gibrat’s law and yields a local Zipf exponent of one for cities with a normalized population less than 0.53%, which includes about 95% of the total observations. The deviations from Zipf’s law occur at the extreme upper tail and are likely a result of restricted mobility of population across countries. However, given that Gibrat’s law holds, we can expect the size distribution to converge to Zipf’s law with a decline in the barriers to immigration.  相似文献   
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