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This paper investigates the spillover effects from U.S. and regional stock markets on local stock markets in the Pacific Basin region and China. We also analyze if the spillover depends on countries’ financial and economic integration. We apply a stochastic volatility model with jumps in order to separate the spillover of extreme shocks from those of normal shocks. We find that the spillovers of both normal and extreme shocks are significant for almost all Asian countries except China. We also find that the time‐variation in stock market interdependence can largely be associated with economic integration.  相似文献   
This article is structured around three principal objectives. The first is to determine whether any incentives for appraisals support an underlying purchase offer, which may be termed a transaction bias. Appraisals that are lower than purchase prices could involve additional cost for justification and thus undermine the transaction. The second objective is to test whether appraisal data are smoothed or exhibit less volatility than purchase data. The article compares the volatility of separate appraisal and purchase data. Given separate appraisal and purchase time series, the third objective is to derive the implied optimal appraisal updating rule.The model is applied to appraisal and purchase price indices for 3.7 million repeat transactions on mortgages bought by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by using monthly data from January 1975 to December 1993. The estimation procedure uses generalized autoregressive conditioned heteroskedastic (GARCH) analysis to take account of persistence in means and volatility in the house price time series. The article draws three principal conclusions. First, appraisals are systematically higher than purchase data, a first-moment differential. Second, appraisal smoothing does not occur generally. Third, the appraisal updating rule for the United States appears to involve error correction whereby underappraisals from pervious periods are eventually adjusted.  相似文献   
Yuri Biondi 《Applied economics》2015,47(34-35):3651-3672
This article develops a heterogeneous agents-based model to examine the emergent dynamic properties of share market price formation over time, with a view on financial market stability under alternative accounting regimes. In the model, individual heterogeneous investors interact with each other and with institutional devices which are an accounting system (related to the business firm) and a price system (related to the Share Exchange). These interactions provide mechanisms for transmission through which firm-specific (accounting signal) and market-driven (aggregate price) factors can act. A baseline simulation analysis assesses the financial market stability under three alternative accounting designs, namely two kinds of historical cost accounting regime and one kind of fair-value (mark-to-market) accounting regime. The former prove to better stabilize the financial system in terms of market volatility and exuberance in perfectly balanced conditions between speculative and fundamentalist beliefs and intentions. An evolutionary analysis is then developed by varying the relative degree of speculative attitudes between the two sides of the market. Historical cost accounting regimes further prove to make the financial system more resilient to speculative waves occurring at inter-individual level. Baseline findings are further corroborated through experimental analysis in twelve artificial financial systems. This mathematical institutional economic analysis has general implications for both designing accounting systems aimed at enhancing financial market stability and preventing procyclicality, and the study of accounting information process in the formation of share market prices over time.  相似文献   
If options are correctly priced, the interpretation of volatility in the Black–Scholes model (as identifying the volatility of the underlying asset) is violated. The empirical relation between the model ‘implied volatility’ and the degree to which the option is in-the-money (moneyness) has been reported as resembling a U-shape (or ‘smile’) for options on currencies (and more of a ‘smirk’ for options on equities). In this article, using multivariate time-series analysis and employing an impulse response function, we investigate the structural relationships and dynamics of the volatility smile in relation to the option liquidity, key features of the underlying asset and market momentum. Our findings confirm evidence of a number of biases in the Black–Scholes model consistent with Chou et al. (2011) in regard to liquidity in both the underlying and the option itself, and with Peña et al. (1999) as to the importance of the option time to maturity. As well as delineating such biases as they co-relate both with each other and with the underlying asset volatility and momentum, we find that the pronounced smile is related to the differential sensitivities of in-the-money and out-of-the-money options, which itself suggests an explanation for the characteristic smile shape.  相似文献   
A general revealed preference theorem for stochastic demand behavior   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. We present a general revealed preference theorem concerning stochastic choice behavior by consumers. We show that, when the consumer spends her entire wealth, the Weak Axiom of Stochastic Revealed Preference due to Bandyopadhyay, Dasgupta, and Pattanaik (1999) is equivalent to a restriction on stochastic demand behavior that we call stochastic substitutability. We also show that the relationship between the Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference and Samuelson's inequality in the deterministic theory, and the main result of Bandyopadhyay, Dasgupta, and Pattanaik (1999) are both special cases of our result.Received: 10 September 2001, Revised: 4 April 2003, JEL Classification Numbers: D11. Correspondence to: Prasanta K. PattanaikOur greatest debt is to the referee of this paper, who made numerous helpful suggestions. We thank Robin Cubitt, Kunal Sengupta and seminar audiences at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Indian Statistical Institute, University of East Anglia, Universidad Carlos III, University of Essex and University of Montreal for their helpful comments. Prasanta K. Pattanaik acknowledges his intellectual debt to Salvador Barbera, Tapas Majumdar and Amartya Sen.  相似文献   
We present a derivative pricing and estimation methodology for a class of stochastic volatility models that exploits the observed 'bursty' or persistent nature of stock price volatility. Empirical analysis of high-frequency S&P 500 index data confirms that volatility reverts slowly to its mean in comparison to the tick-by- tick fluctuations of the index value, but it is fast mean- reverting when looked at over the time scale of a derivative contract (many months). This motivates an asymptotic analysis of the partial differential equation satisfied by derivative prices, utilizing the distinction between these time scales. The analysis yields pricing and implied volatility formulas, and the latter provides a simple procedure to 'fit the skew' from European index option prices. The theory identifies the important group parameters that are needed for the derivative pricing and hedging problem for European-style securities, namely the average volatility and the slope and intercept of the implied volatility line, plotted as a function of the log- moneyness-to-maturity-ratio. The results considerably simplify the estimation procedure. The remaining parameters, including the growth rate of the underlying, the correlation between asset price and volatility shocks, the rate of mean-reversion of the volatility and the market price of volatility risk are not needed for the asymptotic pricing formulas for European derivatives, and we derive the formula for a knock-out barrier option as an example. The extension to American and path-dependent contingent claims is the subject of future work. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
This paper studies a class of tractable jump-diffusion models, including stochastic volatility models with various specifications of jump intensity for stock returns and variance processes. We employ the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to implement model estimation, and investigate the performance of all models in capturing the term structure of variance swap rates and fitting the dynamics of stock returns. It is evident that the stochastic volatility models, equipped with self-exciting jumps in the spot variance and linearly-dependent jumps in the central-tendency variance, can produce consistent model estimates, aptly explain the stylized facts in variance swaps, and boost pricing performance. Moreover, our empirical results show that large self-exciting jumps in the spot variance, as an independent risk source, facilitate term structure modeling for variance swaps, whilst the central-tendency variance may jump with small sizes, but signaling substantial regime changes in the long run. Both types of jumps occur infrequently, and are more related to market turmoils over the period from 2008 to 2021.  相似文献   
Past research has documented that the utilisation of conference calls is greater in the high tech sector than in other industries. Do high tech firms benefit from that? This study attempts to answer this question by examining the impact of ‘post‐Reg FD’ conference calls on the price volatility of high tech firms listed in the US market. We find evidence that more open conference calls results in lower idiosyncratic volatility.  相似文献   
Structural models of default establish a relation across the fair values of various asset classes (equity, bonds, credit derivatives) referring to the same company. In most circumstances such relation is verified in practice, as different financial assets tend to move in the same direction at similar speed. However, occasional deviations from the theoretical fair values occur, especially in times of financial turmoil. Understanding how the dynamics of the theoretical fair values of various assets compares to that of their market values is crucial to a number of market participants. This paper investigates whether a popular structural model, the CreditGrades approach proposed by Finger (2002) , Stamicar and Finger (2005) , succeeds in explaining the dynamic relation between equity/option variables and Credit Default Swap (CDS) premia at individual company level. We find that CDS model spreads display a significant correlation with CDS market spreads. However, the gap between the two is time varying and widens substantially in times of financial turbulence. The analysis of the gap dynamics reveals that this is partly due to episodes of decoupling between equity and credit markets, and partly due to shortcomings of the model. Finally, we observe that model spreads tend to predict market spreads.  相似文献   
文章研究了机构投资者对所投资公司公允价值计量的偏好和机构行为与市场波动的关系,以及公允价值计量方式对于市场波动的影响,并且检验了公允价值计量收益和机构交易对于市场波动的交互作用。研究发现,机构表现出对于公允价值计量资产的回避态度。公允价值计量收益减小了市场波动,而机构投资者的持股和交易却显著加剧了波动,这与我国基金普遍存在短视和羊群行为的解释相吻合。研究结论对于促进公允价值计量,限制机构投机,提高市场效率具有参考意义。  相似文献   
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