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文章在全国各地区人口与消费统计数据的基础上,将人口老龄化作为影响因素引入消费函数面板模型中,实证判断各地区人口老龄化与居民消费的显著影响关系,得到结论:地区老年抚养比的增长,均会引起大部分地区平均消费倾向的下降,根据影响程度不同,各地区大致可分为三大类:老龄化严重影响居民消费、老龄化显著影响居民消费以及影响不大地区。文章给出了相应的解释,并得出启示:面对老年社会到来这个现实,要想人口老龄化不成为抑制消费的重要因素.需要大力发展社会经济,加强居民的社会保障,提高居民收入,为人口进入老年行列提供强大的经济后盾。 相似文献
Insook Cho 《Global Economic Review》2013,42(2):163-187
Abstract This paper examines the retirement consumption in Korea using the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study. This paper reports a significant post-retirement consumption fall among elderly households. The empirical results of this paper suggest that a reduction in work-related expenses is an important factor to explain the observed post-retirement consumption fall. In addition, this paper finds that the post-retirement consumption growth rate varies depending on each household's pre-retirement wealth level. The findings of this paper provide empirical evidence on retirement consumption in an emerging market with no matured public pension programmes. 相似文献
黄良军 《南京财经大学学报》2005,(2):80-83
诉讼时效既是一个实体法问题,又是一个程序法问题。在我国,存在诉讼时效审查中的职权主义,证明责任的分配不明确等问题,使诉讼时效的立法目的无法实现,有时甚至适得其反。因此,随着我国民事审判制度改革的深入,确立诉讼时效审查时的法官不自动援引原则,在证明责任中确立被告承担诉讼时效完成的主张责任的基础上,同时确立原告承担诉讼时效未完成的证明责任,这样,既符合诉讼时效的立法目的,又有利于我国司法公正。 相似文献
The evaluative function of local public actors has been exacerbated in recent years with the individualisation of social policies. One of their tasks is to select the appropriate informational basis in order to assess welfare claimants. Amartya Sen's capability approach offers a theoretical and normative framework to analyse this evaluative function. In particular, it insists on the importance of “objectivating” people's preferences with reference to their capabilities. The weight that is to be attached to individual preferences in the course of public action can be a matter of controversy. Claimants “capability for voice”, we argue, should be developed. This capability refers to their effective possibility to express their concerns with regard to the choice of the informational basis. It is argued that local institutions prohibiting capability for voice will produce adaptive preferences, whereas procedural institutions promoting reflexive public evaluation and capability for voice will result in a fairer wording of individual preferences. At a situated level, the way to connect subjective and objective information when assessing people very much depends on the position of the evaluator. Several illustrations show that the fairness of evaluation, and its impact on the people's capability set, depend on this positional perspective. 相似文献
中国股票市场财富效应的再检验——以城镇居民为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据消费的生命周期--持久收入假说,股票市场的财富增加对居民消费有促进的作用,这就是所谓的"财富效应".国外的许多研究证实了股票市场财富效应的存在,而国内的一些研究则不认为我国股票市场存在财富效应.针对这种状况,文章以我国城镇居民为例,对我国股票市场的财富效应进行了再检验,结果发现,即使针对城镇居民这一拥有股票数量相对较多的群体而言,仍然没有显示出股票市场的财富效应.对这个结果,文章进行了初步的解释并提出有关的政策建议. 相似文献
基于VAR模型对我国2005-2015年文化消费与文化产业发展的关系进行了脉冲响应分析,研究结论显示:①我国文化消费与文化产业发展之间存在长期的协整关系;②两者彼此呈现出正的脉冲响应,但文化产业发展变动对文化消费冲击的影响相对较弱,而文化消费变动对文化产业发展冲击的影响则更大。鉴于此,尝试从提高居民收入、引导并树立正确文化消费观念以及开发满足大众需求的文化产品三个方面来扩大我国居民文化消费需求水平,从而更好地推动我国文化产业的发展。 相似文献
Peilin Li 《中国与世界经济(英文版)》2017,25(6):28-44
China is at a crucial stage of overcoming the middle‐income trap, with the factors that drive economic growth having undergone significant changes, and domestic consumption playing a more important role in economic growth. It is necessary, at this point, to promote mass consumption by expanding the middle‐income group. The present paper puts forward the concept of the “double middle‐income traps.” This refers to the situation in which an economy's per capita output stagnates and the size of the middle‐income group is unable to expand for an extended period of time. These two factors are closely related. Based on data from the Chinese Social Survey conducted by the Institute of Sociology at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the present paper analyzes the scale and development of middle‐income groups, and the relationship among middle‐income groups, the middle‐class and middle‐class identity. The marginal consumption propensities of middle‐income groups are also considered. The findings of the paper indicate that the expansion of the middle‐income group plays an important role in promoting mass consumption, maintaining continuous and stable economic growth, and overcoming the double middle‐income traps. 相似文献
在经济增长模式转型背景下研究我国劳动者收入问题对于扩大消费需求具有十分重要的影响:当前我国劳动者持久性收入过低以及持久性收入的不稳定性、预防性特征抑制了居民消费需求的增长;劳动者暂时性收入的不确定性特征降低了居民的消费需求。如果能够通过大幅增加劳动者的持久性收入,就可以使劳动者形成对未来收入的稳定性预期,这对扩大国内消费需求和经济增长模式的转型具有非常重要的作用。因此,为提高劳动者收入和扩大居民的消费需求,本文提出以下对策建议:建立工资正常增长机制和支付保障机制;调整国民收入分配结构;建立完善的社会保障制度;深化金融体制改革,创新金融工具。 相似文献
Thomas M. Fullerton Jr. Roberto Tinajero Martha Patricia Barraza de Anda 《Atlantic Economic Journal》2006,34(4):467-479
Water utility planning efforts are becoming increasingly difficult throughout the world. Located in a semi-arid region, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico is a fast growing municipality that faces both physical infrastructure and water supply constraints. This paper examines monthly water consumption in Ciudad Juárez utilizing a linear transfer function procedure (LTF). Analysis is carried out for per customer usage and for the total number of municipal water system accounts. Models estimated for both series are subjected to a series of simulation benchmark tests. Findings suggest that water consumption in Ciudad Juárez reacts quickly to changes in economic and weather conditions. Out-of-sample simulation results are mixed. Per customer usage forecasts do not fare as well those for total customers relative to random walk benchmarks.Financial support for this research was provided by Southwest Center for Environmental Research Policy Grant W-04-03. Additional financial support was provided by El Paso Electric Company, Wells Fargo Bank of El Paso, and National Science Foundation Grant SES-0332001. Helpful comments and suggestions were provided by Cely Ronquillo, Brian Kelley, and Cesar Olivas. Econometric research assistance was provided by Marycruz De Leon and Irma Torres. 相似文献