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Measuring resource inequalities: The concepts and methodology for an area-based Gini coefficient 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Although inequalities in income and expenditure are relatively well researched, comparatively little attention has been paid, to date, to inequalities in resource use. This is clearly a shortcoming when it comes to developing informed policies for sustainable consumption and social justice. This paper describes an indicator of inequality in resource use called the AR-Gini. The AR-Gini is an area-based measure of resource inequality that estimates inequalities between neighbourhoods with regard to the consumption of specific consumer goods. It is also capable of estimating inequalities in the emissions resulting from resource use, such as carbon dioxide emissions from energy use, and solid waste arisings from material resource use. The indicator is designed to be used as a basis for broadening the discussion concerning ‘food deserts’ to inequalities in other types of resource use. By estimating the AR-Gini for a wide range of goods and services we aim to enhance our understanding of resource inequalities and their drivers, identify which resources have highest inequalities, and to explore trends in inequalities. The paper describes the concepts underlying the construction of the AR-Gini and its methodology. Its use is illustrated by pilot applications (specifically, men's and boys' clothing, carpets, refrigerators/freezers and clothes washer/driers). The results illustrate that different levels of inequality are associated with different commodities. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of some possible policy implications of the AR-Gini. 相似文献
田连雨 《石油工业技术监督》2014,(6):28-31
Q/SY DQ0804-2002《采油岗位技能操作程序及要求》中规定抽油机井平衡率应达到85%以上;皮带上好后,皮带下按不超过二指为松紧适合;加完盘根后,应不渗不漏,光杆不发热。该标准定性给出了一个参考范围,没有定量给出具体参数,无法作为能耗节点控制参数标准执行使用。通过应用CDY-IA型抽油机井电机多参数测试仪,现场测试不同生产状况抽油机井在不同平衡率、皮带张紧力和盘根松紧度工作状态下的能耗值,对试验数据回归分析,确定出抽油机井最佳能耗调整范围平衡率在90%~100%之间;皮带张紧力在15~20N之间;盘根松紧度力矩值小于60N·m。研制了皮带和盘根松紧度测试仪,实现了皮带张紧力和盘根松紧度定量管理。经现场应用和效果评价,节电率达11.66%,取得了较好的经济效益。 相似文献
XIAOHUI LIU 《International Review of Applied Economics》2004,18(4):483-496
This paper investigates the causal links between stock market performance and consumption for five Asian economies by applying the bound tests of Pesaran et al. and lag augmented VAR of Toda and Yamamoto . We find two‐way causal relationships between stock market performance and consumption in the cases of Hong Kong and Taiwan in the long run. The existence of such two‐way causal links indicates that stock market performance and consumption mutually affect each other, implying that the previous studies may have overestimated the wealth effect of the stock markets without taking account of the reverse causation from consumption to the stock markets. The short‐run effect of the stock market on consumption is more visible than the long‐run effect in most of the sample economies, suggesting that changes in consumption directly reflect stock market fluctuations. 相似文献
汽车共享消费的发展模式及社会经济特性分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基于私人拥有为基础的汽车普及消费既是一种大幅度提高社会福利水平的生活方式,又是一种非可持续性消费模式.汽车普及消费在促进经济增长的同时不仅消耗大量自然资源,且造成极大的环境危害.要解决汽车消费的两难问题,除了制造技术的创新外,还必须进行消费模式的创新.汽车共享作为一种创新型交通模式,在发达国家已经得到相当程度的发展,在我国更具有推广应用前景.本文对汽车共享的概念和发展历程进行分析,并对其社会经济特性和发展模式等进行研究. 相似文献
消费结构转变规律研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文在总结国内外文献的基础上,利用一个嵌入时间路径的LA/AIDS模型,探索了城镇居民食品消费结构的转变规律。结果显示,城镇居民主要食品的消费结构发生了渐进式转变,其转变期为1994-1995年。从需求弹性值变化来看,肉类从奢侈品转变为必需品,发生了本质变化,其消费量逐年上升。粮食和禽蛋类一直是必需品,其弹性值变化不大,消费量逐年下降。而水产品仍是富于弹性的奢侈品,但其弹性值逐渐下降,并趋于必需品。 相似文献
广告能否达到对目标消费者的说服目的,关键在于广告创作是否与消费者的文化心理相契舍。当代中国青少年是消费市场上庞大的生力军,他们是伴随着流行文化成长起来的,流行文化左右着他们心理和行为,进而影响着他们的消费观,因此广告学教学应对青少年流行文化心理进行研究。 相似文献
根据居民消费理论,一般而言财富增加会促进消费,国外大量经验研究已证实了房价对消费存在正向的作用。但对于中国而言,房价上涨(财富增加)似乎并没有带动消费的增加?这是什么原因呢?我们认为房价上涨不仅有财富效应,也有与之相对应的替代效应(或称为挤出效应),这是因为短期内房价上涨使得人们购房支出增加而挤出日常消费。另一方面,基于广义虚拟经济视角的消费者心理分析也能更好地解释这一现象。本文利用1999-2010年我国的省际面板数据进行估计后发现,在我国,房价上涨会对消费的变动产生显著的负影响。对此,本文认为,这主要是由于替代效应造成的,同时中国以家庭为观念的社会结构也使得人们宁愿挤出日常消费也要承受"房奴"的生活。 相似文献
杨涌滨 《生态经济(学术版)》2011,(2):124-127
扩大消费需求已成为我国优化经济增长模式、改善民生以及构建和谐社会的紧要任务。面对当前居民消费结构的不断升级,企业的营销决策应如何调整?以河南安阳为例,通过辩证、系统地研究当地居民消费特征和扩大居民消费的障碍因素,从而为企业的营销决策提供科学依据。 相似文献
消费者社会化是个体获得与消费活动有关的知识、技能和态度的过程,而大众媒体是个体社会化最重要的影响因素之一。通过对中国城市青少年的问卷调查,以青少年对媒体广告的信任度和各类媒体接触频率为纬度,揭示了大众媒体如何对中国城市青少年社会化产生影响,而后分析大众媒体如何影响青少年的非正常消费倾向。研究结论为营销管理者利用大众媒体广告强化青少年的顾客忠诚度提供了理论依据。 相似文献
Daping Zhao Sajid Anwar W. Robert J. Alexander 《Review of Development Economics》2019,23(3):1459-1476
The existing literature suggests that it is important to understand the factors that may slow the transition of an economy from middle to high income. Many factors have been suggested as promoting or retarding economic growth, but little attention has been paid to the roles of the capital account and consumption ratio. Using panel regressions involving 48 countries over the 1950–2013 period as well as employing extreme bounds analysis, we find that foreign investment outflows are associated with a mature economy and that there is an optimal consumption ratio that must be surpassed to break out of middle‐income status. These findings are robust to an extreme bounds analysis incorporating a wide range of variables potentially related to growth performance. 相似文献