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“不知有汉。无论魏晋。”后来记者得知,这是三十年来,当地居民第一次看见外人。 相似文献
2014年9月3日,重庆中国三峡博物馆抗战岁月陈列馆经过两年的改陈重新对外开放。在第三个展厅“东方堡垒”里陈列着3支手电筒,中间的手电筒来自于女兵刘桂英。她是中国远征军惟一一个走出野人山的女兵,是中国远征军历史的亲历者和见证者,也是与坎坷命运抗争的坚强女性。这个珍贵的手电筒质地铁,长17.5厘米、弯头圆周13.3厘米,部分损腐。这件文物是总物馆馆员唐维华征集而来。 相似文献
Lykourgos Magafas 《美中经济评论(英文版)》2013,(7):655-661
The present paper analyzes the Greek financial problem shows the position of the Greek economy in 2009, the solution that has been chosen by the European Financial Authorities, the results of this process and finally, correlates the Greek financial problem with the Eurozone debt problem. More specifically taking into account the Greek financial macroeconomic data of 2008 and 2009, explains the measures that they have been taken to make the Greek General Government to be the zero deficit. Also examines the process of internal devaluation based on a price-income (P-Y) diagram and it is correlated with the thermodynamic one (Pressure (P)-Volume (V)). However, this process of internal devaluation emerged some important problems that the whole program to be in strong questioning by an important part of the Greek society. The paper shows the present macroeconomic position of Greece after three year austerity and analyzes the necessity of the structural reforms in Greek economy in order to make the public debt to be almost 120% at 2020. Furthermore, it has examined the financial problem of Eurozone concerning to the debt problem as well as and the source of this problem. It is proposed the solution of the inflation haircut that will take three years to make the average depth of Eurozone to be less than 70% and the Euro to remain the unique currency in the Eurozone. Finally, this work carried out calculations on macroeconomic data using methods from the field of non-linear dynamics. 相似文献
被称为“最后一位士大夫作家”的汪曾祺以小说《受戒》等横空出世,有人误认为他远离现实生活了。在心力不支的最后的人生阶段,他为了民族未来文明不厌其烦地解剖现实人物。我们,应解其中味。 相似文献
曾一度被炒得沸沸扬扬的喜马拉雅山脉发现“野人”一事,最近又有了新的进展。有着20多年研究野生动物经验的动物学专家刘务林证实:“其实,传说中的西藏‘野人’就是棕熊。”西藏自治区野生动物保护协会动物学专家刘务林介绍,自上个世纪80年代开始,西藏 林业部门组织野生动物考察队,对西藏墨脱、朗县、亚东等地的野生动物进行了专门的调查。刘务林作为考察队成员,在考察野生动物的同时也关注了所谓的喜马拉雅“野人”。早在18世纪我国就有西藏“野人”的文献记载。传说中的野人是这样描述的:“直立行走,狂叫乱哄,身体高大,除脸部外全身长毛,… 相似文献