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江泽民总书记的"三个代表"思想是对党的先进性的新概括,是新形势下全面加强党的建设的伟大纲领,是立党之本、执政之基、力量之源.我们要以"三个代表"思想为指导,努力提高各级领导干部的政治素质和业务素质;切实加强党的基层组织建设;对广大党员提出新的更高的要求;积极探索加强党的建设的新方式、新方法.  相似文献   
在各方大力支持下,福建省村镇银行作为全国第二批试点已开展两年多,取得了不错的成绩。作为代表性的福建省建瓯石狮村镇银行,在可喜战绩的背后凸显了诸多不足,发展正遭遇瓶颈。因其健康稳步发展对福建省农村金融行业影响重大,对加快福建省"三农"建设也承担着一定的责任。为此,提出加大政策扶持、优化内部管理等对策来解决这些问题,以期展...  相似文献   
目标资本结构确定与经理人行为模式   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文从行为金融学角度对我国上市公司经理人在目标资本结构确定过程中可能采行的三种行为模式(羊群行为、追随领头人行为和拍脑袋行为)进行了分析。实证结果表明:(1)上市公司经理人在确定目标资本结构过程中表现出相对理性的“羊群行为”模式,倾向于向所在行业均值调整其资本结构,并维持资本结构的稳定性;(2)经理人在确定目标资本结构的过程中面临较高的“确定成本”;(3)由于资本市场的不完善,导致“调整成本”很高,使得部分上市公司长期偏离其目标资本结构.  相似文献   
经营性实训基地是高职院校深化产教融合,落实工学结合和培养高素质技能型人才的有效途径和重要平台。在建设与营运管理实践探索基础上,提出经贸类经营性实训基地“五位一体”模式,围绕“高素质技能型经贸类经营管理服务人才”这一中心,从实训育人、管理育人、服务育人、文化育人、创新创业育人五个方面提出和实施了具体的实践举措。  相似文献   
External currency pricing and the East Asian crisis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides a quantitative investigation of the East Asian crisis of 1997-1999. We stress two essential features of the crisis. First, the crisis was a regional phenomenon; the depth and severity of the crisis were exacerbated by a large decline in regional demand. Second, the predominance of the US dollar in the pricing of export goods in Asia (which we document empirically) led to a powerful internal propagation effect of the crisis within the region, contributing greatly to the decline in regional trade flows. We construct a multi-country macroeconomic model which contains these two features and show that it can do a good job in accounting for the response of the main macroeconomic aggregates in Korea, Malaysia and Thailand during the crisis. A key advantage of our model is that it can explain the very slow response of exports to the large real exchange rate depreciations that took place during the crisis. Without the regional dimension and dollar pricing of exports, we find that the model fails to account for the depth and severity of the crisis.  相似文献   
This article is about quality of service. It presents an overview and a summary model of current thinking on the topic. Many examples and illustrations are presented. Aspects of quality include: Quality of results and quality of process; search, experiential and credence quality; reality vs. perception; expectations vs. perceptions; customer satisfaction and technical quality. Various approaches and techniques are presented to improve performance quality—quality functions deployment, moving the line of visibility, blueprinting and failsafing—and conformance quality—guaranteeing, mystery shopping, recovering and measuring.  相似文献   
浙江大学在长期的"三育人"标兵评选活动实践中,学校党政高度重视,教代会、工会与其他职能部门齐抓共管,取得了许多宝贵经验和方法,在弘扬优良师德师风、构建和谐的育人环境和培养合格人才等方面进行了有益探索和实践。  相似文献   
《反假冒贸易协定》目的在于超越《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》的规定,建立新的知识产权国际保护标准。然而,《反假冒贸易协定》制定过程中所采取的秘密的协商程序侵害了公众的知情权,违背了透明度原则。同时,由发达国家主导的谈判进程由于缺乏发展中国家的参与,导致了《反假冒贸易协定》在内容安排和制度设计上严重忽视了发展中国家的利益,破坏了知识产权国际保护的利益平衡。《反假冒贸易协定》以复边协定方式提高知识产权国际保护标准的立法方式是对由世界贸易组织和世界知识产权组织所确立的多边体制的一种倒退,会给知识产权国际保护体制增加更多的不确定因素。  相似文献   

This paper discusses a number of interrelated topics relating to the economics of innovation diffusion that merit further research and study. These topics encompass: how innovations are not just technological, may be horizontal or vertical, and may develop over time; the role in the diffusion process of complementarities across and substitutability between different technologies and innovations; how the many different sources of innovation other than R&D are given insufficient attention in the literature; the international dimensions of the diffusion process with emphasis on cross-country effects; the role played by different market structures in the industries supplying goods embodying new technologies; the imbalance in the relative emphases upon intra- and intra-firm diffusion in the existing diffusion literature; the need for more research on the relationship between firm performance and the diffusion of innovations, and government policy on diffusion.  相似文献   
The primary focus of this paper is to examine how the increased demand for global corporate strategic consistency and flexibility redefines the roles of the corporate human resource function and its venues of influence. In particular, we analyse possible causal linkages among strategic international HR management, strategic leadership of corporate top management team (i.e. TMT), and alternative global assignment options. As globalization significantly changes not only the operating boundaries but also the symbolic context of the global organization, we argue that corporate HR function can play more influential roles in global organizations than it has in the past.  相似文献   
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