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商誉是无形资产中最为特殊的组成内容,过去人们封其性质和构成有不同的看法。在知识经济时代的今天,无形资产的性质和范畴认识得到深入,商誉的构成内容与无形资产的泉多组成内容有很多相同之处,商誉的实质就是多项未入账无形资产的总和。商誉的确认与计量问题也就转换为对企业自创无形资产的确认与计量,知识经济下应确认和计量对描述企业财务状况起关键作用的自创无形资产。但在不确定和充满风险的经济环境下,应积极稳妥地确认自创无形资产。自创无形资产的计量可按不同特点选择采用成本基础定价法、市场基础定价法、经济定价法。  相似文献   
商誉会计主要争论综述及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近百年来 ,会计理论界对商誉会计问题研究成果丰硕。本文对商誉的本质、自创商誉的会计确认、外购商誉的会计处理、负商誉性质等问题的主要争论进行了综述。  相似文献   
资产减值等有关问题是目前我国会计理论和实务中急需加以关注的问题之一,本文试图通过对我国有关资产减值准则制度与英国会计准则委员会(ASB)发布的财务报告准则第11号(FRS11)比较,以期从中借鉴有益部分,促进我国有关资产减值会计的完善。  相似文献   
This study investigates the effect of flexible tax enforcement on firms’ excess goodwill using unique manually collected data on taxpaying credit rating in China from 2014 to 2021. We document that A-rated taxpayer firms have less excess goodwill; A-rated firms reduce excess goodwill by 0.005 vis-a-vis non-A-rated firms, which accounts for 100% of the mean value of excess goodwill. This finding holds after multiple robustness tests and an endogeneity analysis. Moreover, this negative effect is more pronounced in firms with low information transparency, that are non-state-owned and that are located in regions with low tax enforcement intensity. The channel test results suggest that taxpaying credit rating system as flexible tax enforcement reduces firms’ excess goodwill through a reputation-based effect and not a governance-based effect. This study reveals that the taxpaying credit rating system in China as flexible tax enforcement can bring halo effect to A rating firms, thereby limiting irrational M&As and breaking goodwill bubble.  相似文献   
关于商誉会计理论的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
商誉是会计界所关注的一个焦点问题,历来倍受争议。本文从对商誉本有关质诸多观点的分析出发, 得出商誉的再定义。同时,针对理论界与实务界区别对待自创商誉与外购商誉的现状,也分析论证了两者的内在统一性,提出当前更应重视自创商誉问题研究的建议,并对自创商誉的计量及后续处理问题予以探讨,以期有助于商誉会计的整体协调发展并最终达成科学的共识。  相似文献   
刘俊芳 《特区经济》2011,(8):240-242
通过一典型案例可见不动产善意取得制度不能有效保护夫妻共有财产中隐名共有人的合法权利。揭示该问题产生的原因,并从善意第三人和隐名共有人利益衡量角度,设计出保护隐名共有人的制度平衡策略:增加第三人的注意义务,由律师负责相关审查来减轻国家赔偿责任和明确隐名共有人权利。  相似文献   
以2012—2017年A股上市公司为样本,采用异常审计费用衡量审计师对上市公司频繁并购重组的风险溢价,探究企业频繁并购重组与审计师风险溢价收费的关系,研究发现企业频繁并购重组会导致审计师风险溢价提高。从商誉和盈余管理角度探究其路径机制发现,商誉和真实盈余管理是频繁并购重组导致更高审计师风险溢价两个重要中介变量,而应计盈余管理并没有发挥中介作用,即频繁并购重组企业操纵利润的手段倾向于采用真实盈余管理,而非应计盈余管理。  相似文献   
目前多数国家对外购商誉予以确认,而对自创商誉不予确认,这主要是基于可靠性和稳健性的考虑。随着知识经济的到来,商誉特别是自创商誉在企业资产中的比重越来越大,确认自创商誉无论从促进会计理论发展,还是从提高会计信息质量、提高会计实务水平来看,都是十分重要的。经济的不断发展,使得会计界不得不重新确定一些新的会计确认标准,这为我们解决包括自创商誉的确认问题提供了现实的理论准备。  相似文献   
This study uses recent developments in the theoretical modelling of the links between unrecorded accounting goodwill, accounting profitability and the cost of equity, together with Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) betas, to estimate the ex-ante equity risk premium in the UK. The results suggest that, over our sample period from 1968 to 1995, the premium has been in the region of 5%. Our estimate lends support to the view that the ex-ante equity risk premium is substantially less than the historical average of the excess of equity returns over the risk-free rate, and is similar to the rates applied recently by UK competition regulators.  相似文献   
UK GAAP has traditionally allowed the write-off of purchased goodwill directly to reserves, resulting in the widespread depletion of book equity. Companies have also been permitted to revalue fixed assets at management's discretion. This study examines whether upward revaluations have been associated with the depletion of book equity and with other costly contracting explanations identified in prior research. Our results provide strong support for the equity depletion hypothesis, both with regard to the decision to revalue and the timing of the revaluations. Indebtedness, liquidity, size and fixed asset intensity are also consistently associated with upward revaluation.  相似文献   
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