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人社部发[2010]12号各省、自治区、直辖市人力资源社会保障(人事、劳动保障)厅(局)、教育厅(教委)、卫生厅(局),新疆生产建设兵团人事局、劳动保障局、教育局、卫生局:近年来,  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of organizational leaders in the health system and the factors that motivate health workers, in order to improve health care. The research was conducted in the public health institutions in Montenegro. The objectives of the research were to investigate whether leaders affect the motivation of employees in order to implement changes in the health system. The study was implemented through the interview method on the representative sample of 603 employees in public health institutions. The factor analysis revealed the latent characteristics of the organizational leader and the factors that motivate employees in public health institutions. The result of study indicates that employees in public health perceive organizational leadership to have a good quality. Result also exposes that the strongest motivation factor is a financial incentive. Financial incentive is the main motivator for employees in the public health sector, while the participation in decision-making was the least important motivational factor. The results obtained indicate that employees are primarily focused on individual goals, which influence the acceptance of change within the health system. The role of organizational leaders in motivating is poor because obtained factor scores are not correlated. The research has shown that organizational leaders do not have a great impact on the motivation of employees in the public health sector. This has effect on the process of accepting changes, where the roles of leaders are very important, especially in providing support to employees.  相似文献   
王巍 《中国招标》2010,(6):16-16
某市卫生部门自行组织采购血样分析设备,在规定的时间内共有4家供应商提交了投标文件。采购人按照公开招标程序依法组建了评审委员会,评标当天经严格打分,推荐A公司为第一中标候选人,B公司为第二中标候选人。  相似文献   
<正>从2010年5月1日起,卫生部门发布的两部餐饮新规《餐饮服务许可管理办法》、《餐饮服务食品安全监督管理办法》将正式实施。据悉:如餐饮经营者使用潲水油、地沟油以及擅自滥用添加剂,违规生产自制饮料、果  相似文献   
近年来,河北省卫生部门不断探索完善工作机制和办法,各级财政部门努力筹措资金,为促进全省基本公共卫生服务均等化作出了积极的努力,取得了很好的成绩。一是各项基本公共卫生服务普遍开展;二是建立了信息化服务平台,积极探索创新了补助资金支付的管理模式,如沧州市的居民身份证管理模式、保定市南市区的代金券管理模式等;三是普遍建立了工作考核机制,根据考核结果兑现补助资金,加强了项目资金管理。尽管如此,  相似文献   
随着医学的进步和医疗水平的提高,营养类药物是现代治疗市场的宠儿。为了进一步发挥临床中肠外、肠内营养治疗药物的重要作用和合理的使用,国家卫生部门及医学会先后出台了《肠外、肠内营养专业临床药师培训指南》和《肠内营养临床药师共识》,从而为临床医生、药师、营养师的营养学工作提出了新的要求.进一步明确了肠外、肠内外营养药物给患者带来的早日康复的益处和良好的经济效益.  相似文献   
知秋 《现代商业》2011,(19):74-75
今年4月,中国台湾卫生部门例行抽验食品时,一位检验员发现一款"净元益生菌"的检测色谱中出现了异样波纹。但由于这些波纹不在食品检验表目录中,因此一般的检验员不会注意,超标了也不知道是何种物质。而这位非常尽责的检验员通过反复实验和比对明确了超标物质的身份——塑化剂。塑化剂是一种有毒的化工业用塑料软化剂,属无色、无味液体,添加后可让微粒分子散布更均匀,因此能增加延展性、弹性及柔软度,常作为沙发、汽车座椅、橡胶管、化妆品及玩具的原料。  相似文献   
当前.在继续全力以赴抢救伤员、挽救生命的同时,灾后卫生防疫工作正逐渐成为医疗卫生工作的重中之重,急中之急。四川省卫生厅厅长沈骥介绍说,为保证灾区“大灾之后无大疫”,目前卫生部门主要采取了以下七项措施:  相似文献   
济南对食品企业进行法律培训;潍坊开展特种设备安全检查;曲阜局与工商卫生部门联手整治小作坊;栖霞专项整治初见成效;招远查处两起商贩坑农案;海阳查封一食品加工小作坊;昌乐打好食品安全专项整治攻坚战;莱西五措并举加强食品监管;聊城开展液化气计量检查;  相似文献   
市人大副主任张世玉:几年来,我市卫生部门认真贯彻“三个代表”的重要思想,树立和落实以人为本的科学发展观,自觉和主动接受人大监督,坚持依法行政,在加快我市医疗卫生事业改革和发展的进程中,求真务实、团结奋进,创造性地开展工作,卫生工作取得了可喜的成绩。  相似文献   
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