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煤炭行业是我国主要的能源生产产业,在可持续发展理念深入人心的大环境下,发展循环经济已经成为贯彻落实科学发展观、实现行业可持续发展的必然选择。文章以煤炭行业循环经济发展模式为研究对象,结合目前国内煤炭行业发展中存在的问题,从经济发展和价值创新的角度对煤炭行业可持续发展进行了深入探讨,并就其中的一些问题提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   
Over the past 30 years, China has fully exploited its advantage to steadily foster an innovation system for the biomedical industry with Chinese characteristics, that is, ‘Government-guided, resource-integrated and long-term planning.’ The system originated from historically famous ‘863 program’ in the 1980s, evolved with a series of favourable policies in the different periods, and eventually has taken shape in the industrial clusters across the country. It features with a systematic and integrated R&D infrastructure (or public platform) at different levels. In this study, China’s biomedical innovation system will be examined and the leading role of Chinese authorities will be explored from the perspective of Triple Helix theory. As the ‘highland of innovation’, Shanghai case is highlighted with plentiful information gathered from primary sources in the involved agencies for the first time, including the Shanghai Biopharma Service Platform.  相似文献   
Using detailed firm-product-year data across manufacturing industries in India, and exploiting the exogenous nature of China’s entry into the WTO in 2001, we investigate the link between the impact of import penetration from China on the product variety of Indian manufacturing firms. We find: (i) robust and significant effects of product drop, with the effect coming only from competitive pressure in the domestic market; (ii) robust evidence of product drop or ‘creative destruction’ only for firms belonging to the lower-half of the size distribution; (iii) firms drop their peripheral/marginal products and concentrate on the core ones; and (iv) the result is strongest for firms producing intermediate goods. For an average Indian manufacturing firm, a 10 percentage point increase in India’s Chinese share of imports in the domestic market reduces the product scope of firms by 1.7–4.4%. In contrast, we find positive effects on product scope when firms are importing intermediate goods. We also find evidence of significant productivity effects and within-firm factor reallocation. Our results are consistent to a battery of robustness checks and IV estimation.  相似文献   
发展梧州区域休闲产业,实现产业转移“软着陆”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,休闲产业日益得到社会各界的关注并发展起来,产生了积极的经济效益和社会效益。在产业转移的大潮中,因其无限的渗透性,是承接产业转移的有效方式之一。梧州市优美的山水风光、突出的人文资源和丰富的地域文化,是其发展休闲产业的比较优势。文章通过分析梧州市发展休闲产业的必要性及可行性,进而提出发展区域休闲产业,承接产业转移"软着陆"的对策。  相似文献   
碳关税争端及其对中国制造业的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
欧美国家提议的针对高耗能进口产品特别征收的碳关税可能使中国制造业面临较大的潜在冲击。本文一是在分析碳关税争端国际背景的基础上,对美国发生大跨度政策转向的深层次原因进行深入探讨;二是通过对中国工业品的出口结构及其隐含碳排放量的分析,进一步评估碳关税对制造业可能造成的冲击程度;三是对碳关税政策与WTO规则的冲突问题进行了探讨。分析表明,尽管碳关税政策违背UNFCCC的基本原则和WTO的国民待遇原则,但欧美国家正试图利用WTO/GATT的一般例外条款加以推动。针对碳关税政策未来可能被纳入WTO规则解释范围的问题,本文提出了几项反制性的应对策略。  相似文献   
本文基于时变参数模型的经验研究表明,改革开放以来我国产业结构升级对经济波动平稳化趋势有着显著的熨平效应,并且随着产业结构升级的不断推进,这种熨平作用亦趋明显。TGARCH模型的深入分析发现三大产业对我国经济波动幅度的影响是非对称性的:第一产业波动对经济总量波动几乎没有影响;第二产业波动对经济总量波动存在杠杆效应,而这种杠杆效应主要是由重工业带来的;但第三产业波动对经济总量波动存在明显的熨平作用,交通运输仓储和邮政业、住宿餐饮业及除五大类之外的其他服务业对经济波动的熨平效应最为显著,而批发零售业、金融业和房地产业因其自身的波动较大,对经济总量波动的熨平效应较小。本文结论的政策性启示是,为保持我国国民经济的平稳化增长势头,必须进一步优化三大产业之间的关系,深入推进产业结构升级,特别是要加快第三产业发展。  相似文献   
Changes in labor market institutions and the increasing integration of the world economy may affect the volatility of capital and labor incomes. This article documents and analyzes changes in income volatility using data for 11 industrialized countries, 22 industries and 35 years (1970–2004). The article has four main findings. First, the unconditional volatility of labor income has declined in parallel to the decline in macroeconomic volatility. Second, the industry‐specific, idiosyncratic component of labor income volatility has hardly changed. Third, cross‐sectional heterogeneity is substantial. If anything, the labor incomes of high‐ and low‐skilled workers have become more volatile relative to the volatility of capital incomes. Fourth, the volatility of labor income relative to the volatility of capital income declines in the labor share. Trade openness has no clear‐cut impact.  相似文献   
In order to identify the effect of academic entrepreneurship on science, this work compares the publication performance of entrepreneurial scientists with that of conventional scientists. Using Stokes's ‘quadrant model’, this paper examines how the entrepreneurial orientation affects scientific performance. The results on advanced materials research in Japan found that (i) entrepreneurial scientists publish more papers than conventional scientists do; (ii) the papers of conventional scientists demonstrate better citation performance than those of entrepreneurial scientists do, on average; (iii) coming to the top-cited papers, entrepreneurial scientists show higher propensity for publishing high-impact papers than conventional scientists do; and (iv) the portfolio interdisciplinarity of papers authored by entrepreneurial scientists is higher than that of conventional scientists. Although the influence of academic entrepreneurship on scientific performance is still unclear, our findings suggest that entrepreneurial scientists could make a relatively large contribution to furthering the scientific frontier by relying on innovation rather than convention.  相似文献   
徐书婕  赵奕杨 《经济研究导刊》2013,(1):202+230-202,230
在"十二五"期间,中国传媒产业的发展与经济的平稳快速可持续发展息息相关,并将在文化领域促进中国特色社会主义文化的科学发展。从分析传媒产业在中国的发展入手,指出当前中国传媒产业发展的问题,并提出切实可行的创新发展思路,必将对目前传媒产业发展具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   
文章通过分解模型从横向和纵向两个方面分析影响碳排放强度变化的因素.研究表明,江苏省碳排放强度变动由行业碳排放强度和行业产出份额共同作用.相对于行业产出份额,行业碳排放强度对整个社会碳排放强度变动影响更大.而工业行业对整个社会碳排放强度贡献较大,工业部门内部结构变化对碳排放强度变化有较大影响.因此,江苏省碳排放强度研究应该重点放在行业碳排放强度的变化,尤其是研究工业行业碳排放强度的变化上以及工业结构的调整上.  相似文献   
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