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《Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing》2013,30(2-3):33-48
Abstract This study developed and tested a progressive five-level e-Relationship marketing (e-RM) model. The authors examined e-RM web features of the top 127 hotel companies. The results indicate that the hotel companies in the study did not extensively utilize higher-level (Accountable, Proactive, and Partnership) e-RM features on their websites although they employed many lower-level (Basic and Reactive) features. The study also reveals that the extent to which a hotel company employed e-RM website features was positively associated with the size of the hotel company but negatively associated with the number of brands held by the company. This article provides an in-depth e-RM literature review and discusses practical marketing implications as well. 相似文献
我国汽车产业组织结构调整与规模经济 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
世界汽车产业的发展是伴随着企业规模的不断扩张与生产的不断集中过程。我国汽车产业组织结构调整的出发点也是基于追求规模经济的原理。然而获得规模经济单纯通过扩大企业的组织规模与生产规模是无法实现的,优化生产和经营的规模是企业成长有效途径。 相似文献
为了避免绿色壁垒对我国纺织服装业造成更大的经济损失,保持行业的持续健康发展,本文分析了绿色壁垒对我国纺织服装业带来的积极影响和消极影响,进而提出应对绿色壁垒消极影响的措施。 相似文献
Tina Vukasović 《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(5):251-265
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this article is to propose and test a model in order to better understand brand equity. The goal of this research is to identify the drivers and determine how they influence brand equity performance in the researched industry in order to develop a more effective brand strategy. Quantitative data collected are used to test a model of brand value in the context of the food industry. The findings of this research provided evidence that the customer-based brand equity model can be applied to the food industry context and be used to guide marketing activities internationally. Brand awareness has a positive influence on brand associations and perceived quality. Brand associations have a positive influence on brand loyalty. Finally, brand loyalty, perceived quality, and brand associations all have a positive effect on brand equity. This study contributes to the scarce international brand equity literature by testing the proposed model using data from a sample of consumers in two European countries. 相似文献
钱小莉 《中国农业资源与区划》2018,39(9):143-148
[目的]从定量方面对江苏省农业发展方式转变对农业产业升级贡献结果进行研究,以准确把握江苏省农业发展方式转变进程。[方法]构建基于农业发展方式转变的江苏省农业产业升级评价指标体系,以2007—2016年江苏省10年的年度数据为研究对象,采用熵值法计算各年度每个指标权重以及各准则层和农业发展方式转变综合得分值。[结果](1) 2007—2016年江苏省农业产业方式转变取得了一定成效,处于良好的发展势头;(2) 2012和2014年江苏省基于农业发展方式转变的农业产业升级增长最快,2016年出现大幅下跌,导致该下跌的原因是同时期农业集约型效益的大幅下降;(3)集约型升级和高效型升级对基于农业发展方式转变的江苏省农业产业升级带动作用最大;结构合理型升级发展滞后。[结论]江苏省基于农业发展方式转变的农业产业升级还处于不断探索阶段,加速农业产业结构升级对于江苏省加快转变农业发展方式尤为重要。 相似文献