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为进一步深化铁路企业改革,加快完善市场化经营机制,应积极探索建立职业经理人制度。在阐述职业经理人制度政策依据的基础上,提出推进职业经理人制度建设的基本条件,即建立公司化的法人治理结构,并从优化产权结构、明确权责划分、推进董事会建设、发挥职业经理人作用等方面对建立健全铁路企业法人治理结构进行论述。从管理机制、激励约束机制、引进退出机制3个方面,探讨铁路企业建立职业经理人制度形成机制,提出铁路企业应按照分层分类改革原则,逐步推行职业经理人制度。  相似文献   
高校思想政治理论课是大学生思想政治教育的主渠道。职业素养教育是高职院校人才培养体系中的特色环节,也是高职院校进行大学生素质教育的重要阵地。高职院校思想政治理论课与职业素养教育实现有机融合,可以有效调动各种资源形成教育合力,有利于高职院校构建大思政工作格局。高职院校可以从做好顶层设计、整合人才队伍、融入教育载体、互鉴教育方式、规范考核评价五个方面加强思想政治理论课与职业素养教育的有机融合,形成协同育人效果。  相似文献   
The present study develops a conceptual framework that sheds light on whether institutional pressures (i.e., normative, mimetic, and coercive) and corporate support can improve innovative behavior across different societies and the moderating role of national cultural dimensions on this link. Our study validated these arguments empirically using data from the 2018 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). Data were collected and analyzed from 2,618 respondents. Data were collected through a questionnaire survey of full-time non-managerial employees selected, from different departments of various four- and five-star hotels across five economically and culturally different societies (UK, UAE, Germany, China, USA). Our results indicated that both institutional pressures and corporate support have positive influence on employees’ innovative behaviour. Furthermore, Hotels in cultures with high levels of individualism and low levels of uncertainty avoidance, power distance, and masculinity will indicate higher levels of innovative behaviour in response to corporate support programs. While, hotels in nations with high levels of power distance, collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity will indicate higher levels of innovative behaviour in response to normative, mimetic, and coercive pressure. These findings provide important implications for innovative behaviour by developing and validating a multilevel model empirically in the hospitality context.  相似文献   
The MNC resellers are vastly competitive and capital-intensive. Based on the corporate brand orientation, the objective is to investigate how the individual dimensions of hotel industry’s brand orientation can improve a corporate experience and subsequently create superior hotel performance and retailer preferences. A model of the integration of the hotel industry’s brand orientation was tested in a survey conducted among MNC resellers from hospitality industry. Structural equation modelling was applied to gain insight into the various influences and relationships. The research makes two main contributions. It makes a theoretical contribution by classifying the integration of the hotel industry’s brand orientation for hospitality industry and from this extrapolate key suggestions for further study. The continuous evolution and economic influence of the hospitality industry require the application of innovative marketing practices.  相似文献   
以福建省赤溪村农户为调研对象,运用相关性检验和二元Logistic回归模型对影响农户参与乡村旅游扶贫的因素进行研究。研究发现:农户参与乡村旅游扶贫的比例较高,但是旅游经营的项目单一;农户的学历、劳动力数量、地理位置、参与乡村旅游扶贫培训的次数对农户参与乡村旅游有显著地正向影响作用;农户生计资本和对旅游发展的感知中的权力关系、可借款能力、家庭年收入、了解乡村旅游扶贫政策、有资源用于发展乡村旅游也是影响农户参与的主要因素。在此基础上,提出了加大扶贫政策宣传力度,提高旅游扶贫政策利用程度完善旅游相关基础设施,扩大农户扶贫资金来源渠道,完善扶贫资金体系,完善旅游供给侧创新旅游经营模式,实行多项扶持的针对性建议。  相似文献   
教师是兴教之本、立教之源,是实施"双高计划"建设最重要、最直接的力量。大力加强教师队伍建设是高职院校高质量发展的迫切要求。当前高职院校教师队伍存在总量不足、高层次人才短缺、双师素质不高、创新能力不强等问题,必须引育结合、创新机制、激发活力,补齐短板,提升整体实力和水平。  相似文献   
在供给侧结构性改革背景下,政策是进行面源污染防治的有效工具。市场经济环境下,农户的行为逻辑受多元因素影响。政策作为影响第一产业发展的关键要素,对农户具有制约、引导、激励和调节作用。与此同时,农户也对政策的推行效果具有深刻的影响。本文在进行面源污染防治政策演进分析时,尝试从经济激励引导型、命令控制型以及协同辅助型等不同政策类型入手,重视经济激励和制度激励的作用,收紧面源污染防控的监管口径,建立差别化的污染治理衡量机制,并重视技术推广在污染防控中的作用。提高农户积极性,提升农户对政策的反馈效果,最终提高农户对面源污染防治政策的遵循水平,提升面源污染防治效果。  相似文献   
This study aims to theoretically integrate quality factors of both medical and hospitality services in medical tourism. Medical tourism comprises both medicine and tourism. Although the core product in medical tourism is medical treatment, attractive hospitality and travel options are also essential. Despite the dual nature of medical tourism, the two aspects of this concept have not been integrated in a unique framework. This study attempts to fill this gap using interpretive structural modeling (ISM). According to ISM, although factors of medical services and hospitality services are independent from each other, these factors have vital impacts on perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty.  相似文献   
高职院校《进出口商品归类》教学的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,高等职业技术教育蓬勃发展,加入W TO后,不少学校更希望以此为契机,大力发展国际经济与贸易专业的高职教育。《进出口商品归类》是高职院校国际经济与贸易专业中开设的专业技能类课程,也是一门实用性强的新课程,在教学实践中会不可避免地碰到一些问题,文章拟对此进行研究,提出个人见解,以促进国际经济与贸易高职教育的健康发展。  相似文献   
本文开创性的从省域经验证据上研究并证实了创业板与产业结构优化升级的正向促进关系,尤其更进一步指出了地方政府不当行为阻碍了创业板的产业结构调整作用.创业板作为我国产业结构优化战略的重要载体,其设立五年来规模稳定扩张且产业引领效应初步显现.尽管地方政府有其特殊的激励机制背景,但应该保持市场中立的态度参与创业板市场,同时政府还应该从产业结构划分、创业板市场机制完善以及市场开放多方面进行改革.  相似文献   
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