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离岸服务外包承接能力的影响因素分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文在现有研究和相关理论基础上,选取了5个影响发展中国家承接离岸服务外包的主要因素,并利用23个主要接包国的面板数据对其进行了实证检验。结果发现:一国人力资本禀赋越丰富、经济自由度越高、IT基础设施水平越完善,语言文化与欧美等主要发包国越接近,其承接离岸服务外包的能力越强。考虑到服务提供的质量,劳动力成本相对较高的发展中国家在承接离岸服务外包方面具有优势。 相似文献
缺乏系统的持续审计模型构造方法已成为制约当前计算机审计发展的瓶颈。在此背景下,以持续审计的工作原理为基础,本文提出一种基于电子取证技术的持续审计模型构造方法,它可以使持续审计更具有实时性和连续性。该模型通过实时监控异常行为的发生,一方面可以进行实时取证,对异常行为做详细记录,另一方面可以触发响应策略对不同强度的异常行为实施相应的响应。 相似文献
A case is made that the adoption of IT in European retailing is inhearntly conservative and is not characterized by the rapid revolutionary change sometimes argued to be the case. Reasons are suggested for the slow rate of integration of IT into retail management process and the limited range of applications in use operationally. These reasons are considered as within the nature of IT and within the culture of retailing. The impact of IT in retailing is considered in respect of cost reduction, improved asset productivity, changing internal relationships and the changing external relationships of retailers. Some areas of potential research are listed. 相似文献
信息技术产业的发展需要良好的制度环境作保障,合理的制度安排能促进信息技术产业的发展,通 过分析促进美国信息技术产业发展的制度因素,并借鉴其在制度安排中的成功经验,构建了适合于中国信 息技术产业发展的制度环境。 相似文献
《Services Marketing Quarterly》2013,34(4):71-94
ABSTRACT The travel industry has begun to leverage the Internet by mirroring the electronic ticketing systems used by the airlines enabling hotels and tourism institutions in general to develop IT systems similar to American Airlines' Sabre system. These systems initially allowed travel agents to search for flights electronically. Now the customer is empowered to follow the lines of disintermediation and bypass the travel agent entirely. Thus, the travel industry is in a similar phase that manufacturing companies are dealing with, namely more transparent supply chains and flatter organizational structures-a common theme found in conducting e-commerce. Several models are suggested from industry to leverage connections that sell directly to the customer or buy directly from the manufacturer, although they all present potential risks, especially since this direct contact and transparency makes additional customer-partner contact easier and more likely to occur outside the direct control of the companies involved. The most compelling example of this situation is in the travel industry. In essence, the hospitality industries in general (hotels, airlines, car rental companies, and other travel services) are providing information and reservation systems directly to end consumers, entirely bypassing the traditional intermediary of travel agencies. 相似文献
Information and communications technology (ICT) is now used more by non-IT professional end-users than by IT professionals. A survey of 125 London-based organisations found that the majority had instituted codes of conduct designed to govern the use of ICT by their employees. However, the primary purpose of adopting such codes was to ensure the security and efficient operation of the organisation's information systems rather than for wider ethical considerations. Hence, few of the codes of conduct addressed issues relating to the collection, storage and dissemination of data about individuals (personal data); this was especially the case with codes emanating from IT departments rather than senior management. In general, codes of conduct were found to be ineffective in influencing end-user behaviour in the organisations surveyed. Codes of conduct are a means by which organisations seek to exercise power, control and ownership, but their effectiveness is compromised by the nature of ICT itself as well as the attitudes of employees. The failure of well-publicised ethical policies to influence use of ICT by business studies students – the managers of tomorrow – suggests that these tensions are likely to remain unresolved. 相似文献
认识CRM--企业实施CRM的一个战略问题 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文认为,CRM即客户关系管理是一种倡导以客户为中心的企业经营管理思想.它强调与客户的沟通,一方面获取客户信息,经过整理、加工、分析和研究提取与客户关系有关的知识;另一方面运用这些知识,产生正确的决策,并展开有效的行动.通过有目的地影响企业与目标客户的关系从而影响客户的购买行为,最终实现提高客户获得、客户保留、客户忠诚和客户创利的目的. 相似文献
探讨信息技术产品中锂离子电池的安全性和环保性。研究其安全测试标准与测试项目、其组成特性和所含的有害物质,为锂离子电池的安全及环保应用研究提供参考。 相似文献
IT对组织绩效的影响很大程度取决于IT融合。本文在总结前人研究的基础上,剖析IT融合的含义,并对其维度划分方法进行探讨;最后从广度、深度和层次三个维度对IT融合进行划分,并提出IT融合的多维结构模型。本文的研究成果为未来学者进一步深入研究IT融合提供基础,也为企业对其信息化融合水平进行准确定位提供理论依据。 相似文献
随着知识经济的来临,信息技术在各个行业和部门发挥着越来越重要的作用,但我国目前的信息 技术产业结构不尽合理,而技术创新对产业结构的调整和升级有着重大影响。通过技术创新促进我国IT 产业的发展,有利于IT产业结构优化升级。 相似文献