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结合科技期刊发展现状,重点探讨了在文化体制改革的大潮中,科技期刊积极进行自身的改转型发展,从数量增长型向规模效益型转变、出版内容从综合型向精品型转变、出版形式从单一纸质化向网络化转变、发行对象从行业化向全球化和国际化转变、科技期刊社发展从事业型向企业型和市场型转变、科技期刊人才从任命型向竞争型和流动型转变。  相似文献   
河南文化资源丰富,经济实力雄厚,加之政府政策的大力支持,其文化产业和旅游产业融合趋势明显,有力的推动了河南的产业创新发展,提升了产业竞争力,实现了产业转型升级。但合作体制不顺畅、信息技术融合深度不足、高素质人才缺乏等原因阻碍了河南文化产业和旅游产业的顺利融合。河南省政府应加快建立文化旅游产业管理体制,整合文化和旅游资源,大力拓展旅游和文化市场,培养复合型创意人才,从体制、资源、市场和人才四方面上达到产业融合,从而有效推动其旅游产业和文化产业的融合发展。  相似文献   
中国城镇居民文化消费问题实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自2008年金融危机爆发以来,面对全球经济衰退,中国乃至世界都在寻找出路,特别是中国,当传统制造业面临挑战,消费特别是文化消费成为提升和调整产业结构、转变经济发展方式的重要手段。而城镇居民作为中国文化消费的主力军,对推动中国文化产业成为支柱产业起着举足轻重的作用。当前,受宏观经济发展水平、城镇居民收入水平、消费主体特征、文化产品消费环境等因素影响,我国城镇居民文化消费还存在一些需要改善的地方。为更好地引导和提高中国城镇居民文化消费水平,应大力发展文化产业,提高国家财政性教育经费,完善社会保障制度,加强文化产业法制建设,为促进我国文化消费提供制度保证。  相似文献   
基于文化产品和服务进出口数据,对中国文化贸易结构、国际市场占有率、贸易竞争力指数、显示性比较优势指数的分析表明,尽管中国是文化产品出口第一大国,但文化贸易结构不合理,文化产业总体国际竞争力较弱且发展不平衡;中国文化贸易的竞争优势主要体现在手工艺品、设计、视觉艺术品和新媒体这些外围的文化产品中,具有核心内容的影视媒介、音乐媒介、出版物及版权、文化休闲娱乐服务等文化出口比重低、竞争力弱。  相似文献   

Despite significant potential for cultural tourism, the predominant form of tourism in Malta is sun and sea. This paper evaluates Malta’s potential for cultural tourism with a focus on Valletta, a fortified historic city that overlooks the Grand Harbour. Valletta’s rich urban heritage and historic narrative makes it ideal for the development of a more culture-oriented tourism. The paper explores how, over more than half a century of tourism activity in Malta, culture and heritage retained a secondary role. Since the mid-nineties, Malta’s tourism policy shifted with culture and heritage being given greater importance, even if the sun and sea tourism remained a priority. Public and private investment brought about changes in Valletta that made it more amenable to cultural activity and tourism. Although European Capital of Culture Valletta 2018 provides new opportunities for cultural tourism to Malta, it is unclear whether this will bring a lasting legacy for Malta’s tourism. This Valletta case study shows that, for destinations with an established form of tourism, the development of cultural tourism meets with difficulties, in spite the presence of a rich urban heritage.  相似文献   
The study of Chinese nature tourism is a relatively independent research realm which adopts a cultural perspective to study the tourist experience. Chinese tourists are regarded as being accustomed to experiencing nature through associating it with high culture such as landscape poetry and paintings, calligraphy, and so on, and the impacts of traditional popular culture are seldom addressed. Yet, for the majority of Chinese, popular culture has significant influences on their behavior. From a cultural divergence approach, this paper chooses Huangshan Mountain as a case to investigate the way common Chinese people experience nature, and it is found that cultural impacts are differentiated, since neither cultures nor tourist groups are homogeneous. Specifically, tourists can be classified into classicists and folklorists according to whether they have professional knowledge about the traditional arts. As the majority of Chinese are folklorists and are largely neglected in the research, they are the main interest of this study. High culture has a weak impact on folklorists because they lack professional knowledge to associate with nature through high culture. It is popular culture that strongly influences folklorists’ behaviors in their drawing farfetched analogies to nature and praying to nature.  相似文献   
重视"以学生发展为中心"的课程理念,并不意味着降低和排斥体育教师的指导作用,教师应关注体育课程内容资源的开发,营造良好的课堂教学氛围,提高学生的学习兴趣,促进学生的发展。  相似文献   
地位是人类永恒追求的目标,是人的存在性意义之源。不过,由于社会结构的制约,不同时代、不同阶级(阶层)的人们具有不同的机遇结构,他们使用消费来追求地位的方式也大异其趣。在传统社会中,由于存在制度性的不平等,社会地位相对稳定。统治阶级更多地使用消费来确证而非追求其社会地位。在现代(工业)社会中,人们更多的是使用炫耀性消费来炫耀其经济资本,从而来追求其社会地位。在后现代社会中,以文化资本为基础的品味消费则成为人们地位争夺的新方式。  相似文献   
文化旅游的空间形态研究——基于文化空间的综述与启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
文化空间是一个多尺度的概念,现有研究分析了文化空间的哲学意义,并将其界定为非物质文化遗产的专有属性,而地理学视角的文化区探讨为文化空间的研究提供了重要补充。基于文化空间的研究体系,文章综述了文化旅游的研究概况,从物质维度、时间维度和区域维度的三重视角,分资源利用、整合路径和评价指标三个方面,构建了文化旅游空间形态的分析框架,并据此提出了文化旅游研究存在的不足和研究趋向。  相似文献   

Managers, marketers, and employees in the hotel and restaurant industry that are aware of the needs of people from different cultures will be able to better direct their efforts at product development, provide better guest services, and thereby offer a means of developing competitive advantage. This study determined cross-cultural differences in customer perceptions of employee behavior, intentions to return, and tipping between Americans and Asians living in the United States. The study was based on several impression management dimensions (ingratiation, intimidation, self-promotion, exemplification, supplication, and non-verbal behaviors). The results suggest that behaviors associated with ingratiation and exemplification techniques were perceived as being more satisfying for American than Asian respondents. Behaviors demonstrative of intimidation and supplication techniques were perceived as very dissatisfying for Americans.  相似文献   
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