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在环境问题与经济发展矛盾日趋紧张背景下,运用团队断裂带理论,选取2014-2017年我国重污染上市企业为研究样本,基于本土情境考察高管团队断裂带对企业绿色技术创新的影响。结果发现,团队成员部分特征属性会在绿色技术创新任务下被激活,社会分类断裂带和本土情境下的人际关联断裂带对企业绿色技术创新有抑制作用,任务相关断裂带和社会资本断裂带则对其有积极影响,股权集中度在这一过程中具有调节作用。基于本土视角,开拓性探究团队断裂带对绿色技术创新的影响,丰富了断裂带理论研究框架,拓展了关于断裂带类型的研究,为实践层面分析提供了新证据。  相似文献   
技术进步研究评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为人类改造自然的一切知识的总和,技术进步象一条涓涓溪流始终贯穿于整个经济增长与发展史,技术的进步是推动经济增长与发展的基础,经济学家们就技术进步对一国经济发展的影响进行研究是在对经济增长影响因素的理论探索中逐步展开的,许多经济学流派都曾关注过技术进步并试图将技术进步溶入其理论框架,从不同角度不同程度地用技术进步来解释经济增长的源泉和增长过程。本文从亚当.斯密体现在积累及劳动分工上的技术进步因素开始,循经济增长理论的发展时序,分别进一步评析了熊彼特的技术创新理论、以索洛经济增长模型为代表的新古典增长模型以及色彩斑斓的内生经济增长理论,各大理论流派均认同技术进步一定会推动经济增长和发展,但人类显然还没有找到一把普适的经济发展的"魔杖",关于技术进步与经济增长的理论研究在不断延续展开着。  相似文献   
External technology commercialization, e.g., by means of technology licensing, has recently gained in importance. Despite imperfections in technology markets, out-licensing constitutes a major technology commercialization channel. Although the identification of licensing opportunities represents a significant managerial challenge, prior research has relatively neglected these activities. Therefore, we develop the concept of ‘technology commercialization intelligence’ (TCI), which refers to the observation of a firm's environment with particular focus on identifying technology licensing opportunities. Grounded in a dynamic capabilities perspective, we test five hypotheses regarding organizational antecedents and performance consequences of TCI, drawing on data from a survey of 152 companies. The empirical findings provide strong support for the importance of the TCI concept. The findings deepen our understanding of the discrepancies between successful pioneering firms active in technology licensing and many others being less successful. The results have major implications for technology exploitation in open innovation processes.  相似文献   
This paper examines the potential of integrating future-oriented technology analysis (FTA) with risk assessment methodologies and tools, with the aim of developing more proactive risk assessments and also systematically including risk assessment in future-oriented technology analysis. The similarities and development challenges of foresight, Technology Analysis (TA) and risk assessment methodologies are discussed in the light of the empirical material gathered from projects performed at VTT. Among the projects are IRRIIS project focusing on risk assessment of critical infrastructures, INNORISK project aiming at managing opportunities, risk and uncertainties in new business creation and a project related to the climate change (CES). The case projects are positioned according to their important design dimensions (informative vs. instrumental outcomes; consensual vs. diverse future perspectives, extensive vs. exclusive stakeholder involvement, and autonomous vs. fixed management). The common and complementary features of FTA and risk assessment are discussed, suggesting new ways to evolve the modular design when integrating FTA and risk assessment methodologies and tools.  相似文献   
This paper presents a comparative case study of academic group leaders, active in three different scientific fields at a leading Swiss technical university. It examines the obstacles that prevent scientists from commercializing their technologies and how they can be reduced. Traditional models of technology transfer assume that scientists prefer either to 'go it alone' and become entrepreneurs (the inventor entrepreneur model) or to let go of their technologies to people interested in their commercialization (the surrogate entrepreneur model). The results of qualitative research suggest that these two models capture the extremes of a continuum populated by a variety of intermediate situations where scientists are unwilling completely to let go of their findings, but also do not want to become full time entrepreneurs. This results in considerable commercial potential that is unexploited. The Founding Angels approach might be a solution to this problem; it is designed for academics in these intermediate situations. The study contributes to the literature on university-industry technology transfer and should be useful for practitioners and scientists interested in maximizing the synergies between academia and industry.  相似文献   
本文选取2003~2007年的行业面板数据,采用基于GMM估计的动态面板数据模型方法,对FDI与我国15个工业部门生产技术水平间的溢出效应进行了实证检验,结果表明技术溢出带来的技术效率的提高与我国工业部门自身前期技术水平积累具有密切相关性,FDI的行业内溢出效应不太明显,而行业间垂直溢出效应显著,是重要的技术溢出途径。为此,应该鼓励本地企业融入外资产业链,以提升技术水平。  相似文献   
中关村科技园区高新技术企业技术创新模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概括了中关村科技园区高新技术企业发展及创新现状,分析总结了中关村高新技术企业存在原始创新、集成创新和二次创新3种技术创新模式,并对3种模式的特征分别进行了研究。最后指出研究中关村高新技术企业技术创新模式,对探索我国高新技术企业技术创新发展道路将有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
基于组织承诺的企业科技人员激励方式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科技人员是企业知识员工中最具价值创造性的员工类型之一,提高其组织承诺度,能有效抑制离职并提高其价值贡献度。基于对157名企业科技人员的实证研究,探讨了激励因素对其组织承诺的影响作用,并进一步根据激励因素在不同控制变量下的表现,提出了具有实际操作性的企业科技人员激励方法。  相似文献   
简述了技术预见活动在全球的开展情况,以《中国未来20年技术预见研究》为例,介绍了技术预见活动的步骤和使用方法,分析了技术预见活动过程所体现的科学发展观。  相似文献   
技术创新与装备制造业的发展——以河北省为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河北省是全国装备制造业的重要产业基地之一,河北省装备制造业是河北省经济中的重点产业,与其他产业关联度高,带动性强。但在世界经济危机的背景下,面临着发展中存在的问题,河北省装备制造业的发展面临着紧迫性。通过借鉴国内外以技术创新引领装备制造业发展的典型经验,指出以技术创新推动河北省装备制造业发展是解决问题的关键所在,并提出推动河北省装备制造业发展的对策,包括重点支持高科技产业的发展,加大对装备制造业技术创新的经费投入,鼓励企业自主研发,注重人才培养和引进,密切产学研合作,建立区域间创新资源共享的新模式等。  相似文献   
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