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本文在国内外学者已有的研究基础上,结合金融发展理论,首先对中国区域金融发展水平进行了度量,得出东部地区金融发展水平最高、西部其次、中部第三、东北最低的结论;然后利用泰尔指数及其分解法对中国区域金融发展水平差异进行了度量分析,发现中国区域金融发展水平差异在1992年-2009年间呈“U”字型走向;最后利用定性和定量的方法对中国区域金融发展水平差异的原因进行了分析,证明了中国区域金融发展水平差异是外生因素(政策因素)和内生因素(经济增长速度)共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
张德华 《特区经济》2008,(4):115-117
本文应用劳动力空间分布的偏离份额法对长三角的上海、浙江和江苏,以及珠三角的广东从1996年到2004年的工业化进程进行分析和判断。我们发现了上海已经进入了工业化的后期阶段,浙江和江苏发展迅速,已经步入工业化的中期。而较早进入工业化中期的广东在发展中遇到了难题,原因是第一产业的劳动力比重举高不下,难以转化到其它产业中去。  相似文献   
本文采用Solow的增长核算方法,对1952~2005年间我国东、中、西部地区经济增长差异的因素进行测算和分析。分析结果表明:①我国地区经济增长主要来自于资本积累,全要素生产率增长对经济增长的贡献不大,劳动投入的贡献非常小;②资本投入增长速度差异是地区增长差异的主要决定因素,促进区域协调发展,需要国家给予中、西部地区更多投资倾斜政策,同时中西部地区自身应注重基础设施,人才环境等投资环境的培育和完善以吸引外来投资;③地区增长差异在一定程度上表现为生产率增长差异,加快西部地区技术进步和效率改善速度,提高其全要素生产率是缩小我国地区增长差异、继续推进西部大开发战略的有效途径之一。  相似文献   
In this article, we use closed-form solutions to solve Wee and Yu (1997) deteriorating inventory model with a temporary price discount and Martin’s (1994) EOQ model with a temporary sale price. In Wee and Yu (1997) and Martin’s (1994), the benefits during the temporary price discount purchase cycle are represented by their objective functions. Wee and Yu (1997) and Martin (1994) only used search methods to find approximate solutions. Following the theorems we suggested, you can find closed-form solution directly when there are integer operators involve in an objective function. Using the data of Wee and Yu (1997) and Martin (1994), we can find the results are more quick and more accurate.  相似文献   
叶永卫  李增福 《金融研究》2015,485(11):151-169
本文以2007年的银行续贷政策改革作为“准自然实验”,采用双重差分模型探讨了续贷限制对企业技术创新的影响。研究发现,续贷限制显著抑制了企业的技术创新,且经过一系列稳健性检验后,该结论依然成立。进一步研究发现,该政策的作用效果因专利类型的不同而存在较大差异,具体表现为,在续贷限制之后,相较于低质量非发明专利,企业高质量发明专利下降幅度更大,进而企业创新质量降低。作用机制检验发现,续贷限制会降低企业信贷规模、缩短企业信贷期限以及增加企业融资成本,进而抑制企业技术创新。上述结果表明,“一刀切”式地收紧续贷标准会强化企业的融资约束,限制信贷资金对企业技术创新的支持作用,最终不利于企业的转型升级。本文研究为当前的续贷政策提供了来自企业创新视角的理论依据和实践参考。  相似文献   
潘宏 《投资研究》2012,(1):98-109
本文从投资者意见分歧角度出发,研究盈余发布前后一段时间内中国股票价格行为特征,并在此基础上首次考虑公告所引发的二次意见分歧对市场反应产生的影响。研究结果表明意见分歧越高的公司,股价在公告前高估情况越严重、在公告时的下降幅度越大,二次意见分歧高的股票其超额收益较大。此外,本文还发现中国股市普遍存在盈余公告提前泄露,股价的收益特征较国外有所前移,通过进一步分析发现市场知道坏消息的时间要早于好消息。  相似文献   
It is widely accepted that work status has an impact on emotional attachment to the organization, because of the different ways in which the two categories of workers, contingent and regular, are treated in the same organization. This study aims to investigate the effect of work status on affective commitment and how this relationship is influenced by identification processes.  相似文献   
This paper investigates on a theoretical level the underlying causes of recent trends in decision of firms to hire temporary and permanent labour when workers and firms meet through a frictional directed search technology. Temporary workers differ from permanent workers in that they have a lower bargaining weight but look for a permanent job while on the temporary job. The findings are that permanent arrangements are more prevalent the more productive the aggregate production function is, i.e. also in the less productive phases. More efficient matching has an inverse U shaped impact, it first increases the prevalence of temporary arrangements and then decreases it. Bargaining weights have an ambiguous impact.  相似文献   
科技创新是社会发展的动力,人力资本是创新的主体,人力资本由低层次向高层次演化的动态过程即人力资本结构高级化过程。人力资本结构高级化通过与技术结构升级匹配,营造和改善创新环境,并通过需求结构升级提升科技创新绩效。采用向量夹角衡量人力资本结构高级化水平,分析其对科技创新绩效的促进作用,并将其与人力资本存量对科技创新绩效的影响进行对比分析。回归结果显示,人力资本结构高级化能够显著提升科技创新绩效,相对于人力资本存量而言,人力资本结构高级化对科技创新绩效的作用更大。分区域研究中,东部和中部地区人力资本结构高级化对于科技创新绩效的作用高于全国平均水平,东北地区呈抑制作用。因此,在制定创新驱动人力资本政策时应考虑如何提高人力资本结构高级化水平,针对区域情况制定差异化人力资本政策。  相似文献   
Using European Working Conditions Survey, this paper shows that being employed on a temporary, rather than an open-ended, contract has a negative bearing for job satisfaction. While this effect has been established previously, the novelty of this paper is to show that the effect propagates both directly and indirectly, through working conditions and work quality. Accounting for this indirect effect allows to obtain the effect of the contractual status on job satisfaction that is substantially larger in magnitude as compared to simple direct effects, confirming the importance of accounting for unobservable individual, company-specific, and job-specific heterogeneity when addressing this relationship. Moreover, the extent of co-determination of poorer working conditions and temporary contractual status, as well as the resulting bias in estimating only a direct effect of temporary employment on job satisfaction without accounting for such co-determination, vary depending on a country setting. It is shown that in transition economies, this co-determination is larger than in non-transition economies, possibly because of the workers’ weaker bargaining power, strategic use of temporary employment to circumvent labor regulations, the absence of regulations prescribing equal treatment of workers with different contractual arrangements, or lack of compliance with such regulations.  相似文献   
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